.TH INITRAMFS.CONF 5 "$Date: 2006/10/12 $" "" "initramfs.conf manual" .SH NAME initramfs.conf \- configuration file for mkinitramfs .SH DESCRIPTION The behaviour of .B mkinitramfs can be modified by its configuration file. Each line in the file can be a configuration variable, a blank line, or a comment. The value of an variable is assigned by an statement of the form: \fIname\fP=[\fIvalue\fP] Configuration options can be broken out into configuration snippets and placed in individual files in the /etc/mkinitramfs/conf.d directory. Files in this directory are always read \fBafter\fP the main configuration file, so you can override the settings in the main config file without editing it directly. .SH GENERAL VARIABLES .TP \fB MODULES Specifies the modules for the initramfs image. The default setting is \fImost\fP. \fImost\fP adds all the framebuffer, acpi, file system, ide, sata, scsi and usb drivers. \fIdep\fP tries to guess which modules are necessary for the running box. \fInetboot\fP adds the base modules, network modules, but skips block devices. \fIlist\fP includes only modules from the additional modules list. .TP \fB BUSYBOX Include busybox utilities for the boot scripts. If set to 'n' .B mkinitramfs will build an initramfs whithout busybox. Beware that many boot scripts need busybox utilities. .SH NFS VARIABLES .TP \fB BOOT Allows to use an nfs drive as the root of the drive. The default is to boot of an \fIlocal\fP media (harddrive, USB stick). Set to \fInfs\fP for an NFS root share. .TP \fB DEVICE Specifies the network interface, like eth0. .TP \fB NFSROOT Defaults to \fIauto\fP in order to pick up value from DHCP server. Otherwise you need to specify \fIHOST:MOUNT\fP. .SH AUTHOR The initramfs-tools are written by Maximilian Attems , Jeff Bailey and numerous others. Loosely based on mkinitrd.conf by Herbert Xu. .SH SEE ALSO .BR .IR initramfs-tools (8), .IR mkinitramfs (8), .IR update-initramfs (8).