/* * (C) 2005 by Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@eurodev.net> * Harald Welte <laforge@netfilter.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <netinet/in.h> /* For htons */ #include <netinet/ip_icmp.h> #include <libnetfilter_conntrack/libnetfilter_conntrack.h> #include "libct_proto.h" static struct option opts[] = { {"icmp-type", 1, 0, '1'}, {"icmp-code", 1, 0, '2'}, {"icmp-id", 1, 0, '3'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; enum icmp_param_flags { ICMP_TYPE_BIT = 0, ICMP_TYPE = (1 << ICMP_TYPE_BIT), ICMP_CODE_BIT = 1, ICMP_CODE = (1 << ICMP_CODE_BIT), ICMP_ID_BIT = 2, ICMP_ID = (1 << ICMP_ID_BIT) }; void help() { fprintf(stdout, "--icmp-type icmp type\n"); fprintf(stdout, "--icmp-code icmp code\n"); fprintf(stdout, "--icmp-id icmp id\n"); } /* Add 1; spaces filled with 0. */ static u_int8_t invmap[] = { [ICMP_ECHO] = ICMP_ECHOREPLY + 1, [ICMP_ECHOREPLY] = ICMP_ECHO + 1, [ICMP_TIMESTAMP] = ICMP_TIMESTAMPREPLY + 1, [ICMP_TIMESTAMPREPLY] = ICMP_TIMESTAMP + 1, [ICMP_INFO_REQUEST] = ICMP_INFO_REPLY + 1, [ICMP_INFO_REPLY] = ICMP_INFO_REQUEST + 1, [ICMP_ADDRESS] = ICMP_ADDRESSREPLY + 1, [ICMP_ADDRESSREPLY] = ICMP_ADDRESS + 1}; int parse(char c, char *argv[], struct nfct_tuple *orig, struct nfct_tuple *reply, struct nfct_tuple *mask, union nfct_protoinfo *proto, unsigned int *flags) { switch(c) { case '1': if (optarg) { orig->l4dst.icmp.type = atoi(optarg); reply->l4dst.icmp.type = invmap[orig->l4dst.icmp.type] - 1; *flags |= ICMP_TYPE; } break; case '2': if (optarg) { orig->l4dst.icmp.code = atoi(optarg); reply->l4dst.icmp.code = 0; *flags |= ICMP_CODE; } break; case '3': if (optarg) { orig->l4src.icmp.id = atoi(optarg); reply->l4dst.icmp.id = 0; *flags |= ICMP_ID; } break; } return 1; } int final_check(unsigned int flags, struct nfct_tuple *orig, struct nfct_tuple *reply) { if (!(flags & ICMP_TYPE)) return 0; else if (!(flags & ICMP_CODE)) return 0; return 1; } static struct ctproto_handler icmp = { .name = "icmp", .protonum = IPPROTO_ICMP, .parse_opts = parse, .final_check = final_check, .help = help, .opts = opts, .version = LIBCT_VERSION, }; void __attribute__ ((constructor)) init(void); void __attribute__ ((destructor)) fini(void); void init(void) { register_proto(&icmp); } void fini(void) { unregister_proto(&icmp); }