path: root/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/meta/table.yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/meta/table.yaml')
1 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/meta/table.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/meta/table.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..940a9d27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/meta/table.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+desc: Tests meta queries for creating and deleting tables
+ - def: db = r.db('test')
+ - cd: db.table_list()
+ ot: []
+ - cd: r.db('rethinkdb').info()
+ ot: ({'type':'DB','name':'rethinkdb','id':null})
+ - cd: r.db('rethinkdb').table('stats').info()
+ ot: partial({'db':{'type':'DB','name':'rethinkdb','id':null},
+ 'type':'TABLE','id':null,'name':'stats',
+ 'indexes':[],'primary_key':'id'})
+ # Table create
+ - cd: db.table_create('a')
+ ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
+ - cd: db.table_list()
+ ot: ['a']
+ - cd: db.table_create('b')
+ ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
+ - cd: db.table_list()
+ ot: bag(['a', 'b'])
+ # Table drop
+ - cd: db.table_drop('a')
+ ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
+ - cd: db.table_list()
+ ot: ['b']
+ - cd: db.table_drop('b')
+ ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
+ - cd: db.table_list()
+ ot: []
+ # Table create options
+ - py: db.table_create('ab', durability='soft')
+ js: db.table_create('ab', {durability:'soft'})
+ rb: db.table_create('ab', :durability => 'soft')
+ ot: partial({'tables_created':1,'config_changes':[partial({'new_val':partial({'durability':'soft'})})]})
+ - cd: db.table_drop('ab')
+ ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
+ - py: db.table_create('ab', durability='hard')
+ js: db.table_create('ab', {durability:'hard'})
+ rb: db.table_create('ab', :durability => 'hard')
+ ot: partial({'tables_created':1,'config_changes':[partial({'new_val':partial({'durability':'hard'})})]})
+ - cd: db.table_drop('ab')
+ ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
+ - py: db.table_create('ab', durability='fake')
+ js: db.table_create('ab', {durability:'fake'})
+ rb: db.table_create('ab', :durability => 'fake')
+ ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Durability option `fake` unrecognized (options are "hard" and "soft").')
+ - py: db.table_create('ab', primary_key='bar', shards=2, replicas=1)
+ js: db.tableCreate('ab', {primary_key:'bar', shards:2, replicas:1})
+ rb: db.table_create('ab', {:primary_key => 'bar', :shards => 1, :replicas => 1})
+ ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
+ - cd: db.table_drop('ab')
+ ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
+ - py: db.table_create('ab', primary_key='bar', primary_replica_tag='default')
+ js: db.tableCreate('ab', {primary_key:'bar', primaryReplicaTag:'default'})
+ rb: db.table_create('ab', {:primary_key => 'bar', :primary_replica_tag => 'default'})
+ ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
+ - cd: db.table_drop('ab')
+ ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
+ - py: db.table_create('ab', nonvoting_replica_tags=['default'])
+ js: db.tableCreate('ab', {nonvotingReplicaTags:['default']})
+ rb: db.table_create('ab', {:nonvoting_replica_tags => ['default']})
+ ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
+ - cd: db.table_drop('ab')
+ ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
+ # Table reconfigure
+ - cd: db.table_create('a')
+ ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas=1)
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:1})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => 1)
+ ot: partial({'reconfigured':1})
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas={"default":1}, nonvoting_replica_tags=['default'], primary_replica_tag='default')
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:{default:1}, nonvoting_replica_tags:['default'], primary_replica_tag:'default'})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => {:default => 1}, :nonvoting_replica_tags => ['default'], :primary_replica_tag => 'default')
+ ot: partial({'reconfigured':1})
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas=1, dry_run=True)
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:1, dry_run:true})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => 1, :dry_run => true)
+ ot: partial({'reconfigured':0})
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(emergency_repair="unsafe_rollback")
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({emergency_repair:"unsafe_rollback"})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:emergency_repair => "unsafe_rollback")
+ ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'This table doesn\'t need to be repaired.', [])
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(emergency_repair="unsafe_rollback", dry_run=True)
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({emergency_repair:"unsafe_rollback", dry_run:true})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:emergency_repair => "unsafe_rollback", :dry_run => true)
+ ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'This table doesn\'t need to be repaired.', [])
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(emergency_repair="unsafe_rollback_or_erase")
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({emergency_repair:"unsafe_rollback_or_erase"})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:emergency_repair => "unsafe_rollback_or_erase")
+ ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'This table doesn\'t need to be repaired.', [])
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(emergency_repair=None, shards=1, replicas=1, dry_run=True)
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({emergency_repair:null, shards:1, replicas:1, dry_run:true})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:emergency_repair => null, :shards => 1, :replicas => 1, :dry_run => true)
