path: root/lib
diff options
authorDaniil Baturin <>2018-05-28 04:48:30 +0700
committerDaniil Baturin <>2018-05-28 04:48:30 +0700
commitd8f24a21fe821e6ce927fad66fb3f54821e9906a (patch)
tree5572d6171cce291279c028cbe5c3e480b5d18c38 /lib
parente0d21fa6bcce2ad0ea3b09015723fd9184a0be8c (diff)
Integrate the parser/lexer and the renderer in the build setup.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 1019 deletions
diff --git a/lib/vyos1x_lexer.mll b/lib/vyos1x_lexer.mll
deleted file mode 100644
index f471ec6..0000000
--- a/lib/vyos1x_lexer.mll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-open Vyos1x_parser
-exception Error of string
-let vy_in_string = ref false
-rule token = parse
-| [' ' '\t' '\r']
- { token lexbuf }
-| '\n'
- { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; if !vy_in_string then (vy_in_string := false; NEWLINE) else token lexbuf }
-| '"'
- { vy_in_string := true; read_string (Buffer.create 16) lexbuf }
-| '''
- { vy_in_string := true; read_single_quoted_string (Buffer.create 16) lexbuf }
-| "/*"
- { vy_in_string := false; read_comment (Buffer.create 16) lexbuf }
-| '{'
- { vy_in_string := false; LEFT_BRACE }
-| '}'
- { vy_in_string := false; RIGHT_BRACE }
-| [^ ' ' '\t' '\n' '\r' '{' '}' '[' ']' ';' '#' '"' ''' ]+ as s
- { vy_in_string := true; IDENTIFIER s}
-| eof
- { EOF }
-| _
-{ raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "At offset %d: unexpected character.\n" (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf))) }
-and read_string buf =
- parse
- | '"' { STRING (Buffer.contents buf) }
- | '\\' '/' { Buffer.add_char buf '/'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' '\\' { Buffer.add_char buf '\\'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 'b' { Buffer.add_char buf '\b'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 'f' { Buffer.add_char buf '\012'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 'n' { Buffer.add_char buf '\n'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 'r' { Buffer.add_char buf '\r'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 't' { Buffer.add_char buf '\t'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' '\'' { Buffer.add_char buf '\''; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' '"' { Buffer.add_char buf '"'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\n' { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; Buffer.add_char buf '\n'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | [^ '"' '\\']+
- { Buffer.add_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
- read_string buf lexbuf
- }
- | _ { raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "Illegal string character: %s" (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf))) }
- | eof { raise (Error ("String is not terminated")) }
-and read_single_quoted_string buf =
- parse
- | ''' { STRING (Buffer.contents buf) }
- | '\\' '/' { Buffer.add_char buf '/'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' '\\' { Buffer.add_char buf '\\'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 'b' { Buffer.add_char buf '\b'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 'f' { Buffer.add_char buf '\012'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 'n' { Buffer.add_char buf '\n'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 'r' { Buffer.add_char buf '\r'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 't' { Buffer.add_char buf '\t'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' '\'' { Buffer.add_char buf '\''; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' '"' { Buffer.add_char buf '"'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\n' { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; Buffer.add_char buf '\n'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | [^ ''' '\\']+
- { Buffer.add_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
- read_single_quoted_string buf lexbuf
- }
- | _ { raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "Illegal string character: %s" (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf))) }
- | eof { raise (Error ("String is not terminated")) }
-and read_comment buf =
- parse
- | "*/"
- { COMMENT (Buffer.contents buf) }
- | _
- { Buffer.add_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
- read_comment buf lexbuf
- }
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index c1a097c..0000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,829 +0,0 @@
-module MenhirBasics = struct
- exception Error
- type token =
- | STRING of (
-# 26 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 11 "lib/"
- )
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 19 "lib/"
- )
- | EOF
- | COMMENT of (
-# 27 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 25 "lib/"
