.. PyVyOS documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Dec 13 13:02:59 2023. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. PyVyOS - documentation ================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: pyvyos ====== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 pyvyos PyVyOS Usage ================== .. _pyvyos-documentation: PyVyOS Documentation ==================== PyVyOS is a Python library for interacting with VyOS devices via their API. This documentation provides a guide on how to use PyVyOS to manage your VyOS devices programmatically. Installation ------------ You can install PyVyOS using pip: .. code-block:: bash pip install pyvyos Getting Started --------------- Importing and Disabling Warnings for verify=False -------------------------------------------------- Before using PyVyOS, it's a good practice to disable urllib3 warnings and import the required modules, IF you use verify=False: .. code-block:: python import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings() Using API Response Class ------------------------ PyVyOS uses a custom `ApiResponse` data class to handle API responses: .. code-block:: python @dataclass class ApiResponse: status: int request: dict result: dict error: str Initializing a VyDevice Object ------------------------------ To interact with your VyOS device, you'll need to create an instance of the `VyDevice` class. You can set up your device using the following code, assuming you've stored your credentials as environment variables: .. code-block:: python from dotenv import load_dotenv # Load environment variables from a .env file load_dotenv() # Retrieve VyOS device connection details from environment variables hostname = os.getenv('VYDEVICE_HOSTNAME') apikey = os.getenv('VYDEVICE_APIKEY') port = os.getenv('VYDEVICE_PORT') protocol = os.getenv('VYDEVICE_PROTOCOL') verify_ssl = os.getenv('VYDEVICE_VERIFY_SSL') # Convert the verify_ssl value to a boolean verify = verify_ssl.lower() == "true" if verify_ssl else True # Create an instance of the VyOS device device = VyDevice(hostname=hostname, apikey=apikey, port=port, protocol=protocol, verify=verify) Using PyVyOS ------------ Once you have created a VyDevice object, you can use it to interact with your VyOS device using various methods provided by the library. Reset ----- The reset method allows you to run a reset command: .. code-block:: python # Execute the reset command response = device.reset(path=["conntrack-sync", "internal-cache"]) # Check for errors and print the result if not response.error: print(response.result) Retrieve Show Configuration --------------------------- The retrieve_show_config method retrieves the VyOS configuration: .. code-block:: python # Retrieve the VyOS configuration response = device.retrieve_show_config(path=[]) # Check for errors and print the result if not response.error: print(response.result) Retrieve Return Values ------------------------ .. code-block:: python # Retrieve VyOS return values for a specific interface response = device.retrieve_return_values(path=["interfaces", "dummy", "dum1", "address"]) print(response.result) Configure Delete ---------------- .. code-block:: python # Delete a VyOS interface configuration response = device.configure_delete(path=["interfaces", "dummy", "dum1"]) Generate ---------- .. code-block:: python # Generate an SSH key with a random string in the name randstring = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(20)) keyrand = f'/tmp/key_{randstring}' response = device.generate(path=["ssh", "client-key", keyrand]) Show ------ .. code-block:: python # Show VyOS system image information response = device.show(path=["system", "image"]) print(response.result) Reset ------ .. code-block:: python # Reset VyOS with specific parameters response = device.reset(path=["conntrack-sync", "internal-cache"]) Configure Set ------------- The configure_set method sets a VyOS configuration: .. code-block:: python # Set a VyOS configuration response = device.configure_set(path=["interfaces ethernet eth0 address ''"]) # Check for errors and print the result if not response.error: print(response.result) Config File Save ---------------- .. code-block:: python # Save VyOS configuration without specifying a file (default location) response = device.config_file_save() Config File Save with custom filename ------------------------------------- .. code-block:: python # Save VyOS configuration to a specific file response = device.config_file_save(file="/config/test300.config") Config File Load ---------------- .. code-block:: python # Load VyOS configuration from a specific file response = device.config_file_load(file="/config/test300.config") Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`