/* * ZeroTier One - Global Peer to Peer Ethernet * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 ZeroTier Networks LLC * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * -- * * ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which * are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or * redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks * LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/ */ #include #include "Topology.hpp" #include "NodeConfig.hpp" #include "CMWC4096.hpp" namespace ZeroTier { #define ZT_KISSDB_HASH_TABLE_SIZE 32768 #define ZT_KISSDB_KEY_SIZE ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH #define ZT_KISSDB_VALUE_SIZE ZT_PEER_MAX_SERIALIZED_LENGTH Topology::Topology(const RuntimeEnvironment *renv,const char *dbpath) throw(std::runtime_error) : _r(renv), _amSupernode(false) { if (KISSDB_open(&_dbm,dbpath,KISSDB_OPEN_MODE_RWCREAT,ZT_KISSDB_HASH_TABLE_SIZE,ZT_KISSDB_KEY_SIZE,ZT_KISSDB_VALUE_SIZE)) { if (KISSDB_open(&_dbm,dbpath,KISSDB_OPEN_MODE_RWREPLACE,ZT_KISSDB_HASH_TABLE_SIZE,ZT_KISSDB_KEY_SIZE,ZT_KISSDB_VALUE_SIZE)) throw std::runtime_error("unable to open peer database (rw/create)"); } if ((_dbm.key_size != ZT_KISSDB_KEY_SIZE)||(_dbm.value_size != ZT_KISSDB_VALUE_SIZE)||(_dbm.hash_table_size != ZT_KISSDB_HASH_TABLE_SIZE)) { KISSDB_close(&_dbm); if (KISSDB_open(&_dbm,dbpath,KISSDB_OPEN_MODE_RWREPLACE,ZT_KISSDB_HASH_TABLE_SIZE,ZT_KISSDB_KEY_SIZE,ZT_KISSDB_VALUE_SIZE)) throw std::runtime_error("unable to open peer database (recreate)"); } Utils::lockDownFile(dbpath,false); // node.db caches secrets } Topology::~Topology() { // Flush last changes to disk clean(); } void Topology::setSupernodes(const std::map< Identity,std::vector > &sn) { Mutex::Lock _l(_supernodes_m); _supernodes = sn; _supernodeAddresses.clear(); _supernodePeers.clear(); for(std::map< Identity,std::vector >::const_iterator i(sn.begin());i!=sn.end();++i) { if (i->first != _r->identity) { SharedPtr p(getPeer(i->first.address())); if (!p) p = addPeer(SharedPtr(new Peer(_r->identity,i->first))); for(std::vector::const_iterator j(i->second.begin());j!=i->second.end();++j) p->setPathAddress(*j,true); _supernodePeers.push_back(p); } _supernodeAddresses.insert(i->first.address()); } _amSupernode = (_supernodes.find(_r->identity) != _supernodes.end()); } SharedPtr Topology::addPeer(const SharedPtr &peer) { if (peer->address() == _r->identity.address()) { TRACE("BUG: addNewPeer() caught and ignored attempt to add peer for self"); throw std::logic_error("cannot add peer for self"); } SharedPtr actualPeer; { Mutex::Lock _l(_activePeers_m); actualPeer = _activePeers.insert(std::pair< Address,SharedPtr >(peer->address(),peer)).first->second; } uint64_t atmp[ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; actualPeer->address().copyTo(atmp,ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH); Buffer b; actualPeer->serialize(b); b.zeroUnused(); _dbm_m.lock(); if (KISSDB_put(&_dbm,atmp,b.data())) { TRACE("error writing %s to peerdb",actualPeer->address().toString().c_str()); } else actualPeer->getAndResetDirty(); _dbm_m.unlock(); return actualPeer; } SharedPtr Topology::getPeer(const Address &zta) { if (zta == _r->identity.address()) { TRACE("BUG: ignored attempt to getPeer() for self, returned NULL"); return SharedPtr(); } { Mutex::Lock _l(_activePeers_m); std::map< Address,SharedPtr >::const_iterator ap(_activePeers.find(zta)); if ((ap != _activePeers.end())&&(ap->second)) return ap->second; } unsigned char ztatmp[ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; zta.copyTo(ztatmp,ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH); Buffer b(ZT_KISSDB_VALUE_SIZE); _dbm_m.lock(); if (!KISSDB_get(&_dbm,ztatmp,b.data())) { _dbm_m.unlock(); SharedPtr p(new Peer()); try { p->deserialize(b,0); Mutex::Lock _l(_activePeers_m); _activePeers[zta] = p; return p; } catch ( ... ) { TRACE("unexpected exception deserializing peer %s from peerdb",zta.toString().c_str()); return SharedPtr(); } } else _dbm_m.unlock(); return SharedPtr(); } SharedPtr Topology::getBestSupernode(const Address *avoid,unsigned int avoidCount,bool strictAvoid) const { SharedPtr bestSupernode; unsigned int bestSupernodeLatency = 0xffff; uint64_t now = Utils::now(); Mutex::Lock _l(_supernodes_m); if (_supernodePeers.empty()) return bestSupernode; for(std::vector< SharedPtr >::const_iterator sn=_supernodePeers.begin();sn!=_supernodePeers.end();) { for(unsigned int i=0;iaddress()) goto skip_and_try_next_supernode; } if ((*sn)->hasActiveDirectPath(now)) { unsigned int l = (*sn)->latency(); if (bestSupernode) { if ((l)&&(l < bestSupernodeLatency)) { bestSupernodeLatency = l; bestSupernode = *sn; } } else { if (l) bestSupernodeLatency = l; bestSupernode = *sn; } } skip_and_try_next_supernode: ++sn; } if ((bestSupernode)||(strictAvoid)) return bestSupernode; for(std::vector< SharedPtr >::const_iterator sn=_supernodePeers.begin();sn!=_supernodePeers.end();++sn) { if ((*sn)->hasActiveDirectPath(now)) { unsigned int l = (*sn)->latency(); if (bestSupernode) { if ((l)&&(l < bestSupernodeLatency)) { bestSupernodeLatency = l; bestSupernode = *sn; } } else { if (l) bestSupernodeLatency = l; bestSupernode = *sn; } } } if (bestSupernode) return bestSupernode; return _supernodePeers[_r->prng->next32() % _supernodePeers.size()]; } void Topology::clean() { TRACE("cleaning caches and flushing modified peers to disk..."); Mutex::Lock _l(_activePeers_m); for(std::map< Address,SharedPtr >::iterator p(_activePeers.begin());p!=_activePeers.end();++p) { if (p->second->getAndResetDirty()) { try { uint64_t atmp[ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; p->second->identity().address().copyTo(atmp,ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH); Buffer b; p->second->serialize(b); b.zeroUnused(); _dbm_m.lock(); if (KISSDB_put(&_dbm,atmp,b.data())) { TRACE("error writing %s to peer.db",p->second->identity().address().toString().c_str()); } _dbm_m.unlock(); } catch ( ... ) { TRACE("unexpected exception flushing %s to peer.db",p->second->identity().address().toString().c_str()); } } } } } // namespace ZeroTier