#%PAM-1.0 # The secret keyword must follow the server keyword. # is matched up with first secret keyword, and so on. There must be at least as # many secret keywords as there are keywords. # Servers are tried in the order listed, and for authorization (account), the # same tacacs+ server is used that was used for authentication. For tacacs+ # accounting (session), without the acct_all keyword, the same tacacs+ server is # used. With acct_all, the accounting record is sent to all listed and # responding tacacs+ servers. See the README file in the source for more # details. # An alternative tp service=ppp protocol=lcp for account and session would be # login=login service=shell protocol=ssh # Common parameters can also be set in /etc/tacplus_servers, rather than # the commandline by using the include=/etc/tacplus_servers paramter. # For the secret parameter, this also improves security auth required /lib/security/pam_tacplus.so debug server= server= secret=SAME-SECRET account required /lib/security/pam_tacplus.so debug service=ppp protocol=lcp account sufficient /lib/security/pam_exec.so /usr/local/bin/showenv.sh password required /lib/security/pam_cracklib. password required /lib/security/pam_pwdb.so shadow use_authtok session required /lib/security/pam_tacplus.so debug server= secret=SECRET-1 server= secret=SECRET-2 service=ppp protocol=lcp