#!/bin/bash # This file is part of cloud-init. # See LICENSE file for copyright and license info. set -f VERBOSITY=0 KVM_PID="" DRY_RUN=false TEMP_D="" DEF_BRIDGE="virbr0" TAPDEVS=( ) # OVS_CLEANUP gets populated with bridge:devname pairs used with ovs OVS_CLEANUP=( ) MAC_PREFIX="52:54:00:12:34" # allow this to be set externally. _QEMU_SUPPORTS_FILE_LOCKING="${_QEMU_SUPPORTS_FILE_LOCKING}" KVM="kvm" declare -A KVM_DEVOPTS error() { echo "$@" 1>&2; } fail() { [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; exit 1; } bad_Usage() { Usage 1>&2; [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; exit 1; } randmac() { # return random mac addr within final 3 tokens local random="" random=$(printf "%02x:%02x:%02x" \ "$((${RANDOM}%256))" "$((${RANDOM}%256))" "$((${RANDOM}%256))") padmac "$random" } cleanup() { [ -z "${TEMP_D}" -o ! -d "${TEMP_D}" ] || rm -Rf "${TEMP_D}" [ -z "${KVM_PID}" ] || kill "$KVM_PID" if [ ${#TAPDEVS[@]} -ne 0 ]; then local name item for item in "${TAPDEVS[@]}"; do [ "${item}" = "skip" ] && continue debug 1 "removing" "$item" name="${item%:*}" if $DRY_RUN; then error ip tuntap del mode tap "$name" else ip tuntap del mode tap "$name" fi [ $? -eq 0 ] || error "failed removal of $name" done if [ ${#OVS_CLEANUP[@]} -ne 0 ]; then # with linux bridges, there seems to be no harm in just deleting # the device (not detaching from the bridge). However, with # ovs, you have to remove them from the bridge, or later it # will refuse to add the same name. error "cleaning up ovs ports: ${OVS_CLEANUP[@]}" if ${DRY_RUN}; then error sudo "$0" tap-control ovs-cleanup "${OVS_CLEANUP[@]}" else sudo "$0" tap-control ovs-cleanup "${OVS_CLEANUP[@]}" fi fi fi } debug() { local level=${1}; shift; [ "${level}" -gt "${VERBOSITY}" ] && return error "${@}" } Usage() { cat <<EOF Usage: ${0##*/} [ options ] -- kvm-args [ ... ] run kvm with a tap interface. options: -n | --netdev NETDEV netdev can be 'user' or a bridge. default is to bridge to $DEF_BRIDGE -d | --disk DISK.img attach DISK.img as a disk (via virtio) --dry-run only report what would be done --uefi boot with efi --uefi-nvram=FILE boot with efi, using nvram settings in FILE if FILE not present, copy from defaults. NETDEV: Above, 'NETDEV' is a comma delimited string The first field must be * bridge name: (br0 or virbr0): attach a device to this bridge * literal 'user': use qemu user networking Additional fields are optional, and can be anything that is acceptable to kvm either as: * '-device virtio-net-pci' option (see 'kvm -device virtio-net-pci,?') * '-net [user|tap]' option Example: * xkvm --netdev br0,macaddr=:05 -- -drive file=disk.img,if=virtio -curses attach a tap device to bridge 'br0' with mac address '${MAC_PREFIX}:05' * xkvm --netdev user,mac=random --netdev br1,model=e1000,mac=auto -- -curses attach virtio user networking nic with random mac address attach tap device to br1 bridge as e1000 with unspecified mac * xkvm --disk disk1.img EOF } isdevopt() { local model="$1" input="${2%%=*}" local out="" opt="" opts=() if [ -z "${KVM_DEVOPTS[$model]}" ]; then out=$($KVM -device "$model,?" 2>&1) && out=$(echo "$out" | sed -e "s,[^.]*[.],," -e 's,=.*,,') && KVM_DEVOPTS[$model]="$out" || { error "bad device model $model?"; exit 1; } fi opts=( ${KVM_DEVOPTS[$model]} ) for opt in "${opts[@]}"; do [ "$input" = "$opt" ] && return 0 done return 1 } qemu_supports_file_locking() { # hackily check if qemu has file.locking in -drive params (LP: #1716028) if [ -z "$_QEMU_SUPPORTS_FILE_LOCKING" ]; then # The only way we could find to check presense of file.locking is # qmp (query-qmp-schema). Simply checking if the virtio-blk driver # supports 'share-rw' is expected to be equivalent and simpler. isdevopt virtio-blk share-rw && _QEMU_SUPPORTS_FILE_LOCKING=true || _QEMU_SUPPORTS_FILE_LOCKING=false debug 1 "qemu supports file locking = ${_QEMU_SUPPORTS_FILE_LOCKING}" fi [ "$_QEMU_SUPPORTS_FILE_LOCKING" = "true" ] return } padmac() { # return a full mac, given a subset. # assume whatever is input is the last portion to be # returned, and fill it out with entries from MAC_PREFIX local mac="$1" num="$2" prefix="${3:-$MAC_PREFIX}" itoks="" ptoks="" # if input is empty set to :$num [ -n "$mac" ] || mac=$(printf "%02x" "$num") || return itoks=( ${mac//:/ } ) ptoks=( ${prefix//:/ } ) rtoks=( ) for r in ${ptoks[@]:0:6-${#itoks[@]}} ${itoks[@]}; do rtoks[${#rtoks[@]}]="0x$r" done _RET=$(printf "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x" "${rtoks[@]}") } make_nics_Usage() { cat <<EOF Usage: ${0##*/} tap-control make-nics [options] bridge [bridge [..]] make a tap device on each of bridges requested outputs: 'tapname:type' for each input, or 'skip' if nothing needed. type is one of 'brctl' or 'ovs' EOF } make_nics() { # takes input of list of bridges to create a tap device on # and echos either 'skip' or # <tapname>:<type> for each tap created # type is one of "ovs" or "brctl" local short_opts="v" local long_opts="--verbose" local getopt_out="" getopt_out=$(getopt --name "${0##*/} make-nics" \ --options "${short_opts}" --long "${long_opts}" -- "$@") && eval set -- "${getopt_out}" || { make_nics_Usage 1>&2; return 1; } local cur="" next="" while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do cur=${1}; next=${2}; case "$cur" in -v|--verbose) VERBOSITY=$((${VERBOSITY}+1));; --) shift; break;; esac shift; done [ $# -ne 0 ] || { make_nics_Usage 1>&2; error "must give bridge"; return 1; } local owner="" ovsbrs="" tap="" tapnum="0" brtype="" bridge="" [ "$(id -u)" = "0" ] || { error "must be root for make-nics"; return 1; } owner="${SUDO_USER:-root}" ovsbrs="" if command -v ovs-vsctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then out=$(ovs-vsctl list-br) out=$(echo "$out" | sed "s/\n/,/") ovsbrs=",$out," fi for bridge in "$@"; do [ "$bridge" = "user" ] && echo skip && continue [ "${ovsbrs#*,${bridge},}" != "$ovsbrs" ] && btype="ovs" || btype="brctl" tapnum=0; while [ -e /sys/class/net/tapvm$tapnum ]; do tapnum=$(($tapnum+1)); done tap="tapvm$tapnum" debug 1 "creating $tap:$btype on $bridge" 1>&2 ip tuntap add mode tap user "$owner" "$tap" || { error "failed to create tap '$tap' for '$owner'"; return 1; } ip link set "$tap" up 1>&2 || { error "failed to bring up $tap"; ip tuntap del mode tap "$tap"; return 1; } if [ "$btype" = "ovs" ]; then ovs-vsctl add-port "$bridge" "$tap" 1>&2 || { error "failed: ovs-vsctl add-port $bridge $tap"; ovs-vsctl del-port "$bridge" "$tap" return 1; } else ip link set "$tap" master "$bridge" 1>&2 || { error "failed to add tap '$tap' to '$bridge'" ip tuntap del mode tap "$tap"; return 1 } fi echo "$tap:$btype" done } ovs_cleanup() { [ "$(id -u)" = "0" ] || { error "must be root for ovs-cleanup"; return 1; } local item="" errors=0 # TODO: if get owner (SUDO_USERNAME) and if that isn't # the owner, then do not delete. for item in "$@"; do name=${item#*:} bridge=${item%:*} ovs-vsctl del-port "$bridge" "$name" || errors=$((errors+1)) done return $errors } quote_cmd() { local quote='"' x="" vline="" for x in "$@"; do if [ "${x#* }" != "${x}" ]; then if [ "${x#*$quote}" = "${x}" ]; then x="\"$x\"" else x="'$x'" fi fi vline="${vline} $x" done echo "$vline" } get_bios_opts() { # get_bios_opts(bios, uefi, nvram) # bios is a explicit bios to boot. # uefi is boolean indicating uefi # nvram is optional and indicates that ovmf vars should be copied # to that file if it does not exist. if it exists, use it. local bios="$1" uefi="${2:-false}" nvram="$3" local ovmf_dir="/usr/share/OVMF" local bios_opts="" pflash_common="if=pflash,format=raw" unset _RET _RET=( ) if [ -n "$bios" ]; then _RET=( -drive "${pflash_common},file=$bios" ) return 0 elif ! $uefi; then return 0 fi # ovmf in older releases (14.04) shipped only a single file # /usr/share/ovmf/OVMF.fd # newer ovmf ships split files # /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd # /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_VARS.fd # with single file, pass only one file and read-write # with split, pass code as readonly and vars as read-write local joined="/usr/share/ovmf/OVMF.fd" local code="/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd" local vars="/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_VARS.fd" local split="" nvram_src="" if [ -e "$code" -o -e "$vars" ]; then split=true nvram_src="$vars" elif [ -e "$joined" ]; then split=false nvram_src="$joined" elif [ -n "$nvram" -a -e "$nvram" ]; then error "WARN: nvram given, but did not find expected ovmf files." error " assuming this is code and vars (OVMF.fd)" split=false else error "uefi support requires ovmf bios: apt-get install -qy ovmf" return 1 fi if [ -n "$nvram" ]; then if [ ! -f "$nvram" ]; then cp "$nvram_src" "$nvram" || { error "failed copy $nvram_src to $nvram"; return 1; } debug 1 "copied $nvram_src to $nvram" fi else debug 1 "uefi without --uefi-nvram storage." \ "nvram settings likely will not persist." nvram="${nvram_src}" fi if [ ! -w "$nvram" ]; then debug 1 "nvram file ${nvram} is readonly" nvram_ro="readonly" fi if $split; then # to ensure bootability firmware must be first, then variables _RET=( -drive "${pflash_common},file=$code,readonly" ) fi _RET=( "${_RET[@]}" -drive "${pflash_common},file=$nvram${nvram_ro:+,${nvram_ro}}" ) } main() { local short_opts="hd:n:v" local long_opts="bios:,help,dowait,disk:,dry-run,kvm:,no-dowait,netdev:,uefi,uefi-nvram:,verbose" local getopt_out="" getopt_out=$(getopt --name "${0##*/}" \ --options "${short_opts}" --long "${long_opts}" -- "$@") && eval set -- "${getopt_out}" || { bad_Usage; return 