.. _vyos-on-clouds: Running on Clouds ################# Amazon AWS ********** Deploy VM --------- Deploy VyOS on Amazon :abbr:`AWS (Amazon Web Services)` 1. Click to ``Instances`` and ``Launch Instance`` .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-aws-01.png 2. On the marketplace search "VyOS" .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-aws-02.png 3. Choose the instance type. Minimum recommendation start from ``m3.medium`` .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-aws-03.png 4. Configure instance for your requirements. Select number of instances / network / subnet .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-aws-04.png 5. Additional storage. You can remove additional storage ``/dev/sdb``. First root device will be ``/dev/xvda``. You can skeep this step. .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-aws-05.png 6. Configure Security Group. It's recommended that you configure ssh access only from certain address sources. Or permit any (by default). .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-aws-06.png 7. Select SSH key pair and click ``Launch Instances`` .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-aws-07.png 8. Find out your public IP address. .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-aws-08.png 9. Connect to the instance by SSH key. .. code-block:: none ssh -i ~/.ssh/amazon.pem vyos@ vyos@ip-192-0-2-10:~$ References ---------- https://console.aws.amazon.com/ Azure ***** Deploy VM --------- Deploy VyOS on Azure. 1. Go to the Azure services and Click to **Add new Virtual machine** 2. Choose vm name, resource group, region and click **Browse all public and private images** .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-azure-01.png 3. On the marketplace search ``VyOS`` .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-azure-02.png 4. Generate new SSH key pair or use existing. .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-azure-03.png 5. Define network, subnet, Public IP. Or it will be created by default. .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-azure-04.png 6. Click ``Review + create``. After fiew second your deployment will be complete .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-azure-05.png 7. Click to your new vm and find out your Public IP address. .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-azure-06.png 8. Connect to the instance by SSH key. .. code-block:: none ssh -i ~/.ssh/vyos_azure vyos@ vyos@vyos-doc-r1:~$ Add interface ------------- If instance was deployed with one **eth0** ``WAN`` interface and want to add new one. To add new interface an example **eth1** ``LAN`` you need shutdown the instance. Attach the interface in the Azure portal and then start the instance. .. NOTE:: Azure does not allow you attach interface when the instance in the **Running** state. References ---------- https://azure.microsoft.com Google Cloud Platform ********************* Deploy VM --------- To deploy VyOS on GCP (Google Cloud Platform) 1. Generate SSH key pair type **ssh-rsa** from the host that will connect to VyOS. Example: .. code-block:: none ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/vyos_gcp -C "vyos@mypc" .. NOTE:: In name "vyos@mypc" The first value must be "**vyos**". Because default user is vyos and google api uses this option. 2. Open GCP console and navigate to the menu **Metadata**. Choose **SSH Keys** and click ``edit``. .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-gcp-01.png Click **Add item** and paste your public ssh key. Click ``Save``. .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-gcp-02.png 2. On marketplace search "VyOS" 3. Change Deployment name/Zone/Machine type and click ``Deploy`` .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-gcp-03.png 4. After fiew seconds click to ``instance`` .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-gcp-04.png 5. Find out your external IP address .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-gcp-05.png 6. Connect to the instance. SSH key was generated in the first step. .. code-block:: none ssh -i ~/.ssh/vyos_gcp vyos@ vyos@vyos-r1-vm:~$ References ---------- https://console.cloud.google.com/ Oracle ***************** References ---------- https://www.oracle.com/cloud/