/* Mac-Telnet - Connect to RouterOS routers via MAC address Copyright (C) 2010, Håkon Nessjøen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "md5.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "udp.h" #include "console.h" #include "devices.h" #include "users.h" #include "config.h" int sockfd; int insockfd; int deviceIndex; struct in_addr sourceip; struct in_addr destip; int sourceport; unsigned char trypassword[17]; /* Protocol data direction */ unsigned char mt_direction_fromserver = 1; /* Anti-timeout is every 10 seconds. Give up after 15. */ #define MT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT 15 /* Connection states */ #define STATE_AUTH 1 #define STATE_CLOSED 2 #define STATE_ACTIVE 3 /** Connection struct */ struct mt_connection { unsigned short seskey; unsigned int incounter; unsigned int outcounter; time_t lastdata; int terminalMode; int state; int ptsfd; int slavefd; int pid; int waitForAck; unsigned char username[30]; unsigned char srcip[4]; unsigned char srcmac[6]; unsigned short srcport; unsigned char dstmac[6]; unsigned char enckey[16]; unsigned short terminal_width; unsigned short terminal_height; unsigned char terminal_type[30]; struct mt_connection *next; }; void uwtmp_login(struct mt_connection *); void uwtmp_logout(struct mt_connection *); struct mt_connection *connections_head = NULL; void list_addConnection(struct mt_connection *conn) { struct mt_connection *p; struct mt_connection *last; if (connections_head == NULL) { connections_head = conn; connections_head->next = NULL; return; } for (p = connections_head; p != NULL; p = p->next) {last = p;} last->next = conn; conn->next = NULL; } void list_removeConnection(struct mt_connection *conn) { struct mt_connection *p; struct mt_connection *last; if (connections_head == NULL) return; if (conn->state == STATE_ACTIVE && conn->ptsfd > 0) { close(conn->ptsfd); } if (conn->state == STATE_ACTIVE && conn->slavefd > 0) { close(conn->slavefd); } uwtmp_logout(conn); if (connections_head == conn) { connections_head = conn->next; free(conn); return; } for (p = connections_head; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (p == conn) { last->next = p->next; free(p); return; } last = p; } } struct mt_connection *list_findConnection(unsigned short seskey, unsigned char *srcmac) { struct mt_connection *p; if (connections_head == NULL) return NULL; for (p = connections_head; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (p->seskey == seskey && memcmp(srcmac, p->srcmac, 6) == 0) { return p; } } return NULL; } int sendUDP(const struct mt_connection *conn, const struct mt_packet *data) { return sendCustomUDP(sockfd, 2, conn->dstmac, conn->srcmac, &sourceip, sourceport, &destip, conn->srcport, data->data, data->size); } void displayMotd() { FILE *fp; int c; if ((fp = fopen("/etc/motd", "r"))) { while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF) { putchar(c); } fclose(fp); } } void displayNologin() { FILE *fp; int c; if ((fp = fopen(_PATH_NOLOGIN, "r"))) { while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF) { putchar(c); } fclose(fp); } } void uwtmp_login(struct mt_connection *conn) { struct utmp utent; pid_t pid; pid = getpid(); char *line = ttyname(conn->slavefd); if (strncmp(line, "/dev/", 5) == 0) line += 5; /* Setup utmp struct */ memset((void *) &utent, 0, sizeof(utent)); utent.ut_type = USER_PROCESS; utent.ut_pid = pid; strncpy(utent.ut_user, conn->username, sizeof(utent.ut_user)); strncpy(utent.ut_line, line, sizeof(utent.ut_line)); strncpy(utent.ut_id, utent.ut_line + 3, sizeof(utent.ut_id)); strncpy(utent.ut_host,ether_ntoa((const struct ether_addr *)conn->srcmac), sizeof(utent.ut_host)); time(&utent.ut_time); /* Update utmp and/or wtmp */ setutent(); pututline(&utent); endutent(); updwtmp(_PATH_WTMP, &utent); } void uwtmp_logout(struct mt_connection *conn) { if (conn->pid > 0) { struct utmp *utentp; struct utmp utent; setutent(); while ((utentp = getutent()) != NULL) { if (utentp->ut_pid == conn->pid && utentp->ut_id) { break; } } if (utentp) { utent = *utentp; utent.ut_type = DEAD_PROCESS; utent.ut_tv.tv_sec = time(NULL); pututline(&utent); endutent(); updwtmp(_PATH_WTMP, &utent); } } } void abortConnection(struct mt_connection *curconn, struct mt_mactelnet_hdr *pkthdr, char *message) { struct mt_packet pdata; initPacket(&pdata, MT_PTYPE_DATA, pkthdr->dstaddr, pkthdr->srcaddr, pkthdr->seskey, curconn->outcounter); addControlPacket(&pdata, MT_CPTYPE_PLAINDATA, message, strlen(message)); sendUDP(curconn, &pdata); /* Make connection time out; lets the previous message get acked before disconnecting */ curconn->state = STATE_CLOSED; initPacket(&pdata, MT_PTYPE_END, pkthdr->dstaddr, pkthdr->srcaddr, pkthdr->seskey, curconn->outcounter); sendUDP(curconn, &pdata); } void userLogin(struct mt_connection *curconn, struct mt_mactelnet_hdr *pkthdr) { struct mt_packet pdata; unsigned char md5sum[17]; unsigned char md5data[100]; struct mt_credentials *user; char shouldDoLogin = 0; char *slavename; /* Reparse user file before each login */ readUserfile(); if ((user = findUser(curconn->username)) != NULL) { md5_state_t state; /* Concat string of 0 + password + encryptionkey */ md5data[0] = 0; strncpy(md5data + 1, user->password, 82); memcpy(md5data + 1 + strlen(user->password), curconn->enckey, 16); /* Generate md5 sum of md5data with a leading 0 */ md5_init(&state); md5_append(&state, (const md5_byte_t *)md5data, strlen(user->password) + 17); md5_finish(&state, (md5_byte_t *)md5sum + 1); md5sum[0] = 0; initPacket(&pdata, MT_PTYPE_DATA, pkthdr->dstaddr, pkthdr->srcaddr, pkthdr->seskey, curconn->outcounter); curconn->outcounter += addControlPacket(&pdata, MT_CPTYPE_END_AUTH, NULL, 0); sendUDP(curconn, &pdata); if (curconn->state == STATE_ACTIVE) return; } if (user == NULL || memcmp(md5sum, trypassword, 17) != 0) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "(%d) Invalid login by %s.", curconn->seskey, curconn->username); abortConnection(curconn, pkthdr, "Login failed, incorrect username or password\r\n"); /* TODO: should wait some time (not with sleep) before returning, to minimalize brute force attacks */ return; } /* User is logged in */ curconn->state = STATE_ACTIVE; /* Enter terminal mode */ curconn->terminalMode = 1; /* Open pts handle */ curconn->ptsfd = posix_openpt(O_RDWR); if (curconn->ptsfd == -1 || grantpt(curconn->ptsfd) == -1 || unlockpt(curconn->ptsfd) == -1) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "posix_openpt: %s", strerror(errno)); abortConnection(curconn, pkthdr, "Terminal error\r\n"); return; } /* Get file path for our pts */ slavename = ptsname(curconn->ptsfd); if (slavename != NULL) { pid_t pid; struct stat sb; curconn->slavefd = open(slavename, O_RDWR); if (curconn->slavefd == -1) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error opening %s: %s", slavename, strerror(errno)); abortConnection(curconn, pkthdr, "Error opening terminal\r\n"); list_removeConnection(curconn); return; } if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { struct passwd *user = (struct passwd *)getpwnam(curconn->username); if (user == NULL) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "(%d) Login ok, but local user not accessible (%s).", curconn->seskey, curconn->username); abortConnection(curconn, pkthdr, "Local user not accessible\r\n"); return; } /* Add login information to utmp/wtmp */ uwtmp_login(curconn); syslog(LOG_INFO, "(%d) User %s logged in.", curconn->seskey, curconn->username); /* Initialize terminal environment */ setenv("USER", user->pw_name, 1); setenv("HOME", user->pw_dir, 1); setenv("SHELL", user->pw_shell, 1); setenv("TERM", curconn->terminal_type, 1); close(sockfd); close(insockfd); setsid(); /* Don't let shell process inherit slavefd */ fcntl (curconn->slavefd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); close(curconn->ptsfd); /* Redirect STDIN/STDIO/STDERR */ close(0); dup(curconn->slavefd); close(1); dup(curconn->slavefd); close(2); dup(curconn->slavefd); /* Set controlling terminal */ ioctl(0, TIOCSCTTY, 1); tcsetpgrp(0, getpid()); /* Set user id/group id */ if ((setgid(user->pw_gid) != 0) || (setuid(user->pw_uid) != 0)) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "(%d) Could not log in %s (%d:%d): setuid/setgid: %s", curconn->seskey, curconn->username, user->pw_uid, user->pw_gid, strerror(errno)); abortConnection(curconn, pkthdr, "Internal error\r\n"); exit(0); } /* Abort login if /etc/nologin exists */ if (stat(_PATH_NOLOGIN, &sb) == 0 && getuid() != 0) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "(%d) User %s disconnected with " _PATH_NOLOGIN " message.", curconn->seskey, curconn->username); displayNologin(); curconn->state = STATE_CLOSED; initPacket(&pdata, MT_PTYPE_END, pkthdr->dstaddr, pkthdr->srcaddr, pkthdr->seskey, curconn->outcounter); sendUDP(curconn, &pdata); exit(0); } /* Display MOTD */ displayMotd(); /* Spawn shell */ chdir(user->pw_dir); execl(user->pw_shell, user->pw_shell, (char *) 0); exit(0); // just to be sure. } close(curconn->slavefd); curconn->pid = pid; setTerminalSize(curconn->ptsfd, curconn->terminal_width, curconn->terminal_height); } } void handleDataPacket(struct mt_connection *curconn, struct mt_mactelnet_hdr *pkthdr, int data_len) { struct mt_mactelnet_control_hdr cpkt; struct mt_packet pdata; unsigned char *data = pkthdr->data; int gotUserPacket = 0; int gotPassPacket = 0; int gotWidthPacket = 0; int gotHeightPacket = 0; int success; /* Parse first control packet */ success = parseControlPacket(data, data_len - MT_HEADER_LEN, &cpkt); while (success) { if (cpkt.cptype == MT_CPTYPE_BEGINAUTH) { int plen,i; for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { curconn->enckey[i] = rand() % 256; } initPacket(&pdata, MT_PTYPE_DATA, pkthdr->dstaddr, pkthdr->srcaddr, pkthdr->seskey, curconn->outcounter); plen = addControlPacket(&pdata, MT_CPTYPE_ENCRYPTIONKEY, (curconn->enckey), 16); curconn->outcounter += plen; sendUDP(curconn, &pdata); memset(trypassword, 0, sizeof(trypassword)); } else if (cpkt.cptype == MT_CPTYPE_USERNAME) { memcpy(curconn->username, cpkt.data, cpkt.length > 29 ? 29 : cpkt.length); curconn->username[cpkt.length > 29 ? 29 : cpkt.length] = 0; gotUserPacket = 1; } else if (cpkt.cptype == MT_CPTYPE_TERM_WIDTH) { curconn->terminal_width = cpkt.data[0] | (cpkt.data[1]<<8); gotWidthPacket = 1; } else if (cpkt.cptype == MT_CPTYPE_TERM_HEIGHT) { curconn->terminal_height = cpkt.data[0] | (cpkt.data[1]<<8); gotHeightPacket = 1; } else if (cpkt.cptype == MT_CPTYPE_TERM_TYPE) { memcpy(curconn->terminal_type, cpkt.data, cpkt.length > 29 ? 29 : cpkt.length); curconn->terminal_type[cpkt.length > 29 ? 29 : cpkt.length] = 0; } else if (cpkt.cptype == MT_CPTYPE_PASSWORD) { memcpy(trypassword, cpkt.data, 17); gotPassPacket = 1; } else if (cpkt.cptype == MT_CPTYPE_PLAINDATA) { /* relay data from client to shell */ if (curconn->state == STATE_ACTIVE && curconn->ptsfd != -1) { write(curconn->ptsfd, cpkt.data, cpkt.length); } } else { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "(%d) Unhandeled control packet type: %d", curconn->seskey, cpkt.cptype); } /* Parse next control packet */ success = parseControlPacket(NULL, 0, &cpkt); } if (gotUserPacket && gotPassPacket) { userLogin(curconn, pkthdr); } if (curconn->state == STATE_ACTIVE && (gotWidthPacket || gotHeightPacket)) { setTerminalSize(curconn->ptsfd, curconn->terminal_width, curconn->terminal_height); } } void terminate() { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Exiting."); exit(0); } void handlePacket(unsigned char *data, int data_len, const struct sockaddr_in *address) { struct mt_mactelnet_hdr pkthdr; struct