.. _examples-zone-policy:

Zone-Policy example

Native IPv4 and IPv6

We have three networks.

.. code-block:: none

  WAN -, 2001:0DB8:0:9999::0/64
  LAN -, 2001:0DB8:0:AAAA::0/64
  DMZ -, 2001:0DB8:0:BBBB::0/64

This specific example is for a router on a stick, but is very easily adapted
for however many NICs you have.

[https://i.imgur.com/Alz1J.png Topology Image]

The VyOS interface is assigned the .1/:1 address of their respective networks.
WAN is on VLAN 10, LAN on VLAN 20, and DMZ on VLAN 30.

It will look something like this:

.. code-block:: none

  interfaces {
      ethernet eth0 {
          duplex auto
          hw-id 00:53:ed:6e:2a:92
          smp_affinity auto
          speed auto
          vif 10 {
              address 2001:db8:0:9999::1/64
          vif 20 {
              address 2001:db8:0:AAAA::1/64
          vif 30 {
              address 2001:db8:0:BBBB::1/64
      loopback lo {

Zones Basics

Each interface is assigned to a zone. The interface can be physical or virtual
such as tunnels (VPN, pptp, gre, etc) and are treated exactly the same.

Traffic flows from zone A to zone B. That flow is what I refer to as a
zone-pair-direction. eg. A->B and B->A are two zone-pair-destinations.

Ruleset are created per zone-pair-direction.

I name rule sets to indicate which zone-pair-direction they represent. eg.
ZoneA-ZoneB or ZoneB-ZoneA. LAN-DMZ, DMZ-LAN.

In VyOS, you have to have unique Ruleset names. In the event of overlap, I
add a "-6" to the end of v6 rulesets. eg. LAN-DMZ, LAN-DMZ-6. This allows for
each auto-completion and uniqueness.

In this example we have 4 zones. LAN, WAN, DMZ, Local. The local zone is the
firewall itself.

If your computer is on the LAN and you need to SSH into your VyOS box, you
would need a rule to allow it in the LAN-Local ruleset. If you want to access
a webpage from your VyOS box, you need a rule to allow it in the Local-LAN

In rules, it is good to keep them named consistently. As the number of rules
you have grows, the more consistency you have, the easier your life will be.

.. code-block:: none

  Rule 1 - State Established, Related
  Rule 2 - State Invalid
  Rule 100 - ICMP
  Rule 200 - Web
  Rule 300 - FTP
  Rule 400 - NTP
  Rule 500 - SMTP
  Rule 600 - DNS
  Rule 700 - DHCP
  Rule 800 - SSH
  Rule 900 - IMAPS

The first two rules are to deal with the idiosyncrasies of VyOS and iptables.

Zones and Rulesets both have a default action statement. When using
Zone-Policies, the default action is set by the zone-policy statement and is
represented by rule 10000.

It is good practice to log both accepted and denied traffic. It can save you
significant headaches when trying to troubleshoot a connectivity issue.

To add logging to the default rule, do:

.. code-block:: none

  set firewall name <ruleSet> enable-default-log

By default, iptables does not allow traffic for established session to return,
so you must explicitly allow this. I do this by adding two rules to every
ruleset. 1 allows established and related state packets through and rule 2
drops and logs invalid state packets. We place the established/related rule at
the top because the vast majority of traffic on a network is established and
the invalid rule to prevent invalid state packets from mistakenly being matched
against other rules. Having the most matched rule listed first reduces CPU load
in high volume environments. Note: I have filed a bug to have this added as a
default action as well.

''It is important to note, that you do not want to add logging to the
established state rule as you will be logging both the inbound and outbound
packets for each session instead of just the initiation of the session.
Your logs will be massive in a very short period of time.''

In VyOS you must have the interfaces created before you can apply it to the
zone and the rulesets must be created prior to applying it to a zone-policy.

I create/configure the interfaces first. Build out the rulesets for each
zone-pair-direction which includes at least the three state rules. Then I setup
the zone-policies.

Zones do not allow for a default action of accept; either drop or reject.
It is important to remember this because if you apply an interface to a zone
and commit, any active connections will be dropped. Specifically, if you are
SSH’d into VyOS and add local or the interface you are connecting through to a
zone and do not have rulesets in place to allow SSH and established sessions,
you will not be able to connect.

The following are the rules that were created for this example
(may not be complete), both in IPv4 and IPv6. If there is no IP specified,
then the source/destination address is not explicit.

.. code-block:: none

  WAN – DMZ: – tcp/80
  WAN – DMZ: – tcp/443
  WAN – DMZ: – tcp/25
  WAN – DMZ: – tcp/53
  WAN – DMZ:2001:0DB8:0:BBBB::200 – tcp/80
  WAN – DMZ:2001:0DB8:0:BBBB::200 – tcp/443
  WAN – DMZ:2001:0DB8:0:BBBB::200 – tcp/25
  WAN – DMZ:2001:0DB8:0:BBBB::200 – tcp/53

  DMZ - Local - tcp/53
  DMZ - Local - tcp/123
  DMZ - Local - tcp/67,68

  LAN - Local - tcp/53
  LAN - Local - tcp/123
  LAN - Local - tcp/67,68
  LAN: - Local - tcp/22
  LAN:2001:0DB8:0:AAAA::10 - Local - tcp/22

  LAN - WAN - tcp/80
  LAN - WAN - tcp/443
  LAN - WAN - tcp/22
  LAN - WAN - tcp/20,21

  DMZ - WAN - tcp/80
  DMZ - WAN - tcp/443
  DMZ - WAN - tcp/22
  DMZ - WAN - tcp/20,21
  DMZ - WAN - tcp/53
  DMZ - WAN - udp/53

  Local - WAN - tcp/80
  Local - WAN - tcp/443
  Local - WAN - tcp/20,21

  Local - DMZ - tcp/25
  Local - DMZ - tcp/67,68
  Local - DMZ - tcp/53
  Local - DMZ - udp/53

  Local - LAN - tcp/67,68

  LAN - DMZ - tcp/80
  LAN - DMZ - tcp/443
  LAN - DMZ - tcp/993
  LAN:2001:0DB8:0:AAAA::10 - DMZ:2001:0DB8:0:BBBB::200 - tcp/22
  LAN: - DMZ: - tcp/22

Since we have 4 zones, we need to setup the following rulesets.

.. code-block:: none


Even if the two zones will never communicate, it is a good idea to create the
zone-pair-direction rulesets and set enable-default-log. This will allow you to
log attempts to access the networks. Without it, you will never see the
connection attempts.

This is an example of the three base rules.

.. code-block:: none

  name wan-lan {
    default-action drop
    rule 1 {
      action accept
      state {
        established enable
        related enable
    rule 2 {
      action drop
      log enable
      state {
        invalid enable

Here is an example of an IPv6 DMZ-WAN ruleset.

.. code-block:: none

  ipv6-name dmz-wan-6 {
    default-action drop
    rule 1 {
      action accept
      state {
        established enable
        related enable
    rule 2 {
      action drop
      log enable
      state {
        invalid enable
    rule 100 {
      action accept
      log enable
      protocol ipv6-icmp
    rule 200 {
      action accept
      destination {
        port 80,443
      log enable
      protocol tcp
    rule 300 {
      action accept
      destination {
        port 20,21
      log enable
      protocol tcp
    rule 500 {
      action accept
      destination {
        port 25
      log enable
      protocol tcp
      source {
        address 2001:db8:0:BBBB::200
    rule 600 {
      action accept
      destination {
        port 53
      log enable
      protocol tcp_udp
      source {
        address 2001:db8:0:BBBB::200
    rule 800 {
      action accept
      destination {
      port 22
      log enable
      protocol tcp

Once you have all of your rulesets built, then you need to create your

Start by setting the interface and default action for each zone.

.. code-block:: none

  set zone-policy zone dmz default-action drop
  set zone-policy zone dmz interface eth0.30

In this case, we are setting the v6 ruleset that represents traffic sourced
from the LAN, destined for the DMZ.
Because the zone-policy firewall syntax is a little awkward, I keep it straight
by thinking of it backwards.

 set zone-policy zone dmz from lan firewall ipv6-name lan-dmz-6

dmz-lan policy is lan-dmz. You can get a rhythm to it when you build out a bunch at one time.

In the end, you will end up with something like this config. I took out everything but the Firewall, Interfaces, and zone-policy sections. It is long enough as is.
== IPv6 Tunnel ==

If you are using a IPv6 tunnel from HE.net or someone else, the basis is the same except you have two WAN interface. One for v4 and one for v6.

You would have 5 zones instead of just 4 and you would configure your v6 ruleset between your tunnel interface and your LAN/DMZ zones instead of to the WAN.

LAN, WAN, DMZ, local and TUN (tunnel)

v6 pairs would be:

.. code-block:: none


Notice, none go to WAN since WAN wouldn't have a v6 address on it.

You would have to add a couple of rules on your wan-local ruleset to allow protocol 41 in.

Something like:

.. code-block:: none

  rule 400 {
    action accept
    destination {
    log enable
    protocol 41
    source {
      address ip.of.tunnel.broker