:lastproofread: 1970-01-01 .. include:: /_include/need_improvement.txt ### PKI ### VyOS 1.4 changed the way in how encrytions keys/certificates are stored on the running system. In the pre VyOS 1.4 era, certificates got stored under /config ans every service referenced a file. That made copying a running configuration from system A to system B a bit harder, as you had to copy the files and their permissions by hand. VyOS 1.4 comes with a new approach where the keys are stored on the CLI and are simply referenced by their name. Don't be afraid that you need to re-do your configuration. Key transformation is handled, as always, by our migration scripts, so this will be a smooth transition for you! Key Generation ============== Certificate Authority (CA) -------------------------- VyOS now also has the ability to create CAs, keys, Diffie-Hellman and other keypairs from an easy to access operational level command. .. opcmd:: generate pki ca Create a new :abbr:`CA (Certificate Authority)` and output the CAs public and private key on the console. .. opcmd:: generate pki ca install <name> Create a new :abbr:`CA (Certificate Authority)` and output the CAs public and private key on the console. .. include:: pki_cli_import_help.txt .. opcmd:: generate pki ca sign <ca-name> Create a new subordinate :abbr:`CA (Certificate Authority)` and sign it using the private key referenced by `ca-name`. .. opcmd:: generate pki ca sign <name> install Create a new subordinate :abbr:`CA (Certificate Authority)` and sign it using the private key referenced by `name`. .. include:: pki_cli_import_help.txt Certificates ------------ .. opcmd:: generate pki certificate Create a new public/private keypair and output the certificate on the console. .. opcmd:: generate pki certificate install <name> Create a new public/private keypair and output the certificate on the console. .. include:: pki_cli_import_help.txt .. opcmd:: generate pki certificate self-signed Create a new self-signed certificate. The public/private is then shown on the console. .. opcmd:: generate pki certificate self-signed install <name> Create a new self-signed certificate. The public/private is then shown on the console. .. include:: pki_cli_import_help.txt .. opcmd:: generate pki certificate sign <ca-name> Create a new public/private keypair which is signed by the CA referenced by `ca-name`. The signed certificate is then output to the console. .. opcmd:: generate pki certificate sign <ca-name> install <name> Create a new public/private keypair which is signed by the CA referenced by `ca-name`. The signed certificate is then output to the console. .. include:: pki_cli_import_help.txt Diffie-Hellman parameters ------------------------- .. opcmd:: generate pki dh Generate a new set of :abbr:`DH (Diffie-Hellman)` parameters. The key size is requested by the CLI and defaults to 2048 bit. The generated parameters are then output to the console. .. opcmd:: generate pki dh install <name> Generate a new set of :abbr:`DH (Diffie-Hellman)` parameters. The key size is requested by the CLI and defaults to 2048 bit. .. include:: pki_cli_import_help.txt OpenVPN ------- .. opcmd:: generate pki openvpn shared-secret Genearate a new OpenVPN shared secret. The generated secred is the output to the console. .. opcmd:: generate pki openvpn shared-secret install <name> Genearate a new OpenVPN shared secret. The generated secred is the output to the console. .. include:: pki_cli_import_help.txt WireGuard --------- .. opcmd:: generate pki wireguard key-pair Generate a new WireGuard public/private key portion and output the result to the console. .. opcmd:: generate pki wireguard key-pair install <interface> Generate a new WireGuard public/private key portion and output the result to the console. .. note:: In addition to the command above, the output is in a format which can be used to directly import the key into the VyOS CLI by simply copy-pasting the output from op-mode into configuration mode. ``interface`` is used for the VyOS CLI command to identify the WireGuard interface where this private key is to be used. .. opcmd:: generate pki wireguard pre-shared-key Generate a WireGuard pre-shared secret used for peers to communicate. .. opcmd:: generate pki wireguard pre-shared-key install <peer> Generate a WireGuard pre-shared secret used for peers to communicate. .. note:: In addition to the command above, the output is in a format which can be used to directly import the key into the VyOS CLI by simply copy-pasting the output from op-mode into configuration mode. ``peer`` is used for the VyOS CLI command to identify the WireGuard peer where this secred is to be used. Configuration ============= Operation ========= VyOS operational mode commands are not only available for generating keys but also to display them. .. opcmd:: show pki ca Show a list of installed :abbr:`CA (Certificate Authority)` certificates. .. code-block:: none vyos@vyos:~$ show pki ca Certificate Authorities: Name Subject Issuer CN Issued Expiry Private Key Parent -------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------- -------------- DST_Root_CA_X3 CN=ISRG Root X1,O=Internet Security Research Group,C=US CN=DST Root CA X3 2021-01-20 19:14:03 2024-09-30 18:14:03 No N/A R3 CN=R3,O=Let's Encrypt,C=US CN=ISRG Root X1 2020-09-04 00:00:00 2025-09-15 16:00:00 No DST_Root_CA_X3 vyos_rw CN=VyOS RW CA,O=VyOS,L=Some-City,ST=Some-State,C=GB CN=VyOS RW CA 2021-07-05 13:46:03 2026-07-04 13:46:03 Yes N/A .. opcmd:: show pki certificates Show a list of installed certificates .. code-block:: none vyos@vyos:~$ show pki certificate Certificates: Name Type Subject CN Issuer CN Issued Expiry Revoked Private Key CA Present --------- ------ --------------------- ------------- ------------------- ------------------- --------- ------------- ------------- ac2 Server CN=ac2.vyos.net CN=R3 2021-07-05 07:29:59 2021-10-03 07:29:58 No Yes Yes (R3) rw_server Server CN=VyOS RW CN=VyOS RW CA 2021-07-05 13:48:02 2022-07-05 13:48:02 No Yes Yes (vyos_rw) .. opcmd:: show pki crl Show a list of installed :abbr:`CRLs (Certificate Revocation List)`.