.. _proxmox: ****************** Running on Proxmox ****************** Proxmox is an open-source platform for virtualization. Users with a support subscription can download a qcow2 image that can be imported into Proxmox. Deploy VyOS from CLI ==================== Copy the qcow2 image to a temporary directory on the Proxmox server. The commands below assume that virtual machine ID 200 is unused and that the user wants the disk stored in a storage pool called `local-lvm`. .. code-block:: none $ qm create 200 --name vyos2 --memory 2048 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 $ qm importdisk 200 vyos-1.2.8-proxmox-2G.qcow2 local-lvm $ qm set 200 --virtio0 local-lvm:vm-200-disk-0 $ qm set 200 --boot order=virtio0 Optionally, the user can attach a CDROM with an ISO as a cloud-init data source. The below command assumes the ISO has been uploaded to the `local` storage pool with the name `seed.iso`. .. code-block:: none $ qm set 101 --ide2 media=cdrom,file=local:iso/seed.iso Start the virtual machine in the proxmox GUI or CLI using ``qm start 200``. Visit https://www.proxmox.com/en/ for more information about the download and installation of this hypervisor.