path: root/docs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
-rw-r--r--docs/clustering.removed (renamed from docs/clustering.rst)0
5 files changed, 81 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/docs/clustering.rst b/docs/clustering.removed
index 97678445..97678445 100644
--- a/docs/clustering.rst
+++ b/docs/clustering.removed
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index e2a059f2..97f31360 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ language = None
# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
# This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path .
-exclude_patterns = [u'_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
+exclude_patterns = [u'_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store', '*.removed']
# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
pygments_style = 'sphinx'
diff --git a/docs/configuration-overview.rst b/docs/configuration-overview.rst
index bf9c57d9..71bfc360 100644
--- a/docs/configuration-overview.rst
+++ b/docs/configuration-overview.rst
@@ -299,11 +299,14 @@ different levels in the hierarchy.
Warning: configuration changes have not been saved.
+.. _save:
.. cfgcmd:: save
- In order to preserve configuration changes upon reboot, the
- configuration must also be saved once applied. This is done using the
- :cfgcmd:`save` command in configuration mode.
+ Use this command to preserve configuration changes upon reboot. By
+ default it is stored at */config/config.boot*. In the case you want
+ to store the configuration file somewhere else, you can add a local
+ path, an SCP address, an FTP address or a TFTP address.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -619,14 +622,11 @@ By default the difference with the running config is shown.
This means four commits ago we did ``set system ipv6 disable-forwarding``.
Rollback Changes
You can rollback configuration changes using the rollback command. This
-willn apply the selected revision and trigger a system reboot.
+will apply the selected revision and trigger a system reboot.
.. cfgcmd:: rollback <N>
@@ -675,6 +675,39 @@ be ``config.boot-hostname.YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS``.
vyos@vyos# ssh-keyscan <host> >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
+Saving and loading manually
+You can use the ``save`` and ``load`` commands if you want to manually
+manage specific configuration files.
+When using the save_ command, you can add a specific location where
+to store your configuration file. And, when needed it, you will be able
+to load it with the ``load`` command:
+.. cfgcmd:: load <URI>
+ Use this command to load a configuration which will replace the
+ running configuration. Define the location of the configuration file
+ to be loaded. You can use a path to a local file, an SCP address, an
+ SFTP address, an FTP address, an HTTP address, an HTTPS address or a
+ TFTP address.
+ .. code-block:: none
+ vyos@vyos# load
+ Possible completions:
+ <Enter> Load from system config file
+ <file> Load from file on local machine
+ scp://<user>:<passwd>@<host>/<file> Load from file on remote machine
+ sftp://<user>:<passwd>@<host>/<file> Load from file on remote machine
+ ftp://<user>:<passwd>@<host>/<file> Load from file on remote machine
+ http://<host>/<file> Load from file on remote machine
+ https://<host>/<file> Load from file on remote machine
+ tftp://<host>/<file> Load from file on remote machine
Restore Default
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index a18c2720..e6e2bf38 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ Introduction
- clustering
diff --git a/docs/install.rst b/docs/install.rst
index 3e31449f..a0455404 100644
--- a/docs/install.rst
+++ b/docs/install.rst
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ installation method which allows deploying VyOS through the network.
* :ref:`tftp-server`
* Webserver (HTTP) - optional, but we will use it to speed up installation
* VyOS ISO image to be installed (do not use images prior to VyOS 1.2.3)
-* Files ``pxelinux.0`` and ``ldlinux.c32`` `from the Syslinux distribution <>`_
+* Files *pxelinux.0* and *ldlinux.c32* `from the Syslinux distribution <>`_
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ Configure a DHCP server to provide the client with:
* An IP address
* The TFTP server address (DHCP option 66). Sometimes referred as *boot server*
-* The *bootfile name* (DHCP option 67), which is ``pxelinux.0``
+* The *bootfile name* (DHCP option 67), which is *pxelinux.0*
In this example we configured an existent VyOS as the DHCP server:
@@ -389,17 +389,18 @@ Step 2: TFTP
Configure a TFTP server so that it serves the following:
-* The ``pxelinux.0`` file from the Syslinux distribution
-* The ``ldlinux.c32`` file from the Syslinux distribution
-* The kernel of the VyOS software you want to deploy. That is the ``vmlinuz``
- file inside the ``/live`` directory of the extracted contents from the ISO
- file
+* The *pxelinux.0* file from the Syslinux distribution
+* The *ldlinux.c32* file from the Syslinux distribution
+* The kernel of the VyOS software you want to deploy. That is the
+ *vmlinuz* file inside the */live* directory of the extracted
+ contents from the ISO file.
