.. _host-information: Host Information ---------------- This section describes the system's host information and how to configure them, it covers the following topics: * Host name * Domain * IP address * Default gateway * Aliases Host Name ^^^^^^^^^ A hostname is the label (name) assigned to a network device (a host) on a network and is used to distinguish one device from another on specific networks or over the internet. Set a system host name: .. code-block:: sh set system host-name <hostname> .. note:: Only letters, numbers and hyphens are allowed. Show host name: .. code-block:: sh show system host-name Delete host name: .. code-block:: sh delete system host-name <hostname> Example: Set system hostname to 'RT01': .. code-block:: sh set system host-name RT01 commit show system host-name host-name RT01 Domain Name ^^^^^^^^^^^ A domainname is the label (name) assigned to a computer network and is thus unique! Set the system's domain: .. code-block:: sh set system domain-name <domain> .. note:: Only letters, numbers, hyphens and periods are allowed. Show domain: .. code-block:: sh show system domain-name Remove domain name: .. code-block:: sh set system delete domain-name <domain> Example: Set system domain to example.com: .. code-block:: sh set system domain-name example.com commit show system domain-name domain-name example.com Static host mappings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ How to assign IPs to interfaces is described in chapter :ref:`interfaces-addresses`. This section shows how to statically map a system IP to its host name for local (meaning on this VyOS instance) DNS resolution: .. code-block:: sh set system static-host-mapping host-name <hostname> inet <IP address> Show static mapping: .. code-block:: sh show system static-host-mapping Example: Create a static mapping between the system's hostname `RT01` and IP address ``: .. code-block:: sh set system static-host-mapping host-name RT01 inet commit show system static-host-mapping host-name RT01 { inet } Aliases ******* One or more system aliases (static mappings) can be defined: .. code-block:: sh set system static-host-mapping host-name <hostname> alias <alias> Show aliases: .. code-block:: sh show system static-mapping Delete alias: .. code-block:: sh delete system static-host-mapping host-name <hostname> alias <alias> Example: Set alias `router1` for system with hostname `RT01`: .. code-block:: sh set system static-host-mapping host-name RT01 alias router1 commit show system static-host-mapping host-name RT01 { alias router1 inet } Default Gateway/Route ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the past (VyOS 1.1.8) used a gateway-address configured in the system tree (`set system gateway-address <IP address>`) this is no longer supported and existing configurations are migrated to the new CLI commands. It is replaced by inserting a static route into the routing table using: .. code-block:: sh set protocols static route next-hop <gateway ip> Delete default route fomr the system .. code-block:: sh delete protocols static route Show default route: .. code-block:: sh vyos@vyos$ show ip route Routing entry for Known via "static", distance 1, metric 0, best Last update 3d00h23m ago *, via eth1