/* * (C) 2006-2012 by Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@netfilter.org> * (C) 2011 by Vyatta Inc. <http://www.vyatta.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "sync.h" #include "netlink.h" #include "traffic_stats.h" #include "log.h" #include "cache.h" #include "conntrackd.h" #include "network.h" #include "fds.h" #include "event.h" #include "queue.h" #include "process.h" #include "origin.h" #include "internal.h" #include "external.h" #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <fcntl.h> static struct nf_conntrack *msg2ct_alloc(struct nethdr *net, size_t remain) { struct nf_conntrack *ct; /* TODO: add stats on ENOMEM errors in the future. */ ct = nfct_new(); if (ct == NULL) return NULL; if (msg2ct(ct, net, remain) == -1) { STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_malformed++; STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_bad_payload++; nfct_destroy(ct); return NULL; } return ct; } static struct nf_expect *msg2exp_alloc(struct nethdr *net, size_t remain) { struct nf_expect *exp; /* TODO: add stats on ENOMEM errors in the future. */ exp = nfexp_new(); if (exp == NULL) return NULL; if (msg2exp(exp, net, remain) == -1) { STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_malformed++; STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_bad_payload++; nfexp_destroy(exp); return NULL; } return exp; } static void do_channel_handler_step(struct channel *c, struct nethdr *net, size_t remain) { struct nf_conntrack *ct = NULL; struct nf_expect *exp = NULL; if (net->version != CONNTRACKD_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_malformed++; STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_bad_version++; return; } switch (STATE_SYNC(sync)->recv(net)) { case MSG_DATA: multichannel_change_current_channel(STATE_SYNC(channel), c); break; case MSG_CTL: multichannel_change_current_channel(STATE_SYNC(channel), c); return; case MSG_BAD: STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_malformed++; STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_bad_header++; return; case MSG_DROP: return; default: break; } if (net->type > NET_T_STATE_MAX) { STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_malformed++; STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_bad_type++; return; } switch(net->type) { case NET_T_STATE_CT_NEW: ct = msg2ct_alloc(net, remain); if (ct == NULL) return; STATE_SYNC(external)->ct.new(ct); break; case NET_T_STATE_CT_UPD: ct = msg2ct_alloc(net, remain); if (ct == NULL) return; STATE_SYNC(external)->ct.upd(ct); break; case NET_T_STATE_CT_DEL: ct = msg2ct_alloc(net, remain); if (ct == NULL) return; STATE_SYNC(external)->ct.del(ct); break; case NET_T_STATE_EXP_NEW: exp = msg2exp_alloc(net, remain); if (exp == NULL) return; STATE_SYNC(external)->exp.new(exp); break; case NET_T_STATE_EXP_UPD: exp = msg2exp_alloc(net, remain); if (exp == NULL) return; STATE_SYNC(external)->exp.upd(exp); break; case NET_T_STATE_EXP_DEL: exp = msg2exp_alloc(net, remain); if (exp == NULL) return; STATE_SYNC(external)->exp.del(exp); break; default: STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_malformed++; STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_bad_type++; break; } if (ct != NULL) nfct_destroy(ct); if (exp != NULL) nfexp_destroy(exp); } static char __net[65536]; /* XXX: maximum MTU for IPv4 */ static char *cur = __net; static int channel_stream(struct channel *m, const char *ptr, ssize_t remain) { if (m->channel_flags & CHANNEL_F_STREAM) { /* truncated data. */ memcpy(__net, ptr, remain); cur = __net + remain; return 1; } return 0; } /* handler for messages received */ static int channel_handler_routine(struct channel *m) { ssize_t numbytes; ssize_t remain, pending = cur - __net; char *ptr = __net; numbytes = channel_recv(m, cur, sizeof(__net) - pending); if (numbytes <= 0) return -1; remain = numbytes; if (pending) { remain += pending; cur = __net; } while (remain > 0) { struct nethdr *net = (struct nethdr *) ptr; int len; if (remain < NETHDR_SIZ) { if (!channel_stream(m, ptr, remain)) { STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_malformed++; STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_truncated++; } break; } len = ntohs(net->len); if (len <= 0) { STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_malformed++; STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_bad_size++; break; } if (len > remain) { if (!channel_stream(m, ptr, remain)) { STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_malformed++; STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_bad_size++; } break; } if (IS_ACK(net) || IS_NACK(net) || IS_RESYNC(net)) { if (remain < NETHDR_ACK_SIZ) { if (!channel_stream(m, ptr, remain)) { STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_malformed++; STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_truncated++; } break; } if (len < NETHDR_ACK_SIZ) { STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_malformed++; STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_bad_size++; break; } } else { if (len < NETHDR_SIZ) { STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_malformed++; STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_bad_size++; break; } } HDR_NETWORK2HOST(net); do_channel_handler_step(m, net, remain); ptr += net->len; remain -= net->len; } return 0; } /* handler for messages received */ static void channel_handler(void *data) { struct channel *c = data; int k; for (k=0; k<CONFIG(event_iterations_limit); k++) { if (channel_handler_routine(c) == -1) { break; } } } /* select a new interface candidate in a round robin basis */ static void interface_candidate(void) { int i, idx; unsigned int flags; char buf[IFNAMSIZ]; for (i=0; i<STATE_SYNC(channel)->channel_num; i++) { idx = multichannel_get_ifindex(STATE_SYNC(channel), i); if (idx == multichannel_get_current_ifindex(STATE_SYNC(channel))) continue; nlif_get_ifflags(STATE_SYNC(interface), idx, &flags); if (flags & (IFF_RUNNING | IFF_UP)) { multichannel_set_current_channel(STATE_SYNC(channel), i); dlog(LOG_NOTICE, "device `%s' becomes " "dedicated link", if_indextoname(idx, buf)); return; } } dlog(LOG_ERR, "no dedicated links available!"); } static void interface_handler(void *data) { int idx = multichannel_get_current_ifindex(STATE_SYNC(channel)); unsigned int flags; nlif_catch(STATE_SYNC(interface)); nlif_get_ifflags(STATE_SYNC(interface), idx, &flags); if (!(flags & IFF_RUNNING) || !(flags & IFF_UP)) interface_candidate(); } static void do_reset_cache_alarm(struct alarm_block *a, void *data) { STATE(stats).nl_kernel_table_flush++; dlog(LOG_NOTICE, "flushing kernel conntrack table (scheduled)"); /* fork a child process that performs the flush operation, * meanwhile the parent process handles events. */ if (fork_process_new(CTD_PROC_FLUSH, CTD_PROC_F_EXCL, NULL, NULL) == 0) { nl_flush_conntrack_table_selective(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* this is not required if events don't get lost */ STATE(mode)->internal->ct.flush(); } static void commit_cb(void *data) { int ret; read_evfd(STATE_SYNC(commit).evfd); ret = STATE_SYNC(commit).rq[0].cb(STATE_SYNC(commit).h, 0); if (ret == 0) { /* we still have things in the callback queue. */ if (STATE_SYNC(commit).rq[1].cb) { int fd = STATE_SYNC(commit).clientfd; STATE_SYNC(commit).rq[0].cb = STATE_SYNC(commit).rq[1].cb; STATE_SYNC(commit).rq[1].cb = NULL; STATE_SYNC(commit).clientfd = -1; STATE_SYNC(commit).rq[0].cb(STATE_SYNC(commit).h, fd); } else { /* Close the client socket now, we're done. */ close(STATE_SYNC(commit).clientfd); STATE_SYNC(commit).clientfd = -1; } } } static void channel_accept_cb(void *data) { struct channel *c = data; int fd; fd = channel_accept(data); if (fd < 0) return; register_fd(fd, channel_handler, c, STATE(fds)); } static void tx_queue_cb(void *data) { STATE_SYNC(sync)->xmit(); /* flush pending messages */ multichannel_send_flush(STATE_SYNC(channel)); } static int init_sync(void) { int i; state.sync = malloc(sizeof(struct ct_sync_state)); if (!state.sync) { dlog(LOG_ERR, "can't allocate memory for sync"); return -1; } memset(state.sync, 0, sizeof(struct ct_sync_state)); if (CONFIG(flags) & CTD_SYNC_FTFW) STATE_SYNC(sync) = &sync_ftfw; else if (CONFIG(flags) & CTD_SYNC_ALARM) STATE_SYNC(sync) = &sync_alarm; else if (CONFIG(flags) & CTD_SYNC_NOTRACK) STATE_SYNC(sync) = &sync_notrack; else { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: No synchronization mode specified. " "Defaulting to FT-FW mode.\n"); CONFIG(flags) |= CTD_SYNC_FTFW; STATE_SYNC(sync) = &sync_ftfw; } if (STATE_SYNC(sync)->init) STATE_SYNC(sync)->init(); if (CONFIG(sync).internal_cache_disable == 0) { STATE(mode)->internal = &internal_cache; } else { STATE(mode)->internal = &internal_bypass; dlog(LOG_NOTICE, "disabling internal cache"); } if (STATE(mode)->internal->init() == -1) return -1; if (CONFIG(sync).external_cache_disable == 0) { STATE_SYNC(external) = &external_cache; } else { STATE_SYNC(external) = &external_inject; dlog(LOG_NOTICE, "disabling external cache"); } if (STATE_SYNC(external)->init() == -1) return -1; if (channel_init() == -1) return -1; /* channel to send events on the wire */ STATE_SYNC(channel) = multichannel_open(CONFIG(channel), CONFIG(channel_num)); if (STATE_SYNC(channel) == NULL) { dlog(LOG_ERR, "can't open channel socket"); return -1; } for (i=0; i<STATE_SYNC(channel)->channel_num; i++) { int fd = channel_get_fd(STATE_SYNC(channel)->channel[i]); fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); switch(channel_type(STATE_SYNC(channel)->channel[i])) { case CHANNEL_T_STREAM: register_fd(fd, channel_accept_cb, STATE_SYNC(channel)->channel[i], STATE(fds)); break; case CHANNEL_T_DATAGRAM: register_fd(fd, channel_handler, STATE_SYNC(channel)->channel[i], STATE(fds)); break; } } STATE_SYNC(interface) = nl_init_interface_handler(); if (!STATE_SYNC(interface)) { dlog(LOG_ERR, "can't open interface watcher"); return -1; } if (register_fd(nlif_fd(STATE_SYNC(interface)), interface_handler, NULL, STATE(fds)) == -1) return -1; STATE_SYNC(tx_queue) = queue_create("txqueue", INT_MAX, QUEUE_F_EVFD); if (STATE_SYNC(tx_queue) == NULL) { dlog(LOG_ERR, "cannot create tx queue"); return -1; } if (register_fd(queue_get_eventfd(STATE_SYNC(tx_queue)), tx_queue_cb, NULL, STATE(fds)) == -1) return -1; STATE_SYNC(commit).h = nfct_open(CONFIG(netlink).subsys_id, 0); if (STATE_SYNC(commit).h == NULL) { dlog(LOG_ERR, "can't create handler to commit"); return -1; } origin_register(STATE_SYNC(commit).h, CTD_ORIGIN_COMMIT); STATE_SYNC(commit).evfd = create_evfd(); if (STATE_SYNC(commit).evfd == NULL) { dlog(LOG_ERR, "can't create eventfd to commit"); return -1; } if (register_fd(get_read_evfd(STATE_SYNC(commit).evfd), commit_cb, NULL, STATE(fds)) == -1) { return -1; } STATE_SYNC(commit).clientfd = -1; init_alarm(&STATE_SYNC(reset_cache_alarm), NULL, do_reset_cache_alarm); /* initialization of message sequence generation */ STATE_SYNC(last_seq_sent) = time(NULL); return 0; } static void