+ ot: partial({'reconfigured':0})
+ - cd: db.table_drop('a')
+ ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
+ # Table errors
+ - cd: db.table_create('foo')
+ ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
+ - cd: db.table_create('foo')
+ ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'Table `` already exists.', [0])
+ - cd: db.table_drop('foo')
+ ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
+ - cd: db.table_drop('foo')
+ ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'Table `` does not exist.', [0])
+ - cd: db.table_create('nonsense', 'foo')
+ ot:
+ js: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 2.', [])
+ rb: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 1 and 2 arguments but found 3.", [])
+ py: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 1 and 2 arguments but found 3.", [])
+ - js: db.table_create('nonsense', {'foo':'bar'})
+ py: db.table_create('nonsense', foo='bar')
+ rb: db.table_create('nonsense', :foo => 'bar')
+ ot: err('ReqlCompileError', "Unrecognized optional argument `foo`.", [])
+ # RSI(reql_admin): Add tests for table_create() with configuration parameters
+ # Table reconfigure errors
+ - cd: db.table_create('a')
+ ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=0, replicas=1)
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:0, replicas:1})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 0, :replicas => 1)
+ ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Every table must have at least one shard.', [])
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas={"default":1}, primary_replica_tag="foo")
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:{default:1}, primary_replica_tag:"foo"})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => {:default => 1}, :primary_replica_tag => "foo")
+ ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'Can\'t use server tag `foo` for primary replicas because you specified no replicas in server tag `foo`.', [])
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas={"default":1}, primary_replica_tag="default", nonvoting_replica_tags=["foo"])
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:{"default":1}, primary_replica_tag:"default", nonvoting_replica_tags:["foo"]})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => {:default => 1}, :primary_replica_tag => "default", :nonvoting_replica_tags => ["foo"])
+ ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'You specified that the replicas in server tag `foo` should be non-voting, but you didn\'t specify a number of replicas in server tag `foo`.', [])
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas={"foo":0}, primary_replica_tag="foo")
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:{foo:0}, primary_replica_tag:"foo"})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => {:foo => 0}, :primary_replica_tag => "foo")
+ ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'You must set `replicas` to at least one. `replicas` includes the primary replica; if there are zero replicas, there is nowhere to put the data.', [])
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas={"default":0})
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:{default:0}})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => {:default => 0})
+ ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`primary_replica_tag` must be specified when `replicas` is an OBJECT.', [])
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas={"default":-3}, primary_replica_tag='default')
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:{default:-3}, primary_replica_tag:'default'})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => {:default => -3}, :primary_replica_tag => 'default')
+ ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Can\'t have a negative number of replicas', [])
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas=3, primary_replica_tag='foo')
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:3, primary_replica_tag:'foo'})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => 3, :primary_replica_tag => 'foo')
+ ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`replicas` must be an OBJECT if `primary_replica_tag` is specified.', [])
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas=3, nonvoting_replica_tags=['foo'])
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:3, nonvoting_replica_tags:['foo']})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => 3, :nonvoting_replica_tags => ['foo'])
+ ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`replicas` must be an OBJECT if `nonvoting_replica_tags` is specified.', [])
+ - py: db.reconfigure(emergency_repair="unsafe_rollback")
+ js: db.reconfigure({emergency_repair:"unsafe_rollback"})
+ rb: db.reconfigure(:emergency_repair => "unsafe_rollback")
+ ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Can\'t emergency repair an entire database at once; instead you should run `reconfigure()` on each table individually.')
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(emergency_repair="foo")
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({emergency_repair:"foo"})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:emergency_repair => "foo")
+ ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`emergency_repair` should be "unsafe_rollback" or "unsafe_rollback_or_erase"', [])
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(emergency_repair="unsafe_rollback", shards=1, replicas=1)
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({emergency_repair:"unsafe_rollback", shards:1, replicas:1})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:emergency_repair => "unsafe_rollback", :shards => 1, :replicas => 1)
+ ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'In emergency repair mode, you can\'t specify shards, replicas, etc.')
