.TH UPDATE-INITRAMFS 8 "$Date: 2005/09/20" $" "" "update-initramfs manual" .SH NAME update-initramfs \- generate an initramfs image .SH SYNOPSIS .B update-initramfs .RB [ \-k .IR version ] .RB [ \-c ] .RB [ \-u ] .RB [ \-t ] .RB [ \-v ] .RB [ \-h ] .SH DESCRIPTION The .B update-initramfs script manages your initramfs images. The initramfs is an cpio archive. At boot time, the kernel unpacks that archive into ram disk, mounts and uses it as initial root file system. All finding of the root device happens in this early userspace. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB \-k \fI version Set the kernel for whom the initramfs will be generated. .TP \fB \-c Create a new initramfs. .TP \fB \-u Update an existing initramfs. .TP \fB \-d Remove an existing initramfs. .TP \fB \-t Take over a custom initramfs with this one. .TP \fB \-v This option increases the amount of information you are given during the chosen action. .TP \fB \-h Print a short help page describing the available options in .B update-initramfs. .SH AUTHOR The initramfs-tools are written by Jeff Bailey . This manual is maintained by Maximilian Attems . .SH SEE ALSO .BR initramfs.conf (5)