/* * ipaddrcheck_functions.c: IPv4/IPv6 validation functions for ipaddrcheck * * Copyright (C) 2013 Daniil Baturin * Copyright (C) 2018 VyOS maintainers and contributors * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #include "ipaddrcheck_functions.h" /* * Address string functions * * Note that they perform format check only * and must not be used to deermine if it's * a valid address, only what type of address * format it is. * * The only reason they exist is that libcidr * is very liberal on its input format and * doesn't provide any information on what * the format was. */ /* Does it contain double colons? This is not allowed in IPv6 addresses */ int duplicate_double_colons(char* address_str) { int offsets[1]; pcre *re; int rc; const char *error; int erroffset; re = pcre_compile(".*(::).*\\1", 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL); rc = pcre_exec(re, NULL, address_str, strlen(address_str), 0, 0, offsets, 1); if( rc >= 0) { return(1); } else { return(0); } } /* Does it look like IPv4 CIDR (e.g. */ int is_ipv4_cidr(char* address_str) { int result; int offsets[1]; pcre *re; int rc; const char *error; int erroffset; re = pcre_compile("^((([1-9]\\d{0,2}|0)\\.){3}([1-9]\\d{0,2}|0)\\/([1-9]\\d*|0))$", 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL); rc = pcre_exec(re, NULL, address_str, strlen(address_str), 0, 0, offsets, 1); if( rc < 0 ) { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } else { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } return(result); } /* Is it a single dotted decimal address? */ int is_ipv4_single(char* address_str) { int result; int offsets[1]; pcre *re; int rc; const char *error; int erroffset; re = pcre_compile("^((([1-9]\\d{0,2}|0)\\.){3}([1-9]\\d{0,2}|0))$", 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL); rc = pcre_exec(re, NULL, address_str, strlen(address_str), 0, 0, offsets, 1); if( rc < 0 ) { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } else { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } return(result); } /* Is it an IPv6 address with prefix length? */ int is_ipv6_cidr(char* address_str) { int result; int offsets[1]; pcre *re; int rc; const char *error; int erroffset; re = pcre_compile("^((([0-9a-fA-F\\:])+)(\\/\\d{1,3}))$", 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL); rc = pcre_exec(re, NULL, address_str, strlen(address_str), 0, 0, offsets, 1); if( rc < 0 ) { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } else { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } return(result); } /* Is it a single IPv6 address? */ int is_ipv6_single(char* address_str) { int result; int offsets[1]; pcre *re; int rc; const char *error; int erroffset; re = pcre_compile("^(([0-9a-fA-F\\:])+)$", 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL); rc = pcre_exec(re, NULL, address_str, strlen(address_str), 0, 0, offsets, 1); if( rc < 0 ) { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } else { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } return(result); } /* Is it a CIDR-formatted IPv4 or IPv6 address? */ int is_any_cidr(char* address_str) { int result; if( (is_ipv4_cidr(address_str) == RESULT_SUCCESS) || (is_ipv6_cidr(address_str) == RESULT_SUCCESS) ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* Is it a single IPv4 or IPv6 address? */ int is_any_single(char* address_str) { int result; if( (is_ipv4_single(address_str) == RESULT_SUCCESS) || (is_ipv6_single(address_str) == RESULT_SUCCESS) ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* * Address checking functions that rely on libcidr */ /* Does it look like a valid address of any protocol? */ int is_valid_address(CIDR *address) { int result; if( cidr_get_proto(address) != INVALID_PROTO ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* Is it a correct IPv4 host or subnet address with or without net mask */ int is_ipv4(CIDR *address) { int result; if( cidr_get_proto(address) == CIDR_IPV4 ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* Is it a correct IPv4 host (i.e. not network) address? */ int is_ipv4_host(CIDR *address) { int result; if( (cidr_get_proto(address) == CIDR_IPV4) && ((cidr_equals(address, cidr_addr_network(address)) < 0) || (cidr_get_pflen(address) >= 31)) ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* Is