+ # Test reconfigure auto-sharding without data
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=2, replicas=1)
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:2, replicas:1})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 2, :replicas => 1)
+ ot: partial({'reconfigured':1})
+ - py: db.table('a').wait(wait_for="all_replicas_ready")
+ js: db.table('a').wait({"waitFor":"all_replicas_ready"})
+ rb: db.table('a').wait(:wait_for=>"all_replicas_ready")
+ ot: {"ready":1}
+ # Insert some data so that `reconfigure()` can pick shard points
+ - py: db.table('a').insert([{"id":1}, {"id":2}, {"id":3}, {"id":4}])
+ js: db.table('a').insert([{id:1}, {id:2}, {id:3}, {id:4}])
+ rb: db.table('a').insert([{"id" => 1}, {"id" => 2}, {"id" => 3}, {"id" => 4}])
+ ot: partial({"inserted":4})
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=2, replicas=1)
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:2, replicas:1})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 2, :replicas => 1)
+ ot: partial({'reconfigured':1})
+ - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas=2)
+ js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:2})
+ rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => 2)
+ ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'Can\'t put 2 replicas on servers with the tag `default` because there are only 1 servers with the tag `default`. It\'s impossible to have more replicas of the data than there are servers.', [])
+ # Test wait and rebalance
+ - py: db.table('a').wait(wait_for="all_replicas_ready")
+ js: db.table('a').wait({"waitFor":"all_replicas_ready"})
+ rb: db.table('a').wait(:wait_for=>"all_replicas_ready")
+ ot: {"ready":1}
+ - cd: db.table('a').rebalance()
+ ot: partial({'rebalanced':1})
+ - py: db.wait(wait_for="all_replicas_ready")
+ js: db.wait({"waitFor":"all_replicas_ready"})
+ rb: db.wait(:wait_for=>"all_replicas_ready")
+ ot: {"ready":1}
+ - cd: db.rebalance()
+ ot: partial({'rebalanced':1})
+ - cd: r.wait()
+ ot:
+ py: err('AttributeError', "'module' object has no attribute 'wait'", [])
+ # different sub-versions of node have different messages #5617
+ js: err('TypeError')
+ rb: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`wait` can only be called on a table or database.', [])
+ - cd: r.rebalance()
+ ot:
+ py: err('AttributeError', "'module' object has no attribute 'rebalance'", [])
+ # different sub-versions of node have different messages #5617
+ js: err('TypeError')
+ rb: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`rebalance` can only be called on a table or database.', [])
+ - cd: db.table_drop('a')
+ ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
+ # Reconfiguring all tables in a database
+ - cd: db.table_create('a')
+ - cd: db.table_create('b')
+ - cd: db.table_create('c')
+ - py: db.reconfigure(shards=0, replicas=1)
+ js: db.reconfigure({shards:0, replicas:1})
+ rb: db.reconfigure(:shards => 0, :replicas => 1)
+ ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Every table must have at least one shard.', [])
+ - py: db.reconfigure(shards=1, replicas={"default":0})
+ js: db.reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:{default:0}})
+ rb: db.reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => {:default => 0})
+ ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`primary_replica_tag` must be specified when `replicas` is an OBJECT.', [])
+ - py: db.reconfigure(shards=1, replicas={"default":-3}, primary_replica_tag='default')
+ js: db.reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:{default:-3}, primary_replica_tag:'default'})
+ rb: db.reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => {:default => -3}, :primary_replica_tag => 'default')
+ ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Can\'t have a negative number of replicas', [])
+ - py: db.reconfigure(shards=1, replicas=3, primary_replica_tag='foo')
+ js: db.reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:3, primary_replica_tag:'foo'})
+ rb: db.reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => 3, :primary_replica_tag => 'foo')
+ ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`replicas` must be an OBJECT if `primary_replica_tag` is specified.', [])
+ - py: db.reconfigure(shards=2, replicas=1)
+ js: db.reconfigure({shards:2, replicas:1})
+ rb: db.reconfigure(:shards => 2, :replicas => 1)
+ ot: partial({'reconfigured':3})
+ - cd: db.table_drop('a')
+ ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
+ - cd: db.table_drop('b')
+ ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
+ - cd: db.table_drop('c')
+ ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
+ # table_config and table_status porcelains
+ - cd: r.db_create("test2")
+ ot: partial({'dbs_created':1})
+ - def: db2 = r.db("test2")
+ - cd: db.table_create("testA")
+ ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
+ - cd: db.table_create("testB")
+ ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
+ - cd: db2.table_create("test2B")
+ ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
+ - cd: r.table('testA').config().pluck('db','name')
+ ot: {'db':'test','name':'testA'}
+ - cd: r.table('doesntexist').config()
+ ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'Table `test.doesntexist` does not exist.', [])
+ - cd: r.table('test2B').config()
+ ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'Table `test.test2B` does not exist.', [])
+ - cd: r.db('rethinkdb').table('table_config').filter({'name':'testA'}).nth(0).eq(r.table('testA').config())
+ ot: True
+ - cd: r.db('rethinkdb').table('table_status').filter({'name':'testA'}).nth(0).eq(r.table('testA').status())
+ ot: True
+ - py: r.db('rethinkdb').table('table_config', identifier_format='uuid').nth(0)["db"]
+ js: r.db('rethinkdb').table('table_config', {identifierFormat:'uuid'}).nth(0)("db")
+ rb: r.db('rethinkdb').table('table_config', {:identifier_format=>'uuid'}).nth(0)["db"]
+ ot: uuid()
+ - py: r.table('testA', identifier_format='uuid').count()
+ js: r.table('testA', {identifierFormat:'uuid'}).count()
+ rb: r.table('testA', {:identifier_format=>'uuid'}).count()
+ ot: 0
+ - py: r.wait(wait_for='all_replicas_ready', timeout=5)
+ js: r.wait({waitFor:'all_replicas_ready', timeout:5})
+ rb: r.wait(:wait_for=>'all_replicas_ready', :timeout => 5)
+ ot:
+ py: err('AttributeError', "'module' object has no attribute 'wait'", [])
+ # different sub-versions of node have different messages #5617
+ js: err('TypeError')
+ rb: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`wait` can only be called on a table or database.', [])
+ - cd: db.table_drop('testA')
+ ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
+ - cd: db.table_drop('testB')
+ ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
+ - cd: r.db_drop('test2')
+ ot: partial({'dbs_dropped':1,'tables_dropped':1})