/* * (C) 2009 by Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@netfilter.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <errno.h> #include "conntrackd.h" #include "channel.h" #include "network.h" #include "queue.h" static struct channel_ops *ops[CHANNEL_MAX]; extern struct channel_ops channel_mcast; extern struct channel_ops channel_udp; extern struct channel_ops channel_tcp; static struct queue *errorq; int channel_init(void) { ops[CHANNEL_MCAST] = &channel_mcast; ops[CHANNEL_UDP] = &channel_udp; ops[CHANNEL_TCP] = &channel_tcp; errorq = queue_create("errorq", CONFIG(channelc).error_queue_length, 0); if (errorq == NULL) { return -1; } return 0; } void channel_end(void) { queue_destroy(errorq); } struct channel_buffer { char *data; int size; int len; }; static struct channel_buffer * channel_buffer_open(int mtu, int headersiz) { struct channel_buffer *b; b = calloc(sizeof(struct channel_buffer), 1); if (b == NULL) return NULL; b->size = mtu - headersiz; b->data = malloc(b->size); if (b->data == NULL) { free(b); return NULL; } return b; } static void channel_buffer_close(struct channel_buffer *b) { if (b == NULL) return; free(b->data); free(b); } struct channel * channel_open(struct channel_conf *cfg) { struct channel *c; struct ifreq ifr; int fd; if (cfg->channel_type >= CHANNEL_MAX) return NULL; if (!cfg->channel_ifname[0]) return NULL; if (cfg->channel_flags >= CHANNEL_F_MAX) return NULL; c = calloc(sizeof(struct channel), 1); if (c == NULL) return NULL; c->channel_type = cfg->channel_type; fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (fd == -1) { free(c); return NULL; } strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, cfg->channel_ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name)); if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFMTU, &ifr) == -1) { free(c); close(fd); return NULL; } close(fd); c->channel_ifmtu = ifr.ifr_mtu; c->channel_ifindex = if_nametoindex(cfg->channel_ifname); if (c->channel_ifindex == 0) { free(c); return NULL; } c->ops = ops[cfg->channel_type]; if (cfg->channel_flags & CHANNEL_F_BUFFERED) { c->buffer = channel_buffer_open(c->channel_ifmtu, c->ops->headersiz); if (c->buffer == NULL) { free(c); return NULL; } } c->channel_flags = cfg->channel_flags; c->data = c->ops->open(&cfg->u); if (c->data == NULL) { channel_buffer_close(c->buffer); free(c); return NULL; } return c; } void channel_close(struct channel *c) { c->ops->close(c->data); if (c->channel_flags & CHANNEL_F_BUFFERED) channel_buffer_close(c->buffer); free(c); } struct channel_error { char *data; int len; }; static void channel_enqueue_errors(struct channel *c) { struct queue_object *qobj; struct channel_error *error; qobj = queue_object_new(Q_ELEM_ERR, sizeof(struct channel_error)); if (qobj == NULL) return; error = (struct channel_error *)qobj->data; error->len = c->buffer->len; error->data = malloc(c->buffer->len); if (error->data == NULL) { queue_object_free(qobj); return; } memcpy(error->data, c->buffer->data, c->buffer->len); if (queue_add(errorq, &qobj->qnode) < 0) { if (errno == ENOSPC) { struct queue_node *tail; struct channel_error *tmp; tail = queue_del_head(errorq); tmp = queue_node_data(tail); free(tmp->data); queue_object_free((struct queue_object *)tail); queue_add(errorq, &qobj->qnode); } } } static int channel_handle_error_step(struct queue_node *n, const void *data2) { struct channel_error *error; const struct channel *c = data2; int ret; error = queue_node_data(n); ret = c->ops->send(c->data, error->data, error->len); if (ret != -1) { /* Success. Delete it from the error queue. */ queue_del(n); free(error->data); queue_object_free((struct queue_object *)n); } else { /* We failed to deliver, give up now, try later. */ return 1; } return 0; } static int channel_handle_errors(struct channel *c) { /* there are pending errors that we have to handle. */ if (c->channel_flags & CHANNEL_F_ERRORS && queue_len(errorq) > 0) { queue_iterate(errorq, c, channel_handle_error_step); return queue_len(errorq) > 0; } return 0; } int channel_send(struct channel *c, const struct nethdr *net) { int ret = 0, len = ntohs(net->len), pending_errors; pending_errors = channel_handle_errors(c); if (!(c->channel_flags & CHANNEL_F_BUFFERED)) { c->ops->send(c->data, net, len); return 1; } retry: if (c->buffer->len + len < c->buffer->size) { memcpy(c->buffer->data + c->buffer->len, net, len); c->buffer->len += len; } else { /* We've got pending packets to deliver, enqueue this * packet to avoid possible re-ordering. */ if (pending_errors) { channel_enqueue_errors(c); } else { ret = c->ops->send(c->data, c->buffer->data, c->buffer->len); if (ret == -1 && (c->channel_flags & CHANNEL_F_ERRORS)) { /* Give it another chance to deliver. */ channel_enqueue_errors(c); } } ret = 1; c->buffer->len = 0; goto retry; } return ret; } int channel_send_flush(struct channel *c) { int ret, pending_errors; pending_errors = channel_handle_errors(c); if (!(c->channel_flags & CHANNEL_F_BUFFERED) || c->buffer->len == 0) return 0; /* We still have pending errors to deliver, avoid any re-ordering. */ if (pending_errors) { channel_enqueue_errors(c); } else { ret = c->ops->send(c->data, c->buffer->data, c->buffer->len); if (ret == -1 && (c->channel_flags & CHANNEL_F_ERRORS)) { /* Give it another chance to deliver it. */ channel_enqueue_errors(c); } } c->buffer->len = 0; return 1; } int channel_recv(struct channel *c, char *buf, int size) { return c->ops->recv(c->data, buf, size); } int channel_get_fd(struct channel *c) { return c->ops->get_fd(c->data); } void channel_stats(struct channel *c, int fd) { return c->ops->stats(c, fd); } void channel_stats_extended(struct channel *c, int active, struct nlif_handle *h, int fd) { return c->ops->stats_extended(c, active, h, fd); } int channel_accept_isset(struct channel *c, fd_set *readfds) { return c->ops->accept_isset(c, readfds); } int channel_isset(struct channel *c, fd_set *readfds) { return c->ops->isset(c, readfds); } int channel_accept(struct channel *c) { return c->ops->accept(c); } int channel_type(struct channel *c) { return c->ops->type; }