.. _cloud-init: ############### VyOS cloud-init ############### Cloud instances of VyOS are initialized using the industry-standard cloud-init. Via cloud-init, the system performs tasks such as injecting SSH keys and configuring the network. In addition, the user can supply a custom configuration at the time of instance launch. ************** Config Sources ************** VyOS support three type of config sources. .. stop_vyoslinter * Metadata - Metadata is sourced by the cloud platform or hypervisor. In some clouds, there is implemented as an HTTP endpoint at * Network configuration - Ths config source informs the system about the network. * User-data - User-data is specified by the user. This config source offers the most flexibility and will be the focus of this documentation. .. start_vyoslinter ********* User-data ********* Major cloud providers offer a means of providing user-data at the time of instance launch. Typically the user includes user-data as plain text and the cloud provider's platform base64 encodes the user-data before injecting it into the instance. VyOS implements a user-data format called cloud-config. ************************ cloud-config file format ************************ A cloud-config document is written in YAML. The file must begin with "#cloud-config". The key used to designate a VyOS configuration is "vyos_config_commands". What follows is VyOS configuration using the "set-style" syntax. Both "set" and "delete" commands are supported. Commands requirements: * one command per line * if command ends in a value, it must be inside single quotes * a single-quote symbol is not allowed inside command or value The commands list produced by the `show configuration commands` command on a VyOS router should comply with all the requirements, so it is easy to get a proper commands list by copying it from another router. The configuration specified in the cloud-config document is merged with the default configuration and saved to /config/config.boot. Here is an example cloud-config. .. code-block:: yaml #cloud-config vyos_config_commands: - set system host-name 'vyos-prod-ashburn' - set system ntp server 1.pool.ntp.org - set system ntp server 2.pool.ntp.org - delete interfaces ethernet eth1 address 'dhcp' - set interfaces ethernet eth1 address '' - set protocols static route '' next-hop '' ************************* System Defaults/Fallbacks ************************* These are the VyOS defaults and fallbacks. * SSH is configured on port 22 * vyos/vyos credentials if no SSH public key exists in metadata * DHCP on first Ethernet interface if no network configuration is provided All of these can be overridden using configuration in user-data. *************** Troubleshooting *************** If you encounter problems, verify that the cloud-config document contains valid YAML. Online resources such as https://yamlvalidator.com/ provide a simple tool for validating YAML. cloud-init logs to /var/log/cloud-init.log. This file can be helpful in determining why the configuration varies from what you expect.