path: root/ext/lwip/test/unit/tcp/tcp_helper.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/lwip/test/unit/tcp/tcp_helper.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 294 deletions
diff --git a/ext/lwip/test/unit/tcp/tcp_helper.c b/ext/lwip/test/unit/tcp/tcp_helper.c
deleted file mode 100644
index dd550f1b..00000000
--- a/ext/lwip/test/unit/tcp/tcp_helper.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-#include "tcp_helper.h"
-#include "lwip/tcp_impl.h"
-#include "lwip/stats.h"
-#include "lwip/pbuf.h"
-#include "lwip/inet_chksum.h"
-#error "This tests needs TCP- and MEMP-statistics enabled"
-/** Remove all pcbs on the given list. */
-static void
-tcp_remove(struct tcp_pcb* pcb_list)
- struct tcp_pcb *pcb = pcb_list;
- struct tcp_pcb *pcb2;
- while(pcb != NULL) {
- pcb2 = pcb;
- pcb = pcb->next;
- tcp_abort(pcb2);
- }
-/** Remove all pcbs on listen-, active- and time-wait-list (bound- isn't exported). */
- tcp_remove(tcp_listen_pcbs.pcbs);
- tcp_remove(tcp_active_pcbs);
- tcp_remove(tcp_tw_pcbs);
- fail_unless(lwip_stats.memp[MEMP_TCP_PCB].used == 0);
- fail_unless(lwip_stats.memp[MEMP_TCP_PCB_LISTEN].used == 0);
- fail_unless(lwip_stats.memp[MEMP_TCP_SEG].used == 0);
- fail_unless(lwip_stats.memp[MEMP_PBUF_POOL].used == 0);
-/** Create a TCP segment usable for passing to tcp_input */
-static struct pbuf*
-tcp_create_segment_wnd(ip_addr_t* src_ip, ip_addr_t* dst_ip,
- u16_t src_port, u16_t dst_port, void* data, size_t data_len,
- u32_t seqno, u32_t ackno, u8_t headerflags, u16_t wnd)
- struct pbuf *p, *q;
- struct ip_hdr* iphdr;
- struct tcp_hdr* tcphdr;
- u16_t pbuf_len = (u16_t)(sizeof(struct ip_hdr) + sizeof(struct tcp_hdr) + data_len);
- p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, pbuf_len, PBUF_POOL);
- /* first pbuf must be big enough to hold the headers */
- EXPECT_RETNULL(p->len >= (sizeof(struct ip_hdr) + sizeof(struct tcp_hdr)));
- if (data_len > 0) {
- /* first pbuf must be big enough to hold at least 1 data byte, too */
- EXPECT_RETNULL(p->len > (sizeof(struct ip_hdr) + sizeof(struct tcp_hdr)));
- }
- for(q = p; q != NULL; q = q->next) {
- memset(q->payload, 0, q->len);
- }
- iphdr = p->payload;
- /* fill IP header */
- iphdr->dest.addr = dst_ip->addr;
- iphdr->src.addr = src_ip->addr;
- IPH_VHL_SET(iphdr, 4, IP_HLEN / 4);
- IPH_TOS_SET(iphdr, 0);
- IPH_LEN_SET(iphdr, htons(p->tot_len));
- IPH_CHKSUM_SET(iphdr, inet_chksum(iphdr, IP_HLEN));
- /* let p point to TCP header */
- pbuf_header(p, -(s16_t)sizeof(struct ip_hdr));
- tcphdr = p->payload;
- tcphdr->src = htons(src_port);
- tcphdr->dest = htons(dst_port);
- tcphdr->seqno = htonl(seqno);
- tcphdr->ackno = htonl(ackno);
- TCPH_HDRLEN_SET(tcphdr, sizeof(struct tcp_hdr)/4);
- TCPH_FLAGS_SET(tcphdr, headerflags);
- tcphdr->wnd = htons(wnd);
- if (data_len > 0) {
- /* let p point to TCP data */
- pbuf_header(p, -(s16_t)sizeof(struct tcp_hdr));
- /* copy data */
- pbuf_take(p, data, data_len);
- /* let p point to TCP header again */