- )
-include MenhirBasics
-let _eRR =
- MenhirBasics.Error
-type _menhir_env = {
- _menhir_lexer: Lexing.lexbuf -> token;
- _menhir_lexbuf: Lexing.lexbuf;
- _menhir_token: token;
- mutable _menhir_error: bool
-and _menhir_state =
- | MenhirState21
- | MenhirState10
- | MenhirState8
- | MenhirState3
- | MenhirState1
- | MenhirState0
-# 1 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- open Config_tree
- exception Duplicate_child of (string * string)
- (* Used for checking if after merging immediate children,
- any of them have duplicate children inside,
- e.g. "interfaces { ethernet eth0 {...} ethernet eth0 {...} }" *)
- let find_duplicate_children n =
- let rec aux xs =
- let xs = List.sort compare xs in
- match xs with
- | [] | [_] -> ()
- | x :: x' :: xs ->
- if x = x' then raise (Duplicate_child (Vytree.name_of_node n, x))
- else aux (x' :: xs)
- in
- aux @@ Vytree.list_children n
- (* When merging nodes with values, append values of subsequent nodes to the
- first one *)
- let merge_data l r = {l with values=(List.append l.values r.values)}
-# 74 "lib/"
-let rec _menhir_goto_list_node_content_ : _menhir_env -> 'ttv_tail -> _menhir_state -> 'tv_list_node_content_ -> 'ttv_return =
- fun _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s _v ->
- let _menhir_stack = (_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _v) in
- match _menhir_s with
- | MenhirState10 ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : ('freshtv89 * _menhir_state * 'tv_node_content) * _menhir_state * 'tv_list_node_content_) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : ('freshtv87 * _menhir_state * 'tv_node_content) * _menhir_state * 'tv_list_node_content_) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let ((_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, (x : 'tv_node_content)), _, (xs : 'tv_list_node_content_)) = _menhir_stack in
- let _v : 'tv_list_node_content_ =
-# 187 "/home/dmbaturin/.opam/4.05.0/lib/menhir/standard.mly"
- ( x :: xs )
-# 89 "lib/"
- in
- _menhir_goto_list_node_content_ _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s _v) : 'freshtv88)) : 'freshtv90)
- | MenhirState21 ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : (((('freshtv103 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 97 "lib/"
- )) * 'tv_value)) * _menhir_state * 'tv_list_node_content_) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- let _tok = _menhir_env._menhir_token in
- match _tok with
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : (((('freshtv99 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 107 "lib/"
- )) * 'tv_value)) * _menhir_state * 'tv_list_node_content_) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let _menhir_env = _menhir_discard _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : (((('freshtv97 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 114 "lib/"
- )) * 'tv_value)) * _menhir_state * 'tv_list_node_content_) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let ((((_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, (comment : 'tv_comments)), (name : (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 119 "lib/"
- ))), (tag : 'tv_value)), _, (children : 'tv_list_node_content_)) = _menhir_stack in
- let _6 = () in
- let _4 = () in
- let _v : 'tv_tag_node =
-# 82 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (
- let outer_node = Vytree.make_full {default_data with ephemeral=true} name [] in
- let inner_node =
- Vytree.make_full {default_data with comment=comment} tag [] in
- let inner_node = List.fold_left Vytree.adopt inner_node (List.rev children) |> Vytree.merge_children merge_data in
- let node = Vytree.adopt outer_node inner_node in
- try
- List.iter find_duplicate_children (Vytree.children_of_node inner_node);
- node
- with
- | Duplicate_child (child, dup) ->
- failwith (Printf.sprintf "Node \"%s %s %s\" has two children named \"%s\"" name tag child dup)
- )
-# 138 "lib/"
- in
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv95) = _menhir_stack in
- let (_menhir_s : _menhir_state) = _menhir_s in
- let (_v : 'tv_tag_node) = _v in
- ((let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv93) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- let (_menhir_s : _menhir_state) = _menhir_s in
- let (_v : 'tv_tag_node) = _v in
- ((let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv91) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- let (_menhir_s : _menhir_state) = _menhir_s in
- let ((n : 'tv_tag_node) : 'tv_tag_node) = _v in
- ((let _v : 'tv_node_content =
-# 96 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- ( n )
-# 155 "lib/"
- in
