path: root/docs/automation/cloud-init.rst
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diff --git a/docs/automation/cloud-init.rst b/docs/automation/cloud-init.rst
index 3ca8739b..6164068c 100644
--- a/docs/automation/cloud-init.rst
+++ b/docs/automation/cloud-init.rst
@@ -20,9 +20,11 @@ VyOS support three types of config sources.
* Metadata - Metadata is sourced by the cloud platform or hypervisor.
In some clouds, there is implemented as an HTTP endpoint at
* Network configuration - This config source informs the system about the
network settings like IP addresses, routes, DNS. Available only in several
cloud and virtualization platforms.
* User-data - User-data is specified by the user. This config source offers the
ability to insert any CLI configuration commands into the configuration before
the first boot.
@@ -49,9 +51,9 @@ In VyOS, by default, enables only two modules:
* ``write_files`` - this module allows to insert any files into the filesystem
before the first boot, for example, pre-generated encryption keys,
certificates, or even a whole ``config.boot`` file.
* ``vyos_userdata`` - the module accepts a list of CLI configuration commands in
a ``vyos_config_commands`` section, which gives an easy way to configure the
system during deployment.
@@ -69,15 +71,15 @@ Initial Configuration
-The key used to designate a VyOS configuration is ``vyos_config_commands``. What
-follows is VyOS configuration using the "set-style" syntax. Both "set" and "delete"
-commands are supported.
+The key used to designate a VyOS configuration is ``vyos_config_commands``.
+What follows is VyOS configuration using the "set-style" syntax. Both "set"
+and "delete" commands are supported.
Commands requirements:
-* one command per line
-* if command ends in a value, it must be inside single quotes
-* a single-quote symbol is not allowed inside command or value
+* One command per line.
+* If command ends in a value, it must be inside single quotes.
+* A single-quote symbol is not allowed inside command or value.
The commands list produced by the ``show configuration commands`` command on a
VyOS router should comply with all the requirements, so it is easy to get a
@@ -86,7 +88,8 @@ proper commands list by copying it from another router.
The configuration specified in the cloud-config document overwrites default
configuration values and values configured via Metadata.
-Here is an example cloud-config that appends configuration at the time of first boot.
+Here is an example cloud-config that appends configuration at the time of
+first boot.
.. code-block:: yaml
@@ -105,9 +108,9 @@ System Defaults/Fallbacks
These are the VyOS defaults and fallbacks.
-* SSH is configured on port 22
-* ``vyos``/``vyos`` credentials if no others specified by data source
-* DHCP on first Ethernet interface if no network configuration is provided
+* SSH is configured on port 22.
+* ``vyos``/``vyos`` credentials if no others specified by data source.
+* DHCP on first Ethernet interface if no network configuration is provided.
All of these can be overridden using the configuration in user-data.
@@ -147,8 +150,8 @@ configuration.
run show ip bgp summary >> $filename
-If you need to gather information from linux commands to configure VyOS, you can
-execute commands and then configure VyOS in the same script.
+If you need to gather information from linux commands to configure VyOS, you
+can execute commands and then configure VyOS in the same script.
The following example sets the hostname based on the instance identifier
obtained from the EC2 metadata service.
@@ -211,8 +214,8 @@ the method with KVM to attach the ISO as a CD drive follows.
-For more information on the NoCloud data source, visit its
-`page <>`_
+For more information on the NoCloud data source, visit its `page
in the cloud-init documentation.
@@ -231,3 +234,189 @@ most important data filtering output for ``vyos`` keyword:
sudo grep vyos /var/log/cloud-init.log
+Cloud-init on Proxmox
+Before starting, please refer to cloud-init `network-config-docs`_ in order to
+know how to import user and network configurations.
+Most important keys that needs to be considered:
+* VyOS configuration commands are defined in user-data file.
+* Networking configurations shouldn't be passed in user-data file.
+* If no networking configuration is provided, then dhcp client is going to be
+ enabled on first interface. Bare in mind that this configuration will be
+ inyected at an OS level, so don't expect to find dhcp client configuration
+ on vyos cli. Because of this behavior, in next example lab we will disable
+ dhcp-client configuration on eth0.
+ Also, this lab considers:
+* Proxmox IP address: ****
+* Storaged used: volume local, which is mounted on directory **/var/lib/vz**,
+ and contains all type of content, including snippets.
+* Remove default dhcp client on first interface, and load other
+ configuration during first boot, using cloud-init.
