/* * ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 ZeroTier, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * -- * * ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which * are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or * redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks * LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/ */ #include #include "Constants.hpp" #include "RuntimeEnvironment.hpp" #include "SharedPtr.hpp" #include "Multicaster.hpp" #include "Topology.hpp" #include "Switch.hpp" #include "Packet.hpp" #include "Peer.hpp" #include "CMWC4096.hpp" #include "C25519.hpp" #include "CertificateOfMembership.hpp" namespace ZeroTier { Multicaster::Multicaster(const RuntimeEnvironment *renv) : RR(renv) { } Multicaster::~Multicaster() { } void Multicaster::addMultiple(uint64_t now,uint64_t nwid,const MulticastGroup &mg,const void *addresses,unsigned int count,unsigned int totalKnown) { const unsigned char *p = (const unsigned char *)addresses; const unsigned char *e = p + (5 * count); Mutex::Lock _l(_groups_m); MulticastGroupStatus &gs = _groups[std::pair(nwid,mg)]; while (p != e) { _add(now,nwid,mg,gs,Address(p,5)); p += 5; } } unsigned int Multicaster::gather(const Address &queryingPeer,uint64_t nwid,const MulticastGroup &mg,Packet &appendTo,unsigned int limit) const { unsigned char *p; unsigned int added = 0,i,k,rptr,totalKnown = 0; uint64_t a,picked[(ZT_PROTO_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH / 5) + 2]; if (!limit) return 0; else if (limit > 0xffff) limit = 0xffff; const unsigned int totalAt = appendTo.size(); appendTo.addSize(4); // sizeof(uint32_t) const unsigned int addedAt = appendTo.size(); appendTo.addSize(2); // sizeof(uint16_t) { // Return myself if I am a member of this group SharedPtr network(RR->node->network(nwid)); if ((network)&&(network->subscribedToMulticastGroup(mg,true))) { RR->identity.address().appendTo(appendTo); ++totalKnown; ++added; } } Mutex::Lock _l(_groups_m); std::map< std::pair,MulticastGroupStatus >::const_iterator gs(_groups.find(std::pair(nwid,mg))); if ((gs != _groups.end())&&(!gs->second.members.empty())) { totalKnown += (unsigned int)gs->second.members.size(); // Members are returned in random order so that repeated gather queries // will return different subsets of a large multicast group. k = 0; while ((added < limit)&&(k < gs->second.members.size())&&((appendTo.size() + ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH) <= ZT_UDP_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_MTU)) { rptr = (unsigned int)RR->prng->next32(); restart_member_scan: a = gs->second.members[rptr % (unsigned int)gs->second.members.size()].address.toInt(); for(i=0;i> 32) & 0xff); *(p++) = (unsigned char)((a >> 24) & 0xff); *(p++) = (unsigned char)((a >> 16) & 0xff); *(p++) = (unsigned char)((a >> 8) & 0xff); *p = (unsigned char)(a & 0xff); ++added; } } } appendTo.setAt(totalAt,(uint32_t)totalKnown); appendTo.setAt(addedAt,(uint16_t)added); //TRACE("..MC Multicaster::gather() attached %u of %u peers for %.16llx/%s (2)",n,(unsigned int)(gs->second.members.size() - skipped),nwid,mg.toString().c_str()); return added; } std::vector
Multicaster::getMembers(uint64_t nwid,const MulticastGroup &mg,unsigned int limit) const { std::vector
ls; Mutex::Lock _l(_groups_m); std::map< std::pair,MulticastGroupStatus >::const_iterator gs(_groups.find(std::pair(nwid,mg))); if (gs == _groups.end()) return ls; for(std::vector::const_reverse_iterator m(gs->second.members.rbegin());m!=gs->second.members.rend();++m) { ls.push_back(m->address); if (ls.size() >= limit) break; } return ls; } void Multicaster::send( const CertificateOfMembership *com, unsigned int limit, uint64_t now, uint64_t nwid, const std::vector
&alwaysSendTo, const MulticastGroup &mg, const MAC &src, unsigned int etherType, const void *data, unsigned int len) { unsigned long idxbuf[8194]; unsigned long *indexes = idxbuf; Mutex::Lock _l(_groups_m); MulticastGroupStatus &gs = _groups[std::pair(nwid,mg)]; if (!gs.members.empty()) { // Allocate a memory buffer if group is monstrous if (gs.members.size() > (sizeof(idxbuf) / sizeof(unsigned long))) indexes = new unsigned long[gs.members.size()]; // Generate a random permutation of member indexes for(unsigned long i=0;i0;--i) { unsigned long j = RR->prng->next32() % (i + 1); unsigned long tmp = indexes[j]; indexes[j] = indexes[i]; indexes[i] = tmp; } } if (gs.members.size() >= limit) { // Skip queue if we already have enough members to complete the send operation OutboundMulticast out; out.init( RR, now, nwid, com, limit, 1, // we'll still gather a little from peers to keep multicast list fresh src, mg, etherType, data, len); unsigned int count = 0; for(std::vector
::const_iterator ast(alwaysSendTo.begin());ast!=alwaysSendTo.end();++ast) { out.sendOnly(RR,*ast); if (++count >= limit) break; } unsigned long idx = 0; while ((count < limit)&&(idx < gs.members.size())) { Address ma(gs.members[indexes[idx++]].address); if (std::find(alwaysSendTo.begin(),alwaysSendTo.end(),ma) == alwaysSendTo.end()) { out.sendOnly(RR,ma); ++count; } } } else { unsigned int gatherLimit = (limit - (unsigned int)gs.members.size()) + 1; if ((now - gs.lastExplicitGather) >= ZT_MULTICAST_EXPLICIT_GATHER_DELAY) { gs.lastExplicitGather = now; SharedPtr sn(RR->topology->getBestSupernode()); if (sn) { TRACE(">>MC upstream GATHER up to %u for group %.16llx/%s",gatherLimit,nwid,mg.toString().c_str()); Packet outp(sn->address(),RR->identity.address(),Packet::VERB_MULTICAST_GATHER); outp.append(nwid); outp.append((uint8_t)0); mg.mac().appendTo(outp); outp.append((uint32_t)mg.adi()); outp.append((uint32_t)gatherLimit); outp.armor(sn->key(),true); sn->send(RR,outp.data(),outp.size(),now); } gatherLimit = 0; } gs.txQueue.push_back(OutboundMulticast()); OutboundMulticast &out = gs.txQueue.back(); out.init( RR, now, nwid, com, limit, gatherLimit, src, mg, etherType, data, len); unsigned int count = 0; for(std::vector
::const_iterator ast(alwaysSendTo.begin());ast!=alwaysSendTo.end();++ast) { out.sendAndLog(RR,*ast); if (++count >= limit) break; } unsigned long idx = 0; while ((count < limit)&&(idx < gs.members.size())) { Address ma(gs.members[indexes[idx++]].address); if (std::find(alwaysSendTo.begin(),alwaysSendTo.end(),ma) == alwaysSendTo.end()) { out.sendAndLog(RR,ma); ++count; } } } // Free allocated memory buffer if any if (indexes != idxbuf) delete [] indexes; #ifdef ZT_SUPPORT_LEGACY_MULTICAST // This sends a P5 multicast up to our supernode, who then // redistributes it manually down to all <1.0.0 peers for // legacy support. These peers don't support the new multicast // frame type, so even if they receive it they will ignore it. { SharedPtr sn(RR->topology->getBestSupernode()); if (sn) { uint32_t rn = RR->prng->next32(); Packet outp(sn->address(),RR->identity.address(),Packet::VERB_P5_MULTICAST_FRAME); outp.append((uint16_t)0xffff); // do not forward outp.append((unsigned char)0,320 + 1024); // empty queue and bloom filter outp.append((unsigned char)((com) ? ZT_PROTO_VERB_P5_MULTICAST_FRAME_FLAGS_HAS_MEMBERSHIP_CERTIFICATE : 0)); outp.append((uint64_t)nwid); outp.append((uint16_t)0); outp.append((unsigned char)0); outp.append((unsigned char)0); RR->identity.address().appendTo(outp); outp.append((const void *)&rn,3); // random multicast ID if (src) src.appendTo(outp); else MAC(RR->identity.address(),nwid).appendTo(outp); mg.mac().appendTo(outp); outp.append((uint32_t)mg.adi()); outp.append((uint16_t)etherType); outp.append((uint16_t)len); outp.append(data,len); unsigned int signedPortionLen = outp.size() - ZT_PROTO_VERB_P5_MULTICAST_FRAME_IDX__START_OF_SIGNED_PORTION; C25519::Signature sig(RR->identity.sign(outp.field(ZT_PROTO_VERB_P5_MULTICAST_FRAME_IDX__START_OF_SIGNED_PORTION,signedPortionLen),signedPortionLen)); outp.append((uint16_t)sig.size()); outp.append(sig.data,(unsigned int)sig.size()); if (com) com->serialize(outp); outp.compress(); outp.armor(sn->key(),true); sn->send(RR,outp.data(),outp.size(),now); } } #endif // ZT_SUPPORT_LEGACY_MULTICAST } void Multicaster::clean(uint64_t now) { Mutex::Lock _l(_groups_m); for(std::map< std::pair,MulticastGroupStatus >::iterator mm(_groups.begin());mm!=_groups.end();) { for(std::list::iterator tx(mm->second.txQueue.begin());tx!=mm->second.txQueue.end();) { if ((tx->expired(now))||(tx->atLimit())) mm->second.txQueue.erase(tx++); else ++tx; } unsigned long count = 0; { std::vector::iterator reader(mm->second.members.begin()); std::vector::iterator writer(reader); while (reader != mm->second.members.end()) { if ((now - reader->timestamp) < ZT_MULTICAST_LIKE_EXPIRE) { *writer = *reader; ++writer; ++count; } ++reader; } } if (count) { mm->second.members.resize(count); ++mm; } else if (mm->second.txQueue.empty()) { _groups.erase(mm++); } else { mm->second.members.clear(); ++mm; } } } void Multicaster::_add(uint64_t now,uint64_t nwid,const MulticastGroup &mg,MulticastGroupStatus &gs,const Address &member) { // assumes _groups_m is locked // Do not add self -- even if someone else returns it if (member == RR->identity.address()) return; for(std::vector::iterator m(gs.members.begin());m!=gs.members.end();++m) { if (m->address == member) { m->timestamp = now; return; } } gs.members.push_back(MulticastGroupMember(member,now)); //TRACE("..MC %s joined multicast group %.16llx/%s via %s",member.toString().c_str(),nwid,mg.toString().c_str(),((learnedFrom) ? learnedFrom.toString().c_str() : "(direct)")); for(std::list::iterator tx(gs.txQueue.begin());tx!=gs.txQueue.end();) { if (tx->atLimit()) { gs.txQueue.erase(tx++); } else { tx->sendIfNew(RR,member); if (tx->atLimit()) gs.txQueue.erase(tx++); else ++tx; } } } } // namespace ZeroTier