- _menhir_goto_node_content _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s _v) : 'freshtv92)) : 'freshtv94)) : 'freshtv96)) : 'freshtv98)) : 'freshtv100)
- | _ ->
- assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- _menhir_env._menhir_error <- true;
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : (((('freshtv101 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 165 "lib/"
- )) * 'tv_value)) * _menhir_state * 'tv_list_node_content_) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _) = _menhir_stack in
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) _menhir_s) : 'freshtv102)) : 'freshtv104)
- | MenhirState8 ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : ((('freshtv119 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 174 "lib/"
- ))) * _menhir_state * 'tv_list_node_content_) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- let _tok = _menhir_env._menhir_token in
- match _tok with
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : ((('freshtv115 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 184 "lib/"
- ))) * _menhir_state * 'tv_list_node_content_) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let _menhir_env = _menhir_discard _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : ((('freshtv113 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 191 "lib/"
- ))) * _menhir_state * 'tv_list_node_content_) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (((_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, (comment : 'tv_comments)), (name : (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 196 "lib/"
- ))), _, (children : 'tv_list_node_content_)) = _menhir_stack in
- let _5 = () in
- let _3 = () in
- let _v : 'tv_node =
-# 60 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (
- let node =
- Vytree.make_full {default_data with comment=comment} name [] in
- let node = List.fold_left Vytree.adopt node (List.rev children) |> Vytree.merge_children merge_data in
- try
- List.iter find_duplicate_children (Vytree.children_of_node node);
- node
- with
- | Duplicate_child (child, dup) ->
- failwith (Printf.sprintf "Node \"%s %s\" has two children named \"%s\"" name child dup)
- )
-# 213 "lib/"
- in
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv111) = _menhir_stack in
- let (_menhir_s : _menhir_state) = _menhir_s in
- let (_v : 'tv_node) = _v in
- ((let _menhir_stack = (_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _v) in
- match _menhir_s with
- | MenhirState3 | MenhirState0 ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv105 * _menhir_state * 'tv_node) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- let _tok = _menhir_env._menhir_token in
- match _tok with
- | COMMENT _v ->
- _menhir_run1 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState3 _v
- | EOF ->
- _menhir_reduce7 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState3
- _menhir_reduce5 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState3
- | _ ->
- assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- _menhir_env._menhir_error <- true;
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState3) : 'freshtv106)
- | MenhirState8 | MenhirState21 | MenhirState10 ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv109 * _menhir_state * 'tv_node) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv107 * _menhir_state * 'tv_node) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, (n : 'tv_node)) = _menhir_stack in
- let _v : 'tv_node_content =
-# 96 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- ( n )
-# 246 "lib/"
- in
- _menhir_goto_node_content _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s _v) : 'freshtv108)) : 'freshtv110)
- | _ ->
- _menhir_fail ()) : 'freshtv112)) : 'freshtv114)) : 'freshtv116)
- | _ ->
- assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- _menhir_env._menhir_error <- true;
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : ((('freshtv117 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 258 "lib/"
- ))) * _menhir_state * 'tv_list_node_content_) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _) = _menhir_stack in
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) _menhir_s) : 'freshtv118)) : 'freshtv120)
- | _ ->
- _menhir_fail ()
-and _menhir_goto_node_content : _menhir_env -> 'ttv_tail -> _menhir_state -> 'tv_node_content -> 'ttv_return =
- fun _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s _v ->
- let _menhir_stack = (_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _v) in
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv85 * _menhir_state * 'tv_node_content) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- let _tok = _menhir_env._menhir_token in
- match _tok with
- | COMMENT _v ->
- _menhir_run1 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState10 _v
