AC_INIT(conntrack-tools, 1.0.1, AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build-aux]) AC_CANONICAL_HOST AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wall foreign subdir-objects tar-pax no-dist-gzip dist-bzip2 1.6]) dnl kernel style compile messages m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES], [AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])]) AC_PROG_CC AC_DISABLE_STATIC AM_PROG_LIBTOOL AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_LN_S AM_PROG_LEX AC_PROG_YACC case "$host" in *-*-linux*) ;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Linux only, dude!]);; esac dnl Dependencies if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_YACC" then echo "*** Error: No suitable bison/yacc found. ***" echo " Please install the 'bison' package." exit 1 fi if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_LEX" then echo "*** Error: No suitable flex/lex found. ***" echo " Please install the 'flex' package." exit 1 fi AC_MSG_CHECKING(flex version) flex_version=`$ac_cv_prog_LEX --version | sed 's/version//g' | awk '/flex/ {print $2}'` flex_major=`echo $flex_version| cut -d . -f 1` flex_minor=`echo $flex_version| cut -d . -f 2` flex_rev=`echo $flex_version| cut -d . -f 3` if test "$flex_major" -eq "2" && test "$flex_minor" -eq "5" && test "$flex_rev" -ge "33"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([$flex_version. OK]) else AC_MSG_WARN([flex version $flex_version found. Version 2.5.33 or greater is required. You may experience problems while compilating the conntrack-tools. Please, consider to upgrade flex.]) fi PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBNFNETLINK], [libnfnetlink >= 1.0.0]) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBNETFILTER_CONNTRACK], [libnetfilter_conntrack >= 1.0.0]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([linux/capability.h],, [AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find linux/capabibility.h])]) # Checks for libraries. # FIXME: Replace `main' with a function in `-lc': dnl AC_CHECK_LIB([c], [main]) # FIXME: Replace `main' with a function in `-ldl': AC_CHECK_HEADERS(arpa/inet.h) dnl check for inet_pton AC_CHECK_FUNCS(inet_pton) dnl Some systems have it, but not IPv6 if test "$ac_cv_func_inet_pton" = "yes" ; then AC_MSG_CHECKING(if inet_pton supports IPv6) AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[ #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include <sys/types.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H #include <sys/socket.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H #include <netinet/in.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_ARPA_INET_H #include <arpa/inet.h> #endif int main() { struct in6_addr addr6; if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1", &addr6) < 1) exit(1); else exit(0); } ]])],[ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_INET_PTON_IPV6, 1, [Define to 1 if inet_pton supports IPv6.]) ],[AC_MSG_RESULT(no)],[AC_MSG_RESULT(no)]) fi # Checks for header files. dnl AC_HEADER_STDC dnl AC_CHECK_HEADERS([netinet/in.h stdlib.h]) # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. dnl AC_C_CONST dnl AC_C_INLINE # Checks for library functions. dnl AC_FUNC_MALLOC dnl AC_FUNC_VPRINTF dnl AC_CHECK_FUNCS([memset]) dnl AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile dnl debug/Makefile dnl debug/src/Makefile dnl extensions/Makefile dnl src/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile src/Makefile include/Makefile extensions/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT