.. _event-handler:

Event Handler

Event Handler Technology Overview

Event handler allows you to execute scripts when a string that matches a regex or a regex with 
a service name appears in journald logs. You can pass variables, arguments, and a full matching string to the script.

How to configure Event Handler

    `1. Create an event handler`_

    `2. Add regex to the script`_

    `3. Add a full path to the script`_

    `4. Add optional parameters`_

Event Handler Configuration Steps

1. Create an event handler

    .. cfgcmd:: set service event-handler event <event-handler name>

    This is an optional command because the event handler will be automatically created after any of the next commands.

2. Add regex to the script

    .. cfgcmd:: set service event-handler event <event-handler name> filter pattern <regex>   

    This is a mandatory command. Sets regular expression to match against log string message.
    .. note:: The regular expression matches if and only if the entire string matches the pattern.

3. Add a full path to the script

    .. cfgcmd:: set service event-handler event <event-handler name> script path <path to script>
    This is a mandatory command. Sets the full path to the script. The script file must be executable.

4. Add optional parameters

    .. cfgcmd:: set service event-handler event <event-handler name> filter syslog-identifier <sylogid name>

    This is an optional command. Filters log messages by syslog-identifier.

    .. cfgcmd:: set service event-handler event <event-handler name> script environment <env name> value <env value>

    This is an optional command. Adds environment and its value to the script. Use separate commands for each environment.
    One implicit environment exists.
    * ``message``: Full message that has triggered the script.

    .. cfgcmd:: set service event-handler event <event-handler name> script arguments <arguments>

    This is an optional command. Adds arguments to the script. Arguments must be separated by spaces.

    .. note:: We don't recomend to use arguments. Using environments is more preffereble.


    Event handler that monitors the state of interface eth0.

    .. code-block:: none

	set service event-handler event INTERFACE_STATE_DOWN filter pattern '.*eth0.*,RUNNING,.*->.*'
	set service event-handler event INTERFACE_STATE_DOWN filter syslog-identifier 'netplugd'
	set service event-handler event INTERFACE_STATE_DOWN script environment interface_action value 'down'
	set service event-handler event INTERFACE_STATE_DOWN script environment interface_name value 'eth2'
	set service event-handler event INTERFACE_STATE_DOWN script path '/config/scripts/eventhandler.py'

    Event handler script

    .. code-block:: none

	#!/usr/bin/env python3
	# VyOS event-handler script example
	from os import environ
	import subprocess
	from sys import exit

	# Perform actions according to requirements
	def process_event() -> None:
    	    # Get variables
    	    message_text = environ.get('message')
    	    interface_name = environ.get('interface_name')
    	    interface_action = environ.get('interface_action')
    	    # Print the message that triggered this script
    	    print(f'Logged message: {message_text}')
    	    # Prepare a command to run
    	    command = f'sudo ip link set {interface_name} {interface_action}'.split()
    	    # Execute a command

	if __name__ == '__main__':
        	# Run script actions and exit
    	    except Exception as err:
        	# Exit properly in case if something in the script goes wrong
            	print(f'Error running script: {err}')