- _menhir_reduce9 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState10
- _menhir_reduce5 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState10
- | _ ->
- assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- _menhir_env._menhir_error <- true;
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState10) : 'freshtv86)
-and _menhir_reduce9 : _menhir_env -> 'ttv_tail -> _menhir_state -> 'ttv_return =
- fun _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s ->
- let _v : 'tv_list_node_content_ =
-# 185 "/home/dmbaturin/.opam/4.05.0/lib/menhir/standard.mly"
- ( [] )
-# 289 "lib/"
- in
- _menhir_goto_list_node_content_ _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s _v
-and _menhir_goto_leaf_node : _menhir_env -> 'ttv_tail -> _menhir_state -> 'tv_leaf_node -> 'ttv_return =
- fun _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s _v ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv83) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- let (_menhir_s : _menhir_state) = _menhir_s in
- let (_v : 'tv_leaf_node) = _v in
- ((let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv81) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- let (_menhir_s : _menhir_state) = _menhir_s in
- let ((n : 'tv_leaf_node) : 'tv_leaf_node) = _v in
- ((let _v : 'tv_node_content =
-# 96 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- ( n )
-# 306 "lib/"
- in
- _menhir_goto_node_content _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s _v) : 'freshtv82)) : 'freshtv84)
-and _menhir_goto_value : _menhir_env -> 'ttv_tail -> 'tv_value -> 'ttv_return =
- fun _menhir_env _menhir_stack _v ->
- let _menhir_stack = (_menhir_stack, _v) in
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : (('freshtv79 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 317 "lib/"
- )) * 'tv_value) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- let _tok = _menhir_env._menhir_token in
- match _tok with
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : (('freshtv71 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 327 "lib/"
- )) * 'tv_value) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let _menhir_env = _menhir_discard _menhir_env in
- let _tok = _menhir_env._menhir_token in
- match _tok with
- | COMMENT _v ->
- _menhir_run1 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState21 _v
- _menhir_reduce9 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState21
- _menhir_reduce5 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState21
- | _ ->
- assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- _menhir_env._menhir_error <- true;
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState21) : 'freshtv72)
- | NEWLINE ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : (('freshtv75 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 347 "lib/"
- )) * 'tv_value) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let _menhir_env = _menhir_discard _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : (('freshtv73 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 354 "lib/"
- )) * 'tv_value) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (((_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, (comment : 'tv_comments)), (name : (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 359 "lib/"
- ))), (value : 'tv_value)) = _menhir_stack in
- let _4 = () in
- let _v : 'tv_leaf_node =
-# 51 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- ( Vytree.make_full {default_data with values=[value]; comment=comment} name [])
-# 365 "lib/"
- in
- _menhir_goto_leaf_node _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s _v) : 'freshtv74)) : 'freshtv76)
- | _ ->
- assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- _menhir_env._menhir_error <- true;
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : (('freshtv77 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 375 "lib/"
- )) * 'tv_value) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (((_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _), _), _) = _menhir_stack in
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) _menhir_s) : 'freshtv78)) : 'freshtv80)
-and _menhir_run8 : _menhir_env -> ('ttv_tail * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 383 "lib/"
-) -> 'ttv_return =
- fun _menhir_env _menhir_stack ->
- let _menhir_env = _menhir_discard _menhir_env in
- let _tok = _menhir_env._menhir_token in
- match _tok with
- | COMMENT _v ->
- _menhir_run1 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState8 _v
- _menhir_reduce9 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState8
- _menhir_reduce5 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState8
- | _ ->
- assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- _menhir_env._menhir_error <- true;
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState8
-and _menhir_fail : unit -> 'a =
- fun () ->
- Printf.fprintf Pervasives.stderr "Internal failure -- please contact the parser generator's developers.\n%!";
- assert false
-and _menhir_goto_list_COMMENT_ : _menhir_env -> 'ttv_tail -> _menhir_state -> 'tv_list_COMMENT_ -> 'ttv_return =
- fun _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s _v ->
- match _menhir_s with
- | MenhirState1 ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv35 * _menhir_state * (
-# 27 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 413 "lib/"
- )) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- let (_menhir_s : _menhir_state) = _menhir_s in
- let (_v : 'tv_list_COMMENT_) = _v in
- ((let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv33 * _menhir_state * (
-# 27 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 421 "lib/"
- )) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- let (_ : _menhir_state) = _menhir_s in
- let ((xs : 'tv_list_COMMENT_) : 'tv_list_COMMENT_) = _v in
- ((let (_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, (x : (
-# 27 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 428 "lib/"
- ))) = _menhir_stack in
- let _v : 'tv_list_COMMENT_ =
-# 187 "/home/dmbaturin/.opam/4.05.0/lib/menhir/standard.mly"
- ( x :: xs )
-# 433 "lib/"
- in
- _menhir_goto_list_COMMENT_ _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s _v) : 'freshtv34)) : 'freshtv36)
- | MenhirState0 | MenhirState8 | MenhirState21 | MenhirState10 | MenhirState3 ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv69) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- let (_menhir_s : _menhir_state) = _menhir_s in
- let (_v : 'tv_list_COMMENT_) = _v in
- ((let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv67) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- let (_menhir_s : _menhir_state) = _menhir_s in
- let ((cs : 'tv_list_COMMENT_) : 'tv_list_COMMENT_) = _v in
- ((let _v : 'tv_comments =
-# 38 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- ( match cs with [] -> None | _ -> Some (List.rev cs |> List.hd) )
-# 448 "lib/"
- in
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv65) = _menhir_stack in
- let (_menhir_s : _menhir_state) = _menhir_s in
- let (_v : 'tv_comments) = _v in
- ((let _menhir_stack = (_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _v) in
- match _menhir_s with
- | MenhirState0 | MenhirState3 ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv43 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- let _tok = _menhir_env._menhir_token in
- match _tok with
- | IDENTIFIER _v ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv39 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- let (_v : (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 468 "lib/"
- )) = _v in
- ((let _menhir_stack = (_menhir_stack, _v) in
- let _menhir_env = _menhir_discard _menhir_env in
- let _tok = _menhir_env._menhir_token in
- match _tok with
- _menhir_run8 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack)
- | _ ->
- assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- _menhir_env._menhir_error <- true;
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : ('freshtv37 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 483 "lib/"
- )) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let ((_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _), _) = _menhir_stack in
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) _menhir_s) : 'freshtv38)) : 'freshtv40)
- | _ ->
- assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- _menhir_env._menhir_error <- true;
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv41 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _) = _menhir_stack in
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) _menhir_s) : 'freshtv42)) : 'freshtv44)
- | MenhirState8 | MenhirState21 | MenhirState10 ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv63 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- let _tok = _menhir_env._menhir_token in
- match _tok with
- | IDENTIFIER _v ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv59 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- let (_v : (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 506 "lib/"
- )) = _v in
- ((let _menhir_stack = (_menhir_stack, _v) in
- let _menhir_env = _menhir_discard _menhir_env in
- let _tok = _menhir_env._menhir_token in
- match _tok with
- | IDENTIFIER _v ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv47) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- let (_v : (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 518 "lib/"
