MAC-Telnet for Linux ==================== A linux console tool for connecting to MikroTik RouterOS devices via their ethernet address. NB: Alpha stage code. Do not expect to run flawlessy. Installation ------------ Make sure you have installed openssl development files. For Ubuntu users: sudo apt-get install libssl-dev Then download source tarball, extract, compile and install: wget tar zxvf haakonness*.tar.gz cd haakonness*/ make all install Now you're ready. Usage ----- $ sudo ./mactelnet eth0 0:c:42:43:58:a5 admin mysecretpass Connecting to 0:c:42:43:58:a5...done MMM MMM KKK TTTTTTTTTTT KKK MMMM MMMM KKK TTTTTTTTTTT KKK MMM MMMM MMM III KKK KKK RRRRRR OOOOOO TTT III KKK KKK MMM MM MMM III KKKKK RRR RRR OOO OOO TTT III KKKKK MMM MMM III KKK KKK RRRRRR OOO OOO TTT III KKK KKK MMM MMM III KKK KKK RRR RRR OOOOOO TTT III KKK KKK MikroTik RouterOS 4.0 (c) 1999-2009 [admin@HMG] > You can also ommit the password if you don't want to pollute your bash_history with passwords.