#!/usr/bin/python # largely taken from python examples # http://docs.python.org/library/email-examples.html import os import sys import smtplib # For guessing MIME type based on file name extension import mimetypes from email import encoders from email.message import Message from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from optparse import OptionParser import gzip COMMASPACE = ', ' starts_with_mappings={ '#include' : 'text/x-include-url', '#!' : 'text/x-shellscript', '#cloud-config' : 'text/cloud-config', '#upstart-job' : 'text/upstart-job', '#part-handler' : 'text/part-handler', '#cloud-boothook' : 'text/cloud-boothook' } def get_type(fname,deftype): f = file(fname,"rb") line = f.readline() f.close() rtype = deftype for str,mtype in starts_with_mappings.items(): if line.startswith(str): rtype = mtype break return(rtype) def main(): outer = MIMEMultipart() #outer['Subject'] = 'Contents of directory %s' % os.path.abspath(directory) #outer['To'] = COMMASPACE.join(opts.recipients) #outer['From'] = opts.sender #outer.preamble = 'You will not see this in a MIME-aware mail reader.\n' parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output", help="write output to FILE [default %default]", metavar="FILE", default="-") parser.add_option("-z", "--gzip", dest="compress", action="store_true", help="compress output", default=False) parser.add_option("-d", "--default", dest="deftype", help="default mime type [default %default]", default="text/plain") parser.add_option("--delim", dest="delim", help="delimiter [default %default]", default=":") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if (len(args)) < 1: parser.error("Must give file list see '--help'") for arg in args: t = arg.split(options.delim, 1) path=t[0] if len(t) > 1: mtype = t[1] else: mtype = get_type(path,options.deftype) maintype, subtype = mtype.split('/', 1) if maintype == 'text': fp = open(path) # Note: we should handle calculating the charset msg = MIMEText(fp.read(), _subtype=subtype) fp.close() else: fp = open(path, 'rb') msg = MIMEBase(maintype, subtype) msg.set_payload(fp.read()) fp.close() # Encode the payload using Base64 encoders.encode_base64(msg) # Set the filename parameter msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=os.path.basename(path)) outer.attach(msg) if options.output is "-": ofile = sys.stdout else: ofile = file(options.output,"wb") if options.compress: gfile = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=ofile, filename = options.output ) gfile.write(outer.as_string()) gfile.close() else: ofile.write(outer.as_string()) ofile.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()