.TH nss_mapuser 5 .\" Copyright 2017, 2018 Cumulus Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. .SH NAME nss_mapuser.conf \- NSS mapuser configuration file .SH DESCRIPTION This is the configuration file for the NSS mapuser and mapuid plugins. See the .BR nss_mapuser (8) manpage for more general information on the plugins. .P This configuration file controls debug settings, the local accounts used for mapping users, and the list of usernames (accounts) and uids that are skipped (not looked up by this plugin). .TP .I debug=NUMBER Output lookup debugging information via syslog(3). .TP .I exclude_users=user1,user2... Usernames (accounts) comma separate list. This is used by the NSS mapuser plugin getpwuid() entry point. The account to be looked up is checked against this list. If a match is found, an immediate NOTFOUND status is returned. This reduces overhead for the standard local user accounts. The .I mapped_user and .I mapped_priv_user fields from the configuration file are always skipped, as are any names starting with .BR tacacs[0-9] . .TP .I min_uid=NUMBER UID's passed to the NSS mapuid plugin getpwuid() entry point that are below this value cause an immediate NOTFOUND status to be returned. This reduces overhead for the standard local user accounts. .BR NOTE : The value must be less than the uid of the mapped account names below. .TP .I mapped_priv_user=NAME This is the local account used as a template for privileged logins (the RADIUS VSA .BR shell:priv-lvl=15 ) was returned by the server. This must be a local account (found in .IR /etc/passwd ). When a uid or name match is found, this account information is read from .I /etc/passwd and used as a template for the matching account. The default at installation is .BR radius_priv_user . It must match the privileged account name in .IR pam_radius_auth (5) for correct operation. .TP .I mapped_user=NAME This is the local account used as a template for unprivileged logins (either no privilege attribute was returned by the server, or the privilege level is is in the range 0-14. This must be a local account (found in .IR /etc/passwd ). When a uid or name match is found, this account information is read from .I /etc/passwd and used as a template for the matching account. The default at installation is .BR radius_user . .P For the .I map_user and .I map_priv_user accounts, the user information that is returned via the .BR getpwnam (3) group of account lookup routines has the .B pw_name field (user account name) replaced with the original (login) name, and the original name is inserted at the beginning of the .B pw_gecos field. The .B pw_dir (home directory) field replaces the last component of the directory path with the original login name. .P When changing the .I map_user or .I map_priv_user fields to a different account than the default, be sure the account exists in .IR /etc/passwd , and that the account was created as disabled or locked (does not have a legal password, so the .I NAME account can not be used for logins. When using .IR adduser (8) to create these accounts, use the .B --disabled-login argument to disable login for the account. .P At installation, the .I map_user user account .B radius_user is added to the .I netshow group so that the user can run NCLU .B net show commands. Similarly, the .I map_priv_user user account .B radius_priv_user is added to the .I netedit group so that the user can run NCLU configuration commands. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR adduser (8), .BR pam_radius_auth (8), .BR nss_mapuser (8), .BR nsswitch.conf (5), .BR getpwuid (3), .BR getpwnam (3), .SH FILES .I /etc/nss_mapuser.conf - mapuser NSS plugin configuration parameters .SH AUTHOR Dave Olson