it a correct IPv4 network address? */ int is_ipv4_net(CIDR *address) { int result; if( (cidr_get_proto(address) == CIDR_IPV4) && (cidr_equals(address, cidr_addr_network(address)) == 0) ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* Is it an IPv4 broadcast address? */ int is_ipv4_broadcast(CIDR *address) { int result; /* The very concept of broadcast address doesn't apply to IPv6 and point-to-point or /32 IPv4 */ if( (cidr_get_proto(address) == CIDR_IPV4) && (cidr_equals(address, cidr_addr_broadcast(address)) == 0 ) && (cidr_get_pflen(address) < 31) ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* Is it an IPv4 multicast address? */ int is_ipv4_multicast(CIDR *address) { int result; if( (cidr_get_proto(address) == CIDR_IPV4) && (cidr_contains(cidr_from_str(IPV4_MULTICAST), address) == 0) ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* Is it an IPv4 loopback address? */ int is_ipv4_loopback(CIDR *address) { int result; if( (cidr_get_proto(address) == CIDR_IPV4) && (cidr_contains(cidr_from_str(IPV4_LOOPBACK), address) == 0) ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* Is it an IPv4 link-local address? */ int is_ipv4_link_local(CIDR *address) { int result; if( (cidr_get_proto(address) == CIDR_IPV4) && (cidr_contains(cidr_from_str(IPV4_LINKLOCAL), address) == 0) ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* Is it an IPv4 RFC1918 address? */ int is_ipv4_rfc1918(CIDR *address) { int result; if( (cidr_get_proto(address) == CIDR_IPV4) && ( (cidr_contains(cidr_from_str(IPV4_RFC1918_A), address) == 0) || (cidr_contains(cidr_from_str(IPV4_RFC1918_B), address) == 0) || (cidr_contains(cidr_from_str(IPV4_RFC1918_C), address) == 0) ) ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* is it a correct IPv6 host or subnet address, with or withour mask */ int is_ipv6(CIDR *address) { int result; if( cidr_get_proto(address) == CIDR_IPV6 ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* Is it a correct IPv6 host address? */ int is_ipv6_host(CIDR *address) { int result; if( (cidr_get_proto(address) == CIDR_IPV6) && ((cidr_equals(address, cidr_addr_network(address)) < 0) || (cidr_get_pflen(address) >= 127)) ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* Is it a correct IPv6 network address? */ int is_ipv6_net(CIDR *address) { int result; if( (cidr_get_proto(address) == CIDR_IPV6) && (cidr_equals(address, cidr_addr_network(address)) == 0) ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* Is it an IPv6 multicast address? */ int is_ipv6_multicast(CIDR *address) { int result; if( (cidr_get_proto(address) == CIDR_IPV6) && (cidr_contains(cidr_from_str(IPV6_MULTICAST), address) == 0) ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* Is it an IPv6 link-local address? */ int is_ipv6_link_local(CIDR *address) { int result; if( (cidr_get_proto(address) == CIDR_IPV6) && (cidr_contains(cidr_from_str(IPV6_LINKLOCAL), address) == 0) ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* Is it an address that can belong an interface? */ int is_valid_intf_address(CIDR *address, char* address_str, int allow_loopback) { int result; if( (is_ipv4_broadcast(address) == RESULT_FAILURE) && (is_ipv4_multicast(address) == RESULT_FAILURE) && (is_ipv6_multicast(address) == RESULT_FAILURE) && ((is_ipv4_loopback(address) == RESULT_FAILURE) || (allow_loopback == LOOPBACK_ALLOWED)) && (cidr_equals(address, cidr_from_str(IPV6_LOOPBACK)) != 0) && (cidr_equals(address, cidr_from_str(IPV4_UNSPECIFIED)) != 0) && (cidr_contains(cidr_from_str(IPV4_THIS), address) != 0) && (cidr_equals(address, cidr_from_str(IPV4_LIMITED_BROADCAST)) != 0) && (is_any_host(address) == RESULT_SUCCESS) && (is_any_cidr(address_str) == RESULT_SUCCESS) ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* Is it an IPv4 or IPv6 host address? */ int is_any_host(CIDR *address) { int result; if( (is_ipv4_host(address) == RESULT_SUCCESS) || (is_ipv6_host(address) == RESULT_SUCCESS) ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); } /* Is it an IPv4 or IPv6 network address? */ int is_any_net(CIDR *address) { int result; if( (is_ipv4_net(address) == RESULT_SUCCESS) || (is_ipv6_net(address) == RESULT_SUCCESS) ) { result = RESULT_SUCCESS; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } return(result); }