- )) = _v in
- ((let _menhir_env = _menhir_discard _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv45) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- let ((v : (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 526 "lib/"
- )) : (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 530 "lib/"
- )) = _v in
- ((let _v : 'tv_value =
-# 44 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- ( v )
-# 535 "lib/"
- in
- _menhir_goto_value _menhir_env _menhir_stack _v) : 'freshtv46)) : 'freshtv48)
- _menhir_run8 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack)
- | NEWLINE ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : ('freshtv51 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 545 "lib/"
- )) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let _menhir_env = _menhir_discard _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : ('freshtv49 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 552 "lib/"
- )) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let ((_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, (comment : 'tv_comments)), (name : (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 557 "lib/"
- ))) = _menhir_stack in
- let _3 = () in
- let _v : 'tv_leaf_node =
-# 54 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- ( Vytree.make_full {default_data with comment=comment} name [] )
-# 563 "lib/"
- in
- _menhir_goto_leaf_node _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s _v) : 'freshtv50)) : 'freshtv52)
- | STRING _v ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv55) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- let (_v : (
-# 26 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 572 "lib/"
- )) = _v in
- ((let _menhir_env = _menhir_discard _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv53) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- let ((v : (
-# 26 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 580 "lib/"
- )) : (
-# 26 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 584 "lib/"
- )) = _v in
- ((let _v : 'tv_value =
-# 42 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- ( v )
-# 589 "lib/"
- in
- _menhir_goto_value _menhir_env _menhir_stack _v) : 'freshtv54)) : 'freshtv56)
- | _ ->
- assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- _menhir_env._menhir_error <- true;
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : ('freshtv57 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 599 "lib/"
- )) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let ((_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _), _) = _menhir_stack in
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) _menhir_s) : 'freshtv58)) : 'freshtv60)
- | _ ->
- assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- _menhir_env._menhir_error <- true;
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv61 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _) = _menhir_stack in
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) _menhir_s) : 'freshtv62)) : 'freshtv64)
- | _ ->
- _menhir_fail ()) : 'freshtv66)) : 'freshtv68)) : 'freshtv70)
-and _menhir_goto_list_node_ : _menhir_env -> 'ttv_tail -> _menhir_state -> 'tv_list_node_ -> 'ttv_return =
- fun _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s _v ->
- let _menhir_stack = (_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _v) in
- match _menhir_s with
- | MenhirState3 ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : ('freshtv17 * _menhir_state * 'tv_node) * _menhir_state * 'tv_list_node_) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : ('freshtv15 * _menhir_state * 'tv_node) * _menhir_state * 'tv_list_node_) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let ((_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, (x : 'tv_node)), _, (xs : 'tv_list_node_)) = _menhir_stack in
- let _v : 'tv_list_node_ =
-# 187 "/home/dmbaturin/.opam/4.05.0/lib/menhir/standard.mly"
- ( x :: xs )
-# 626 "lib/"
- in
- _menhir_goto_list_node_ _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s _v) : 'freshtv16)) : 'freshtv18)
- | MenhirState0 ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv31 * _menhir_state * 'tv_list_node_) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- let _tok = _menhir_env._menhir_token in
- match _tok with
- | EOF ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv27 * _menhir_state * 'tv_list_node_) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv25 * _menhir_state * 'tv_list_node_) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, (ns : 'tv_list_node_)) = _menhir_stack in
- let _2 = () in
- let _v : (
-# 33 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (Config_tree.t)
-# 645 "lib/"
- ) =