+Generate qcow image
+A VyOS qcow image with cloud-init options is needed. This can be obteined
+using `vyos-vm-images`_ repo. After clonning the repo, edit the file
+**qemu.yml** and comment the **download-iso** role.
+In this lab, we are using 1.3.0 VyOS version and setting a disk of 10G.
+Download VyOS .iso file and save it as ``/tmp/vyos.iso``. Command used for
+generating qcow image:
+.. cfgcmd:: sudo ansible-playbook qemu.yml -e disk_size=10
+ -e iso_local=/tmp/vyos.iso -e grub_console=serial -e vyos_version=1.3.0
+ -e cloud_init=true -e cloud_init_ds=NoCloud
+File generated with previous command:
+Now, that file needs to be copied to proxmox server:
+.. cfgcmd:: sudo scp /tmp/vyos-1.3.0-cloud-init-10G-qemu.qcow2
+ root@
+Prepare cloud-init files
+In Proxmox server three files are going to be used for this setup:
+* **network-config**: file that will indicate to avoid dhcp client on first
+ interface.
+* **user-data**: includes vyos-commands.
+* **meta-data**: empty file (required).
+In this lab, all files are located in ``/tmp/``. So, before going on, lets
+move to that directory:
+.. cfgcmd:: cd /tmp/
+**user-data** file must start with ``#cloud-config`` and contains
+vyos-commands. For example:
+.. code-block:: none
+ #cloud-config
+ vyos_config_commands:
+ - set system host-name 'vyos-BRAS'
+ - set system ntp server
+ - set system ntp server
+ - delete interfaces ethernet eth0 address 'dhcp'
+ - set interfaces ethernet eth0 address ''
+ - set interfaces ethernet eth0 description 'WAN - ISP01'
+ - set interfaces ethernet eth1 address ''
+ - set interfaces ethernet eth1 description 'Comming through VLAN 25'
+ - set interfaces ethernet eth2 address ''
+ - set interfaces ethernet eth2 description 'Comming through VLAN 26'
+ - set protocols static route next-hop ''
+**network-config** file only has configuration that disables the automatic
+dhcp client on first interface.
+Content of network-config file:
+.. code-block:: none
+ version: 2
+ ethernets:
+ eth0:
+ dhcp4: false
+ dhcp6: false
+Finaly, file **meta-data** has no content, but it's required.
+Create seed.iso
+Once the three files were created, it's time to generate the ``seed.iso``
+image, which needs to be mounted to the new VM as a cd.
+Command for generating ``seed.iso``
+.. cfgcmd:: mkisofs -joliet -rock -volid "cidata" -output seed.iso meta-data
+ user-data network-config
+**NOTE**: be carefull while copying and pasting previous commands. Doble
+quotes may need to be corrected.
+Creating the VM
+Notes for this particular example, that may need to be modified in other
+* VM ID: in this example, VM ID used is 555.
+* VM Storage: ``local`` volume is used.
+* ISO files storage: ``local`` volume is used for ``.iso`` file storage. In
+ this scenario ``local`` volume type is set to **directory**, abd attached to
+ ``/var/lib/vz``.
+* VM Resources: these parameters can be modified as needed.
+``seed.iso`` was previously created in directory ``/tmp/``. It's necessary to
+move it to ``/var/lib/vz/template/iso``
+.. cfgcmd:: mv /tmp/seed.iso /var/lib/vz/template/iso/
+On proxmox server:
+.. code-block:: none
+ ## Create VM, import disk and define boot order
+ qm create 555 --name vyos-1.3.0-cloudinit --memory 1024 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0
+ qm importdisk 555 vyos-1.3.0-cloud-init-10G-qemu.qcow2 local
+ qm set 555 --virtio0 local:555/vm-555-disk-0.raw
+ qm set 555 --boot order=virtio0
+ ## Import seed.iso for cloud init
+ qm set 555 --ide2 media=cdrom,file=local:iso/seed.iso
+ ## Since this server has 1 nic, lets add network intefaces (vlan 25 and 26)
+ qm set 555 --net1 virtio,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1,tag=25
+ qm set 555 --net2 virtio,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1,tag=26
+Power on VM and verifications
+From cli or GUI, power on VM, and after it boots, verify configuration
+* VyOS `cloud-init-docs`_.
+* Cloud-init `network-config-docs`_.
+* Proxmox `Cloud-init-Support`_.
+.. stop_vyoslinter
+.. _network-config-docs:
+.. _vyos-vm-images:
+.. _cloud-init-docs:
+.. _Cloud-init-Support:
+.. start_vyoslinter \ No newline at end of file