1; } local bridge="$DEF_BRIDGE" oifs="$IFS" local netdevs="" need_tap="" ret="" p="" i="" pt="" cur="" conn="" local kvm="" kvmcmd="" archopts="" local def_disk_driver=${DEF_DISK_DRIVER:-"virtio-blk"} local def_netmodel=${DEF_NETMODEL:-"virtio-net-pci"} local bios="" uefi=false uefi_nvram="" archopts=( ) kvmcmd=( ) netdevs=( ) addargs=( ) diskdevs=( ) diskargs=( ) # dowait: run qemu-system with a '&' and then 'wait' on the pid. # the reason to do this or not do this has to do with interactivity # if detached with &, then user input will not go to xkvm. # if *not* detached, then signal handling is blocked until # the foreground subprocess returns. which means we can't handle # a sigterm and kill the qemu-system process. # We default to dowait=false if input and output are a terminal local dowait="" [ -t 0 -a -t 1 ] && dowait=false || dowait=true while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do cur=${1}; next=${2}; case "$cur" in -h|--help) Usage; exit 0;; -d|--disk) diskdevs[${#diskdevs[@]}]="$next"; shift;; --dry-run) DRY_RUN=true;; --kvm) kvm="$next"; shift;; -n|--netdev) netdevs[${#netdevs[@]}]=$next; shift;; -v|--verbose) VERBOSITY=$((${VERBOSITY}+1));; --dowait) dowait=true;; --no-dowait) dowait=false;; --bios) bios="$next"; shift;; --uefi) uefi=true;; --uefi-nvram) uefi=true; uefi_nvram="$next"; shift;; --) shift; break;; esac shift; done [ ${#netdevs[@]} -eq 0 ] && netdevs=( "${DEF_BRIDGE}" ) pt=( "$@" ) local kvm_pkg="" virtio_scsi_bus="virtio-scsi-pci" virtio_rng_device="virtio-rng-pci" [ -n "$kvm" ] && kvm_pkg="none" case $(uname -m) in i?86) [ -n "$kvm" ] || { kvm="qemu-system-i386"; kvm_pkg="qemu-system-x86"; } ;; x86_64) [ -n "$kvm" ] || { kvm="qemu-system-x86_64"; kvm_pkg="qemu-system-x86"; } ;; s390x) [ -n "$kvm" ] || { kvm="qemu-system-s390x"; kvm_pkg="qemu-system-misc"; } def_netmodel=${DEF_NETMODEL:-"virtio-net-ccw"} # disable virtio-scsi-bus virtio_scsi_bus="virtio-scsi-ccw" virtio_blk_bus="virtio-blk-ccw" virtio_rng_device="virtio-rng-ccw" ;; ppc64*) [ -n "$kvm" ] || { kvm="qemu-system-ppc64"; kvm_pkg="qemu-system-ppc"; } def_netmodel="virtio-net-pci" # virtio seems functional on in 14.10, but might want scsi here #def_diskif="scsi" archopts=( "${archopts[@]}" -machine pseries,usb=off ) archopts=( "${archopts[@]}" -device spapr-vscsi ) ;; *) kvm=qemu-system-$(uname -m);; esac KVM="$kvm" kvmcmd=( $kvm -enable-kvm ) local bios_opts="" if [ -n "$bios" ] && $uefi; then error "--uefi (or --uefi-nvram) is incompatible with --bios" return 1 fi get_bios_opts "$bios" "$uefi" "$uefi_nvram" || { error "failed to get bios opts"; return 1; } bios_opts=( "${_RET[@]}" ) local out="" fmt="" bus="" unit="" index="" serial="" driver="" devopts="" local busorindex="" driveopts="" cur="" val="" file="" wwn="" for((i=0;i<${#diskdevs[@]};i++)); do cur=${diskdevs[$i]} IFS=","; set -- $cur; IFS="$oifs" driver="" id=$(printf "disk%02d" "$i") file="" fmt="" bus="" unit="" index="" serial="" wwn="" for tok in "$@"; do [ "${tok#*=}" = "${tok}" -a -f "${tok}" -a -z "$file" ] && file="$tok" val=${tok#*=} case "$tok" in driver=*) driver=$val;; if=virtio) driver=virtio-blk;; if=scsi) driver=scsi-hd;; if=pflash) driver=;; if=sd|if=mtd|floppy) fail "do not know what to do with $tok on $cur";; id=*) id=$val;; file=*) file=$val;; fmt=*|format=*) fmt=$val;; serial=*) serial=$val;; wwn=*) wwn=$val;; bus=*) bus=$val;; unit=*) unit=$val;; index=*) index=$val;; esac done [ -z "$file" ] && fail "did not read a file from $cur" if [ -f "$file" -a -z "$fmt" ]; then out=$(LANG=C qemu-img info "$file") && fmt=$(echo "$out" | awk '$0 ~ /^file format:/ { print $3 }') || { error "failed to determine format of $file"; return 1; } elif [ -z "$fmt" ]; then fmt=raw fi if [ -z "$driver" ]; then driver="$def_disk_driver" fi if [ -z "$serial" ]; then # use filename as serial if not provided a wwn if [ -n "$wwn" ]; then serial="$wwn" else serial="${file##*/}" fi fi # make sure we add either bus= or index= if [ -n "$bus" -o "$unit" ] && [ -n "$index" ]; then fail "bus and index cant be specified together: $cur" elif [ -z "$bus" -a -z "$unit" -a -z "$index" ]; then index=$i elif [ -n "$bus" -a -z "$unit" ]; then unit=$i fi busorindex="${bus:+bus=$bus,unit=$unit}${index:+index=${index}}" diskopts="file=${file},id=$id,if=none,format=$fmt,$busorindex" devopts="$driver,drive=$id${serial:+,serial=${serial}}" for tok in "$@"; do case "$tok" in id=*|if=*|driver=*|$file|file=*) continue;; fmt=*|format=*) continue;; serial=*|bus=*|unit=*|index=*) continue;; file.locking=*) qemu_supports_file_locking || { debug 2 "qemu has no file locking." \ "Dropping '$tok' from: $cur" continue };; esac isdevopt "$driver" "$tok" && devopts="${devopts},$tok" || diskopts="${diskopts},${tok}" done case $driver in virtio-blk-ccw) # disable scsi when using virtio-blk-ccw devopts="${devopts},scsi=off";; esac diskargs=( "${diskargs[@]}" -drive "$diskopts" -device "$devopts" ) done local mnics_vflag="" for((i=0;i<${VERBOSITY}-1;i++)); do mnics_vflag="${mnics_vflag}v"; done [ -n "$mnics_vflag" ] && mnics_vflag="-${mnics_vflag}" # now go through and split out options # -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=virtnet0,mac=52:54:31:15:63:02 # -netdev type=tap,id=virtnet0,vhost=on,script=/etc/kvm/kvm-ifup.br0,downscript=no local netopts="" devopts="" id="" need_taps=0 model="" local device_args netdev_args device_args=( ) netdev_args=( ) connections=( ) for((i=0;i<${#netdevs[@]};i++)); do id=$(printf "net%02d" "$i") netopts=""; devopts="" # mac=auto is 'unspecified' (let qemu assign one) mac="auto" #vhost="off" IFS=","; set -- ${netdevs[$i]}; IFS="$oifs" bridge=$1; shift; if [ "$bridge" = "user" ]; then netopts="type=user" ntype="user" connections[$i]="user" else need_taps=1 ntype="tap" netopts="type=tap" connections[$i]="$bridge" fi netopts="${netopts},id=$id" [ "$ntype" = "tap" ] && netopts="${netopts},script=no,downscript=no" model="${def_netmodel}" for tok in "$@"; do [ "${tok#model=}" = "${tok}" ] && continue case "${tok#model=}" in virtio) model=virtio-net-pci;; *) model=${tok#model=};; esac done for tok in "$@"; do case "$tok" in mac=*) mac="${tok#mac=}"; continue;; macaddr=*) mac=${tok#macaddr=}; continue;; model=*) continue;; esac isdevopt "$model" "$tok" && devopts="${devopts},$tok" || netopts="${netopts},${tok}" done devopts=${devopts#,} netopts=${netopts#,} if [ "$mac" != "auto" ]; then [ "$mac" = "random" ] && randmac && mac="$_RET" padmac "$mac" "$i" devopts="${devopts:+${devopts},}mac=$_RET" fi devopts="$model,netdev=$id${devopts:+,${devopts}}" #netopts="${netopts},vhost=${vhost}" device_args[$i]="$devopts" netdev_args[$i]="$netopts" done trap cleanup EXIT reqs=( "$kvm" ) pkgs=( "$kvm_pkg" ) for((i=0;i<${#reqs[@]};i++)); do req=${reqs[$i]} pkg=${pkgs[$i]} [ "$pkg" = "none" ] && continue command -v "$req" >/dev/null || { missing="${missing:+${missing} }${req}" missing_pkgs="${missing_pkgs:+${missing_pkgs} }$pkg" } done if [ -n "$missing" ]; then local reply cmd="" cmd=( sudo apt-get --quiet install ${missing_pkgs} ) error "missing prereqs: $missing"; error "install them now with the following?: ${cmd[*]}" read reply && [ "$reply" = "y" -o "$reply" = "Y" ] || { error "run: apt-get install ${missing_pkgs}"; return 1; } "${cmd[@]}" || { error "failed to install packages"; return 1; } fi if [ $need_taps -ne 0 ]; then local missing="" missing_pkgs="" reqs="" req="" pkgs="" pkg="" for i in "${connections[@]}"; do [ "$i" = "user" -o -e "/sys/class/net/$i" ] || missing="${missing} $i" done [ -z "$missing" ] || { error "cannot create connection on: ${missing# }." error "bridges do not exist."; return 1; } error "creating tap devices: ${connections[*]}" if $DRY_RUN; then error "sudo $0 tap-control make-nics" \ $mnics_vflag "${connections[@]}" taps="" for((i=0;i<${#connections[@]};i++)); do if [ "${connections[$i]}" = "user" ]; then taps="${taps} skip" else taps="${taps} dryruntap$i:brctl" fi done else taps=$(sudo "$0" tap-control make-nics \ ${mnics_vflag} "${connections[@]}") || { error "$failed to make-nics ${connections[*]}"; return 1; } fi TAPDEVS=( ${taps} ) for((i=0;i<${#TAPDEVS[@]};i++)); do cur=${TAPDEVS[$i]} [ "${cur#*:}" = "ovs" ] || continue conn=${connections[$i]} OVS_CLEANUP[${#OVS_CLEANUP[@]}]="${conn}:${cur%:*}" done debug 2 "tapdevs='${TAPDEVS[@]}'" [ ${#OVS_CLEANUP[@]} -eq 0 ] || error "OVS_CLEANUP='${OVS_CLEANUP[*]}'" for((i=0;i<${#TAPDEVS[@]};i++)); do cur=${TAPDEVS[$i]} [ "$cur" = "skip" ] && continue netdev_args[$i]="${netdev_args[$i]},ifname=${cur%:*}"; done fi netargs=() for((i=0;i<${#device_args[@]};i++)); do netargs=( "${netargs[@]}" -device "${device_args[$i]}" -netdev "${netdev_args[$i]}") done local bus_devices if [ -n "${virtio_scsi_bus}" ]; then bus_devices=( -device "$virtio_scsi_bus,id=virtio-scsi-xkvm" ) fi local rng_devices rng_devices=( -object "rng-random,filename=/dev/urandom,id=objrng0" -device "$virtio_rng_device,rng=objrng0,id=rng0" ) cmd=( "${kvmcmd[@]}" "${archopts[@]}" "${bios_opts[@]}" "${bus_devices[@]}" "${rng_devices[@]}" "${netargs[@]}" "${diskargs[@]}" "${pt[@]}" ) local pcmd=$(quote_cmd "${cmd[@]}") error "$pcmd" ${DRY_RUN} && return 0 if $dowait; then "${cmd[@]}" & KVM_PID=$! debug 1 "kvm pid=$KVM_PID. my pid=$$" wait ret=$? KVM_PID="" else "${cmd[@]}" ret=$? fi return $ret } if [ "$1" = "tap-control" ]; then shift mode=$1 shift || fail "must give mode to tap-control" case "$mode" in make-nics) make_nics "$@";; ovs-cleanup) ovs_cleanup "$@";; *) fail "tap mode must be either make-nics or ovs-cleanup";; esac else main "$@" fi # vi: ts=4 expandtab syntax=sh