-# 100 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (
- let root = make "root" in
- let root = List.fold_left Vytree.adopt root (List.rev ns) |> Vytree.merge_children merge_data in
- try
- List.iter find_duplicate_children (Vytree.children_of_node root);
- root
- with
- | Duplicate_child (child, dup) ->
- failwith (Printf.sprintf "Node \"%s\" has two children named \"%s\"" child dup)
- )
-# 658 "lib/"
- in
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv23) = _menhir_stack in
- let (_menhir_s : _menhir_state) = _menhir_s in
- let (_v : (
-# 33 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (Config_tree.t)
-# 666 "lib/"
- )) = _v in
- ((let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv21) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- let (_menhir_s : _menhir_state) = _menhir_s in
- let (_v : (
-# 33 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (Config_tree.t)
-# 674 "lib/"
- )) = _v in
- ((let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv19) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- let (_menhir_s : _menhir_state) = _menhir_s in
- let ((_1 : (
-# 33 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (Config_tree.t)
-# 682 "lib/"
- )) : (
-# 33 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (Config_tree.t)
-# 686 "lib/"
- )) = _v in
- (Obj.magic _1 : 'freshtv20)) : 'freshtv22)) : 'freshtv24)) : 'freshtv26)) : 'freshtv28)
- | _ ->
- assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- _menhir_env._menhir_error <- true;
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv29 * _menhir_state * 'tv_list_node_) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _) = _menhir_stack in
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) _menhir_s) : 'freshtv30)) : 'freshtv32)
- | _ ->
- _menhir_fail ()
-and _menhir_errorcase : _menhir_env -> 'ttv_tail -> _menhir_state -> 'ttv_return =
- fun _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s ->
- match _menhir_s with
- | MenhirState21 ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : ((('freshtv3 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 707 "lib/"
- )) * 'tv_value)) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (((_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _), _), _) = _menhir_stack in
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) _menhir_s) : 'freshtv4)
- | MenhirState10 ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv5 * _menhir_state * 'tv_node_content) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _) = _menhir_stack in
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) _menhir_s) : 'freshtv6)
- | MenhirState8 ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : (('freshtv7 * _menhir_state * 'tv_comments) * (
-# 25 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 721 "lib/"
- ))) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let ((_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _), _) = _menhir_stack in
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) _menhir_s) : 'freshtv8)
- | MenhirState3 ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv9 * _menhir_state * 'tv_node) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _) = _menhir_stack in
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) _menhir_s) : 'freshtv10)
- | MenhirState1 ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv11 * _menhir_state * (
-# 27 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 735 "lib/"
- )) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- ((let (_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _) = _menhir_stack in
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) _menhir_s) : 'freshtv12)
- | MenhirState0 ->
- let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv13) = Obj.magic _menhir_stack in
- (raise _eRR : 'freshtv14)
-and _menhir_reduce5 : _menhir_env -> 'ttv_tail -> _menhir_state -> 'ttv_return =
- fun _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s ->
- let _v : 'tv_list_COMMENT_ =
-# 185 "/home/dmbaturin/.opam/4.05.0/lib/menhir/standard.mly"
- ( [] )
-# 749 "lib/"
- in
- _menhir_goto_list_COMMENT_ _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s _v
-and _menhir_reduce7 : _menhir_env -> 'ttv_tail -> _menhir_state -> 'ttv_return =
- fun _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s ->
- let _v : 'tv_list_node_ =
-# 185 "/home/dmbaturin/.opam/4.05.0/lib/menhir/standard.mly"
- ( [] )
-# 758 "lib/"
- in
- _menhir_goto_list_node_ _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s _v
-and _menhir_run1 : _menhir_env -> 'ttv_tail -> _menhir_state -> (
-# 27 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (string)
-# 765 "lib/"
-) -> 'ttv_return =
- fun _menhir_env _menhir_stack _menhir_s _v ->