* The initial ramdisk of the VyOS ISO you want to deploy. That is the
- ``initrd.img`` file inside the ``/live`` directory of the extracted contents
- from the ISO file. Do not use an empty (0 bytes) initrd.img file you might
- find, the correct file may have a longer name.
-* A directory named pxelinux.cfg which must contain the configuration file.
- We will use the configuration_ file shown below, which we named default_.
+ *initrd.img* file inside the */live* directory of the extracted
+ contents from the ISO file. Do not use an empty (0 bytes) initrd.img
+ file you might find, the correct file may have a longer name.
+* A directory named pxelinux.cfg which must contain the configuration
+ file. We will use the configuration_ file shown below, which we named
+ default_.
.. _configuration:
.. _default:
@@ -446,35 +447,44 @@ Example of simple (no menu) configuration file:
Step 3: HTTP
-As you can read in the configuration file, we are sending ``filesystem.squashfs``
-through HTTP. As that is a heavy file, we choose HTTP to speed up the transfer
-over TFTP.
+We also need to provide the *filesystem.squashfs* file. That is a heavy
+file and TFTP is slow, so you could send it through HTTP to speed up the
+transfer. That is how it is done in our example, you can find that in
+the configuration file above.
-First run a web server - you can use a simple one like
-`Python's SimpleHTTPServer`_ and start serving the ``filesystem.squashfs``
-file. The file can be found inside the ``/live`` directory of the extracted
-contents of the ISO file.
+**First** run a web server - you can use a simple one like
+`Python's SimpleHTTPServer`_ and start serving the `filesystem.squashfs`
+file. The file can be found inside the `/live` directory of the
+extracted contents of the ISO file.
-Second, edit the configuration file of the :ref:`install_from_tftp` so that it shows
-the correct URL at ``fetch=http://<address_of_your_HTTP_server>/filesystem.squashfs``.
+**Second**, edit the configuration file of the :ref:`install_from_tftp`
+so that it shows the correct URL at
-And third, restart the TFTP service. If you are using VyOS as your TFTP Server, you can restart
-the service with ``sudo service tftpd-hpa restart``.
+.. note:: Do not change the name of the *filesystem.squashfs* file. If
+ you are working with different versions, you can create different
+ directories instead.
-.. note:: Make sure the available directories and files in both TFTP and HTTP
- server have the right permissions to be accessed from the booting clients.
+And **third**, restart the TFTP service. If you are using VyOS as your
+TFTP Server, you can restart the service with
+``sudo service tftpd-hpa restart``.
+.. note:: Make sure the available directories and files in both TFTP
+ and HTTP server have the right permissions to be accessed from the
+ booting clients.
.. _`Python's SimpleHTTPServer`:
Client Boot
-Finally, turn on your PXE-enabled client or clients. They will automatically get an IP
-address from the DHCP server and start booting into VyOS live from the files
-automatically taken from the TFTP and HTTP servers.
+Finally, turn on your PXE-enabled client or clients. They will
+automatically get an IP address from the DHCP server and start booting
+into VyOS live from the files automatically taken from the TFTP and HTTP
-Once finished you will be able to proceed with the ``install image`` command as
-in a regular VyOS installation.
+Once finished you will be able to proceed with the ``install image``
+command as in a regular VyOS installation.