- pbuf_header(p, sizeof(struct tcp_hdr));
- }
- /* calculate checksum */
- tcphdr->chksum = inet_chksum_pseudo(p, src_ip, dst_ip,
- IP_PROTO_TCP, p->tot_len);
- pbuf_header(p, sizeof(struct ip_hdr));
- return p;
-/** Create a TCP segment usable for passing to tcp_input */
-struct pbuf*
-tcp_create_segment(ip_addr_t* src_ip, ip_addr_t* dst_ip,
- u16_t src_port, u16_t dst_port, void* data, size_t data_len,
- u32_t seqno, u32_t ackno, u8_t headerflags)
- return tcp_create_segment_wnd(src_ip, dst_ip, src_port, dst_port, data,
- data_len, seqno, ackno, headerflags, TCP_WND);
-/** Create a TCP segment usable for passing to tcp_input
- * - IP-addresses, ports, seqno and ackno are taken from pcb
- * - seqno and ackno can be altered with an offset
- */
-struct pbuf*
-tcp_create_rx_segment(struct tcp_pcb* pcb, void* data, size_t data_len, u32_t seqno_offset,
- u32_t ackno_offset, u8_t headerflags)
- return tcp_create_segment(&pcb->remote_ip, &pcb->local_ip, pcb->remote_port, pcb->local_port,
- data, data_len, pcb->rcv_nxt + seqno_offset, pcb->lastack + ackno_offset, headerflags);
-/** Create a TCP segment usable for passing to tcp_input
- * - IP-addresses, ports, seqno and ackno are taken from pcb
- * - seqno and ackno can be altered with an offset
- * - TCP window can be adjusted
- */
-struct pbuf* tcp_create_rx_segment_wnd(struct tcp_pcb* pcb, void* data, size_t data_len,
- u32_t seqno_offset, u32_t ackno_offset, u8_t headerflags, u16_t wnd)
- return tcp_create_segment_wnd(&pcb->remote_ip, &pcb->local_ip, pcb->remote_port, pcb->local_port,
- data, data_len, pcb->rcv_nxt + seqno_offset, pcb->lastack + ackno_offset, headerflags, wnd);
-/** Safely bring a tcp_pcb into the requested state */
-tcp_set_state(struct tcp_pcb* pcb, enum tcp_state state, ip_addr_t* local_ip,
- ip_addr_t* remote_ip, u16_t local_port, u16_t remote_port)
- /* @todo: are these all states? */
- /* @todo: remove from previous list */
- pcb->state = state;
- if (state == ESTABLISHED) {
- TCP_REG(&tcp_active_pcbs, pcb);
- pcb->local_ip.addr = local_ip->addr;
- pcb->local_port = local_port;
- pcb->remote_ip.addr = remote_ip->addr;
- pcb->remote_port = remote_port;
- } else if(state == LISTEN) {
- TCP_REG(&tcp_listen_pcbs.pcbs, pcb);
- pcb->local_ip.addr = local_ip->addr;
- pcb->local_port = local_port;
- } else if(state == TIME_WAIT) {
- TCP_REG(&tcp_tw_pcbs, pcb);
- pcb->local_ip.addr = local_ip->addr;
- pcb->local_port = local_port;
- pcb->remote_ip.addr = remote_ip->addr;
- pcb->remote_port = remote_port;
- } else {
- fail();
- }
-test_tcp_counters_err(void* arg, err_t err)
- struct test_tcp_counters* counters = arg;
- EXPECT_RET(arg != NULL);
- counters->err_calls++;
- counters->last_err = err;
-static void
-test_tcp_counters_check_rxdata(struct test_tcp_counters* counters, struct pbuf* p)
- struct pbuf* q;
- u32_t i, received;
- if(counters->expected_data == NULL) {
- /* no data to compare */
- return;
- }
- EXPECT_RET(counters->recved_bytes + p->tot_len <= counters->expected_data_len);
- received = counters->recved_bytes;
- for(q = p; q != NULL; q = q->next) {
- char *data = q->payload;
- for(i = 0; i < q->len; i++) {
- EXPECT_RET(data[i] == counters->expected_data[received]);
- received++;
- }
- }
- EXPECT(received == counters->recved_bytes + p->tot_len);
-test_tcp_counters_recv(void* arg, struct tcp_pcb* pcb, struct pbuf* p, err_t err)
- struct test_tcp_counters* counters = arg;
- if (p != NULL) {
- if (counters->close_calls == 0) {
- counters->recv_calls++;
- test_tcp_counters_check_rxdata(counters, p);
- counters->recved_bytes += p->tot_len;
- } else {
- counters->recv_calls_after_close++;
- counters->recved_bytes_after_close += p->tot_len;
- }
- pbuf_free(p);
- } else {
- counters->close_calls++;
- }
- EXPECT(counters->recv_calls_after_close == 0 && counters->recved_bytes_after_close == 0);
- return ERR_OK;
-/** Allocate a pcb and set up the test_tcp_counters_* callbacks */
-struct tcp_pcb*
-test_tcp_new_counters_pcb(struct test_tcp_counters* counters)
- struct tcp_pcb* pcb = tcp_new();
- if (pcb != NULL) {
- /* set up args and callbacks */
- tcp_arg(pcb, counters);
- tcp_recv(pcb, test_tcp_counters_recv);
- tcp_err(pcb, test_tcp_counters_err);
- pcb->snd_wnd = TCP_WND;
- pcb->snd_wnd_max = TCP_WND;
- }
- return pcb;
-/** Calls tcp_input() after adjusting current_iphdr_dest */
-void test_tcp_input(struct pbuf *p, struct netif *inp)
- struct ip_hdr *iphdr = (struct ip_hdr*)p->payload;
- ip_addr_copy(current_iphdr_dest, iphdr->dest);
- ip_addr_copy(current_iphdr_src, iphdr->src);
- current_netif = inp;
- current_header = iphdr;
- tcp_input(p, inp);
- current_iphdr_dest.addr = 0;
- current_iphdr_src.addr = 0;
- current_netif = NULL;
- current_header = NULL;
-static err_t test_tcp_netif_output(struct netif *netif, struct pbuf *p,
- ip_addr_t *ipaddr)
- struct test_tcp_txcounters *txcounters = (struct test_tcp_txcounters*)netif->state;
- LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(ipaddr);
- txcounters->num_tx_calls++;
- txcounters->num_tx_bytes += p->tot_len;
- if (txcounters->copy_tx_packets) {
- struct pbuf *p_copy = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_LINK, p->tot_len, PBUF_RAM);
- err_t err;
- EXPECT(p_copy != NULL);
- err = pbuf_copy(p_copy, p);
- EXPECT(err == ERR_OK);
- if (txcounters->tx_packets == NULL) {
- txcounters->tx_packets = p_copy;
- } else {
- pbuf_cat(txcounters->tx_packets, p_copy);
- }
- }
- return ERR_OK;
-void test_tcp_init_netif(struct netif *netif, struct test_tcp_txcounters *txcounters,
- ip_addr_t *ip_addr, ip_addr_t *netmask)
- struct netif *n;
- memset(netif, 0, sizeof(struct netif));
- memset(txcounters, 0, sizeof(struct test_tcp_txcounters));
- netif->output = test_tcp_netif_output;
- netif->state = txcounters;
- netif->flags |= NETIF_FLAG_UP;
- ip_addr_copy(netif->netmask, *netmask);
- ip_addr_copy(netif->ip_addr, *ip_addr);
- for (n = netif_list; n != NULL; n = n->next) {
- if (n == netif) {
- return;
- }
- }
- netif->next = NULL;
- netif_list = netif;