mt_connection *curconn; struct mt_packet pdata; parsePacket(data, &pkthdr); switch (pkthdr.ptype) { case MT_PTYPE_SESSIONSTART: syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "(%d) New connection from %s.", pkthdr.seskey, ether_ntoa((struct ether_addr*)&(pkthdr.srcaddr))); curconn = calloc(1, sizeof(struct mt_connection)); curconn->seskey = pkthdr.seskey; curconn->lastdata = time(NULL); curconn->state = STATE_AUTH; memcpy(curconn->srcmac, pkthdr.srcaddr, 6); memcpy(curconn->srcip, &(address->sin_addr), 4); curconn->srcport = htons(address->sin_port); memcpy(curconn->dstmac, pkthdr.dstaddr, 6); list_addConnection(curconn); initPacket(&pdata, MT_PTYPE_ACK, pkthdr.dstaddr, pkthdr.srcaddr, pkthdr.seskey, pkthdr.counter); sendUDP(curconn, &pdata); break; case MT_PTYPE_END: curconn = list_findConnection(pkthdr.seskey, (unsigned char *)&(pkthdr.srcaddr)); if (curconn == NULL) { break; } if (curconn->state != STATE_CLOSED) { initPacket(&pdata, MT_PTYPE_END, pkthdr.dstaddr, pkthdr.srcaddr, pkthdr.seskey, pkthdr.counter); sendUDP(curconn, &pdata); } syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "(%d) Connection closed.", curconn->seskey); list_removeConnection(curconn); return; case MT_PTYPE_ACK: curconn = list_findConnection(pkthdr.seskey, (unsigned char *)&(pkthdr.srcaddr)); if (curconn == NULL) { break; } curconn->lastdata = time(NULL); if (pkthdr.counter <= curconn->outcounter) { curconn->waitForAck = 0; } if (pkthdr.counter == curconn->outcounter) { // Answer to anti-timeout packet /* TODO: only answer if time() - lastpacket is somewhat high.. */ initPacket(&pdata, MT_PTYPE_ACK, pkthdr.dstaddr, pkthdr.srcaddr, pkthdr.seskey, pkthdr.counter); sendUDP(curconn, &pdata); } return; break; case MT_PTYPE_DATA: curconn = list_findConnection(pkthdr.seskey, (unsigned char *)&(pkthdr.srcaddr)); if (curconn == NULL) { break; } curconn->lastdata = time(NULL); /* ack the data packet */ initPacket(&pdata, MT_PTYPE_ACK, pkthdr.dstaddr, pkthdr.srcaddr, pkthdr.seskey, pkthdr.counter + (data_len - MT_HEADER_LEN)); sendUDP(curconn, &pdata); /* Accept first packet, and all packets greater than incounter, and if counter has wrapped around. */ if (curconn->incounter == 0 || pkthdr.counter > curconn->incounter || (curconn->incounter - pkthdr.counter) > 16777216) { curconn->incounter = pkthdr.counter; } else { /* Ignore double or old packets */ return; } handleDataPacket(curconn, &pkthdr, data_len); break; default: syslog(LOG_WARNING, "(%d) Unhandeled packet type: %d", curconn->seskey, pkthdr.ptype); initPacket(&pdata, MT_PTYPE_ACK, pkthdr.dstaddr, pkthdr.srcaddr, pkthdr.seskey, pkthdr.counter); sendUDP(curconn, &pdata); } if (0 && curconn != NULL) { printf("Packet, incounter %d, outcounter %d\n", curconn->incounter, curconn->outcounter); } } void daemonize() { int pid,fd; pid = fork(); /* Error? */ if (pid < 0) exit(1); /* Parent exit */ if (pid > 0) exit(0); setsid(); close(0); close(1); close(2); fd = open("/dev/null",O_RDWR); dup(fd); dup(fd); signal(SIGCHLD,SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTSTP,SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTTOU,SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTTIN,SIG_IGN); } /* * TODO: Rewrite main() when all sub-functionality is tested */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { int result; struct sockaddr_in si_me; struct timeval timeout; int keepalive_counter = 0; struct mt_packet pdata; fd_set read_fds; /* Try to read user file */ readUserfile(); /* Seed randomizer */ srand(time(NULL)); if (geteuid() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "You need to have root privileges to use %s.