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2 files changed, 58 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/docs/commandscripting.rst b/docs/commandscripting.rst
index cfdbae44..15977b30 100644
--- a/docs/commandscripting.rst
+++ b/docs/commandscripting.rst
@@ -104,4 +104,23 @@ To make sure that a script is not accidentally called without the ``vyattacfg``
if [ "$(id -g -n)" != 'vyattacfg' ] ; then
exec sg vyattacfg -c "/bin/vbash $(readlink -f $0) $@"
- fi \ No newline at end of file
+ fi
+Postconfig on boot
+The ``/config/scripts/vyos-postconfig-bootup.script`` script is called on boot after the VyOS configuration is fully applied.
+Any modifications done to work around unfixed bugs and implement enhancements which are not complete in the VyOS system can be placed here.
+The default file looks like this:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ #!/bin/sh
+ # This script is executed at boot time after VyOS configuration is fully applied.
+ # Any modifications required to work around unfixed bugs
+ # or use services not available through the VyOS CLI system can be placed here.
+.. hint::
+ For configuration/upgrade management issues, modification of this script should be the last option. Always try to find solutions based on CLI commands first. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/troubleshooting.rst b/docs/troubleshooting.rst
index 04cb9d80..80a46932 100644
--- a/docs/troubleshooting.rst
+++ b/docs/troubleshooting.rst
@@ -297,8 +297,45 @@ to clear counters on firewall rulesets or single rules
vyos@vyos:~$ clear firewall ipv6-name <ipv6 ruleset name> counters
vyos@vyos:~$ clear firewall ipv6-name <ipv6 ruleset name> rule <rule#> counters
+Basic System Information
+Boot steps
+VyOS 1.2.0+ uses `Debian Jessie`_ as the base Linux operating system.
+Jessie was the first version of Debian that uses `systemd`_ as the default init system.
+These are the boot steps for VyOS 1.2.0+
+1. The BIOS loads Grub (or isolinux for the Live CD)
+2. Grub then starts the Linux boot and loads the Linux Kernel ``/boot/vmlinuz``
+3. Kernel Launches Systemd ``/lib/systemd/systemd``
+4. Systemd loads the VyOS service file ``/lib/systemd/system/vyos-router.service``
+5. The service file launches the VyOS router init script ``/usr/libexec/vyos/init/vyos-router`` - this is part of the `vyatta-cfg`_ Debian package
+ 1. Starts FRR_ - successor to `GNU Zebra`_ and `Quagga`_
+ 2. Initialises the boot configuration file - copies over ``config.boot.default`` if there is no configuration
+ 3. Runs the configuration migration, if the configuration is for an older version of VyOS
+ 4. Runs The pre-config script, if there is one ``/config/scripts/vyos-preconfig-bootup.script``
+ 5. If the config file was upgraded, runs any post upgrade scripts ``/config/scripts/post-upgrade.d``
+ 6. Starts **rl-system** and **firewall**
+ 7. Mounts the ``/boot`` partition
+ 8. The boot configuration file is then applied by ``/opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-boot-config-loader /opt/vyatta/etc/config/config.boot``
+ 1. The config loader script writes log entries to ``/var/log/vyatta-config-loader.log``
+ 10. Runs ``telinit q`` to tell the init system to reload ``/etc/inittab``
+ 11. Finally it runs the post-config script ``/config/scripts/vyos-postconfig-bootup.script``
+.. _Quagga:
+.. _`GNU Zebra`:
+.. _FRR:
+.. _vyatta-cfg:
+.. _systemd: _
+.. _`Debian Jessie`:
.. _mtr:
.. _tshark:
.. _`PCAP filter expressions`: