path: root/node/IncomingPacket.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-10-05Bump version to 1.0.0, add legacy support code to Multicaster to not send new...Adam Ierymenko
2014-10-03Do not multicast to self.Adam Ierymenko
2014-10-02Last steps before test: parse OK(MULTICAST_GATHER) and OK(MULTICAST_FRAME)Adam Ierymenko
2014-10-02Make multicast gathering a bit smarter.Adam Ierymenko
2014-10-02Change "encrypted" flag to full cipher suite selector. Go ahead and reserve A...Adam Ierymenko
2014-10-02Improve security posture by eliminating non-const data() accessor from Buffer.Adam Ierymenko
2014-10-01A bit more IncomingPacket cleanup... almost ready to test, just need OK() han...Adam Ierymenko
2014-09-30IncomingPacket builds!Adam Ierymenko
2014-09-30Add origin to new MULTICAST_FRAME, move security check for certs into Network...Adam Ierymenko
2014-09-30Multicaster needs to be global, not per-network, and a bunch of other stuff.Adam Ierymenko
2014-09-26A few more revisions to new multicast verbs.Adam Ierymenko
2014-09-24Rename the ubiquitous _r pointer to RuntimeEnvironment to RR just to be a lit...Adam Ierymenko
2014-09-24Rename PacketDecoder to much more descriptive IncomingPacketAdam Ierymenko
2014-09-24.Adam Ierymenko