# Configuration file for the soupault static site generator (https://soupault.app) [settings] # Enable build progress (info level) logs verbose = true # Enable debug level logs debug = true # Fail on page processing errors strict = true default_template_file = "templates/main.html" # CSS selector of the element inside the template # where page content is inserted default_content_selector = "div#content" [preprocessors] # Preprocess *.md Markdown pages with cmark (github.com/commonmark/cmark) before parsing. # --smart = smart punctuation, --unsafe = don't remove HTML tags md = "cmark --smart --unsafe" [widgets] # Moves all elements with class="footnote" or tag name to
# and replaces them with numbered links. [widgets.footnotes] widget = "footnotes" selector = "div#footnotes" footnote_selector = [".footnote", "fn"] footnote_link_class = "footnote" back_links = true link_id_prepend = "footnote-" back_link_id_append = "-ref" # Inserts the banner in main page only [widgets.insert-banner] widget = "include" page = "index.html" file = "templates/banner.html" selector = "main" action = "insert_before" # Inserts the banner in main page only [widgets.insert-google-tag-manager-head] widget = "insert_html" html = """ """ selector = "head" action = "prepend_child" [widgets.insert-google-tag-manager-body] widget = "insert_html" selector = "body" html = """ """ action = "prepend_child" # Inserts a scary warning banner in preview versions [widgets.insert-staging-warning] widget = "include" file = "templates/staging-warning.html" selector = "header" action = "prepend_child" profile = "staging" [widgets.disallow-indexing-on-staging] widget = "create-file" name = "robots.txt" content = """ User-agent: * Disallow: / """ profile = "staging" ## Nightly build image listing generator ## # Inserts containers for current and equuleus lists # This is done here rather than inside the page so that # we can change the branches by editing just the config. [widgets.insert-nightly-build-containers] widget = "insert_html" html = """

Current/Circinus (future 1.5.0)

""" selector = "#available-builds" action = "append_child" page = "get/nightly-builds.md" profile = "live" # Generates a list of the "current" branch builds from GitHub releases [widgets.list-nightly-builds-current] widget = "exec" command = "scripts/list-nightly-builds.py rolling/current" selector = "div#rolling-current" action = "append_child" page = "get/nightly-builds.md" after = "insert-nightly-build-containers" profile = "live"