\n", argv[0]); return 1; } /* Transmit raw packets with this socket */ sockfd = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL)); if (sockfd < 0) { perror("sockfd"); return 1; } /* Receive regular udp packets with this socket */ insockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (insockfd < 0) { perror("insockfd"); return 1; } /* Set random source port */ sourceport = MT_MACTELNET_PORT; /* Listen address*/ inet_pton(AF_INET, (char *)"", &sourceip); /* Set up global info about the connection */ inet_pton(AF_INET, (char *)"", &destip); /* Initialize receiving socket on the device chosen */ memset((char *) &si_me, 0, sizeof(si_me)); si_me.sin_family = AF_INET; si_me.sin_port = htons(MT_MACTELNET_PORT); memcpy(&(si_me.sin_addr), &sourceip, 4); /* Bind to udp port */ if (bind(insockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&si_me, sizeof(si_me))==-1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error binding to %s:%d, %s\n", inet_ntoa(si_me.sin_addr), sourceport, strerror(errno)); return 1; } daemonize(); openlog("mactelnetd", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Bound to %s:%d", inet_ntoa(si_me.sin_addr), sourceport); signal(SIGTERM, terminate); while (1) { int reads; struct mt_connection *p; int maxfd=0; /* Init select */ FD_ZERO(&read_fds); FD_SET(insockfd, &read_fds); maxfd = sockfd > insockfd ? sockfd : insockfd; /* Add active connections to select queue */ for (p = connections_head; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (p->state == STATE_ACTIVE && p->waitForAck == 0 && p->ptsfd > 0) { FD_SET(p->ptsfd, &read_fds); if (p->ptsfd > maxfd) maxfd = p->ptsfd; } } timeout.tv_sec = 1; timeout.tv_usec = 0; /* Wait for data or timeout */ reads = select(maxfd+1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (reads > 0) { /* Handle data from clients TODO: Check if packet is for us. And enable broadcast support (without raw sockets) */ if (FD_ISSET(insockfd, &read_fds)) { unsigned char buff[1500]; struct sockaddr_in saddress; int slen = sizeof(saddress); result = recvfrom(insockfd, buff, 1500, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&saddress, &slen); handlePacket(buff, result, &saddress); } /* Handle data from terminal sessions */ for (p = connections_head; p != NULL; p = p->next) { /* Check if we have data ready in the pty buffer for the active session */ if (p->state == STATE_ACTIVE && p->ptsfd > 0 && p->waitForAck == 0 && FD_ISSET(p->ptsfd, &read_fds)) { unsigned char keydata[1024]; int datalen,plen; /* Read it */ datalen = read(p->ptsfd, &keydata, 1024); if (datalen != -1) { /* Send it */ initPacket(&pdata, MT_PTYPE_DATA, p->dstmac, p->srcmac, p->seskey, p->outcounter); plen = addControlPacket(&pdata, MT_CPTYPE_PLAINDATA, &keydata, datalen); p->outcounter += plen; p->waitForAck = 1; result = sendUDP(p, &pdata); } else { /* Shell exited */ struct mt_connection tmp; initPacket(&pdata, MT_PTYPE_END, p->dstmac, p->srcmac, p->seskey, p->outcounter); sendUDP(p, &pdata); if (p->username != NULL) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "(%d) Connection to user %s closed.", p->seskey, p->username); } else { syslog(LOG_INFO, "(%d) Connection closed.", p->seskey); } tmp.next = p->next; list_removeConnection(p); p = &tmp; } } else if (p->state == STATE_ACTIVE && p->ptsfd > 0 && p->waitForAck == 1 && FD_ISSET(p->ptsfd, &read_fds)) { printf("(%d) Waiting for ack\n", p->seskey); } } /* Handle select() timeout */ } else { if (connections_head != NULL) { struct mt_connection *p,tmp; for (p = connections_head; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (time(NULL) - p->lastdata >= MT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "(%d) Session timed out", p->seskey); initPacket(&pdata, MT_PTYPE_DATA, p->dstmac, p->srcmac, p->seskey, p->outcounter); addControlPacket(&pdata, MT_CPTYPE_PLAINDATA, "Timeout\r\n", 9); sendUDP(p, &pdata); initPacket(&pdata, MT_PTYPE_END, p->dstmac, p->srcmac, p->seskey, p->outcounter); sendUDP(p, &pdata); tmp.next = p->next; list_removeConnection(p); p = &tmp; } } } } } close(sockfd); close(insockfd); closelog(); return 0; }