kill_sync(void) { STATE(mode)->internal->close(); STATE_SYNC(external)->close(); multichannel_close(STATE_SYNC(channel)); nlif_close(STATE_SYNC(interface)); queue_destroy(STATE_SYNC(tx_queue)); channel_end(); origin_unregister(STATE_SYNC(commit).h); nfct_close(STATE_SYNC(commit).h); destroy_evfd(STATE_SYNC(commit).evfd); if (STATE_SYNC(sync)->kill) STATE_SYNC(sync)->kill(); } static void dump_stats_sync(int fd) { char buf[512]; int size; size = sprintf(buf, "message tracking:\n" "%20llu Malformed msgs " "%20llu Lost msgs\n\n", (unsigned long long)STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_malformed, (unsigned long long)STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_lost); send(fd, buf, size, 0); } static void dump_stats_sync_extended(int fd) { char buf[512]; int size; size = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "network statistics:\n" "\trecv:\n" "\t\tMalformed messages:\t%20llu\n" "\t\tWrong protocol version:\t%20u\n" "\t\tMalformed header:\t%20u\n" "\t\tMalformed payload:\t%20u\n" "\t\tBad message type:\t%20u\n" "\t\tTruncated message:\t%20u\n" "\t\tBad message size:\t%20u\n" "\tsend:\n" "\t\tMalformed messages:\t%20u\n\n" "sequence tracking statistics:\n" "\trecv:\n" "\t\tPackets lost:\t\t%20llu\n" "\t\tPackets before:\t\t%20llu\n\n", (unsigned long long)STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_malformed, STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_bad_version, STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_bad_header, STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_bad_payload, STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_bad_type, STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_truncated, STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_bad_size, STATE_SYNC(error).msg_snd_malformed, (unsigned long long)STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_lost, (unsigned long long)STATE_SYNC(error).msg_rcv_before); send(fd, buf, size, 0); } static int local_commit(int fd) { int ret; /* delete the reset alarm if any before committing */ del_alarm(&STATE_SYNC(reset_cache_alarm)); ret = STATE_SYNC(commit).rq[0].cb(STATE_SYNC(commit).h, fd); if (ret == -1) { dlog(LOG_NOTICE, "commit already in progress, skipping"); ret = LOCAL_RET_OK; } else if (ret == 0) { /* we've finished the commit. */ ret = LOCAL_RET_OK; } else { /* Keep open the client, we want synchronous commit. */ ret = LOCAL_RET_STOLEN; } return ret; } /* handler for requests coming via UNIX socket */ static int local_handler_sync(int fd, int type, void *data) { int ret = LOCAL_RET_OK; switch(type) { case CT_DUMP_INTERNAL: if (fork_process_new(CTD_PROC_ANY, 0, NULL, NULL) == 0) { STATE(mode)->internal->ct.dump(fd, NFCT_O_PLAIN); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; case CT_DUMP_EXTERNAL: if (fork_process_new(CTD_PROC_ANY, 0, NULL, NULL) == 0) { STATE_SYNC(external)->ct.dump(fd, NFCT_O_PLAIN); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; case CT_DUMP_INT_XML: if (fork_process_new(CTD_PROC_ANY, 0, NULL, NULL) == 0) { STATE(mode)->internal->ct.dump(fd, NFCT_O_XML); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; case CT_DUMP_EXT_XML: if (fork_process_new(CTD_PROC_ANY, 0, NULL, NULL) == 0) { STATE_SYNC(external)->ct.dump(fd, NFCT_O_XML); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; case CT_COMMIT: dlog(LOG_NOTICE, "committing conntrack cache"); STATE_SYNC(commit).rq[0].cb = STATE_SYNC(external)->ct.commit; STATE_SYNC(commit).rq[1].cb = NULL; ret = local_commit(fd); break; case RESET_TIMERS: if (!alarm_pending(&STATE_SYNC(reset_cache_alarm))) { dlog(LOG_NOTICE, "flushing conntrack table in %d secs", CONFIG(purge_timeout)); add_alarm(&STATE_SYNC(reset_cache_alarm), CONFIG(purge_timeout), 0); } break; case CT_FLUSH_CACHE: /* if we're still committing, abort this command */ if (STATE_SYNC(commit).clientfd != -1) { dlog(LOG_ERR, "ignoring flush command, " "commit still in progress"); break; } /* inmediate flush, remove pending flush scheduled if any */ del_alarm(&STATE_SYNC(reset_cache_alarm)); dlog(LOG_NOTICE, "flushing caches"); STATE(mode)->internal->ct.flush(); STATE_SYNC(external)->ct.flush(); break; case CT_FLUSH_INT_CACHE: /* inmediate flush, remove pending flush scheduled if any */ del_alarm(&STATE_SYNC(reset_cache_alarm)); dlog(LOG_NOTICE, "flushing internal cache"); STATE(mode)->internal->ct.flush(); break; case CT_FLUSH_EXT_CACHE: /* if we're still committing, abort this command */ if (STATE_SYNC(commit).clientfd != -1) { dlog(LOG_ERR, "ignoring flush command, " "commit still in progress"); break; } dlog(LOG_NOTICE, "flushing external cache"); STATE_SYNC(external)->ct.flush(); break; case STATS: STATE(mode)->internal->ct.stats(fd); STATE_SYNC(external)->ct.stats(fd); dump_traffic_stats(fd); multichannel_stats(STATE_SYNC(channel), fd); dump_stats_sync(fd); break; case STATS_NETWORK: dump_stats_sync_extended(fd); multichannel_stats(STATE_SYNC(channel), fd); break; case STATS_CACHE: STATE(mode)->internal->ct.stats_ext(fd); STATE_SYNC(external)->ct.stats_ext(fd); break; case STATS_LINK: multichannel_stats_extended(STATE_SYNC(channel), STATE_SYNC(interface), fd); break; case STATS_QUEUE: queue_stats_show(fd); break; case EXP_STATS: if (!(CONFIG(flags) & CTD_EXPECT)) break; STATE(mode)->internal->exp.stats(fd); STATE_SYNC(external)->exp.stats(fd); dump_traffic_stats(fd); multichannel_stats(STATE_SYNC(channel), fd); dump_stats_sync(fd); break; case EXP_DUMP_INTERNAL: if (!(CONFIG(flags) & CTD_EXPECT)) break; if (fork_process_new(CTD_PROC_ANY, 0, NULL, NULL) == 0) { STATE(mode)->internal->exp.dump(fd, NFCT_O_PLAIN); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; case EXP_DUMP_EXTERNAL: if (!(CONFIG(flags) & CTD_EXPECT)) break; if (fork_process_new(CTD_PROC_ANY, 0, NULL, NULL) == 0) { STATE_SYNC(external)->exp.dump(fd, NFCT_O_PLAIN); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; case EXP_COMMIT: if (!(CONFIG(flags) & CTD_EXPECT)) break; dlog(LOG_NOTICE, "committing expectation cache"); STATE_SYNC(commit).rq[0].cb = STATE_SYNC(external)->exp.commit; STATE_SYNC(commit).rq[1].cb = NULL; ret = local_commit(fd); break; case ALL_FLUSH_CACHE: /* if we're still committing, abort this command */ if (STATE_SYNC(commit).clientfd != -1) { dlog(LOG_ERR, "ignoring flush command, " "commit still in progress"); break; } dlog(LOG_NOTICE, "flushing caches"); STATE(mode)->internal->ct.flush(); STATE_SYNC(external)->ct.flush(); if (CONFIG(flags) & CTD_EXPECT) { STATE(mode)->internal->exp.flush(); STATE_SYNC(external)->exp.flush(); } break; case ALL_COMMIT: dlog(LOG_NOTICE, "committing all external caches"); STATE_SYNC(commit).rq[0].cb = STATE_SYNC(external)->ct.commit; if (CONFIG(flags) & CTD_EXPECT) { STATE_SYNC(commit).rq[1].cb = STATE_SYNC(external)->exp.commit; } else { STATE_SYNC(commit).rq[1].cb = NULL; } ret = local_commit(fd); break; case EXP_DUMP_INT_XML: if (fork_process_new(CTD_PROC_ANY, 0, NULL, NULL) == 0) { STATE(mode)->internal->exp.dump(fd, NFCT_O_XML); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; case EXP_DUMP_EXT_XML: if (fork_process_new(CTD_PROC_ANY, 0, NULL, NULL) == 0) { STATE_SYNC(external)->exp.dump(fd, NFCT_O_XML); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; default: if (STATE_SYNC(sync)->local) ret = STATE_SYNC(sync)->local(fd, type, data); break; } return ret; } struct ct_mode sync_mode = { .init = init_sync, .local = local_handler_sync, .kill = kill_sync, /* the internal handler is set in run-time. */ };