- let _menhir_stack = (_menhir_stack, _menhir_s, _v) in
- let _menhir_env = _menhir_discard _menhir_env in
- let _tok = _menhir_env._menhir_token in
- match _tok with
- | COMMENT _v ->
- _menhir_run1 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState1 _v
- _menhir_reduce5 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState1
- | _ ->
- assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- _menhir_env._menhir_error <- true;
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState1
-and _menhir_discard : _menhir_env -> _menhir_env =
- fun _menhir_env ->
- let lexer = _menhir_env._menhir_lexer in
- let lexbuf = _menhir_env._menhir_lexbuf in
- let _tok = lexer lexbuf in
- {
- _menhir_lexer = lexer;
- _menhir_lexbuf = lexbuf;
- _menhir_token = _tok;
- _menhir_error = false;
- }
-and config : (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (
-# 33 "lib/vyos1x_parser.mly"
- (Config_tree.t)
-# 796 "lib/"
-) =
- fun lexer lexbuf ->
- let _menhir_env =
- let (lexer : Lexing.lexbuf -> token) = lexer in
- let (lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf) = lexbuf in
- ((let _tok = Obj.magic () in
- {
- _menhir_lexer = lexer;
- _menhir_lexbuf = lexbuf;
- _menhir_token = _tok;
- _menhir_error = false;
- }) : _menhir_env)
- in
- Obj.magic (let (_menhir_env : _menhir_env) = _menhir_env in
- let (_menhir_stack : 'freshtv1) = ((), _menhir_env._menhir_lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p) in
- ((let _menhir_env = _menhir_discard _menhir_env in
- let _tok = _menhir_env._menhir_token in
- match _tok with
- | COMMENT _v ->
- _menhir_run1 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState0 _v
- | EOF ->
- _menhir_reduce7 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState0
- _menhir_reduce5 _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState0
- | _ ->
- assert (not _menhir_env._menhir_error);
- _menhir_env._menhir_error <- true;
- _menhir_errorcase _menhir_env (Obj.magic _menhir_stack) MenhirState0) : 'freshtv2))
-# 219 "/home/dmbaturin/.opam/4.05.0/lib/menhir/standard.mly"
-# 830 "lib/"
diff --git a/lib/vyos1x_parser.mly b/lib/vyos1x_parser.mly
deleted file mode 100644
index f786c7a..0000000
--- a/lib/vyos1x_parser.mly
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
- open Config_tree
- exception Duplicate_child of (string * string)
- (* Used for checking if after merging immediate children,
- any of them have duplicate children inside,
- e.g. "interfaces { ethernet eth0 {...} ethernet eth0 {...} }" *)
- let find_duplicate_children n =
- let rec aux xs =
- let xs = List.sort compare xs in
- match xs with
- | [] | [_] -> ()
- | x :: x' :: xs ->
- if x = x' then raise (Duplicate_child (Vytree.name_of_node n, x))
- else aux (x' :: xs)
- in
- aux @@ Vytree.list_children n
- (* When merging nodes with values, append values of subsequent nodes to the
- first one *)
- let merge_data l r = {l with values=(List.append l.values r.values)}
-%token <string> IDENTIFIER
-%token <string> STRING
-%token <string> COMMENT
-%token LEFT_BRACE
-%token NEWLINE
-%token EOF
-%start <Config_tree.t> config
-(* If there are multiple comments before a node, consider the last one its real comment *)
- cs = list(COMMENT) { match cs with [] -> None | _ -> Some (List.rev cs |> List.hd) }
- | v = STRING
- { v }
- { v }
- | comment = comments;
- name = IDENTIFIER; value = value; NEWLINE;
- { Vytree.make_full {default_data with values=[value]; comment=comment} name []}
- | comment = comments;
- name = IDENTIFIER; NEWLINE (* valueless node *)
- { Vytree.make_full {default_data with comment=comment} name [] }
- | comment = comments;
- name = IDENTIFIER; LEFT_BRACE; children = list(node_content); RIGHT_BRACE;
- {
- let node =
- Vytree.make_full {default_data with comment=comment} name [] in
- let node = List.fold_left Vytree.adopt node (List.rev children) |> Vytree.merge_children merge_data in
- try
- List.iter find_duplicate_children (Vytree.children_of_node node);
- node
- with
- | Duplicate_child (child, dup) ->
- failwith (Printf.sprintf "Node \"%s %s\" has two children named \"%s\"" name child dup)
- }
-(* XXX: for the config to be loadable with the old CStore backend, what was formatted as a tag node
- in the original config, must remain formatted that way.
- Since fixing it there is more trouble than it's worth, and creating a separate version of
- Config_tree just for that seems strange, I reused the ephemeral flag for that, which
- is never used in the VyOS 1.x context anyway.
- *)
- | comment = comments;
- name = IDENTIFIER; tag = value; LEFT_BRACE; children = list(node_content); RIGHT_BRACE
- {
- let outer_node = Vytree.make_full {default_data with ephemeral=true} name [] in
- let inner_node =
- Vytree.make_full {default_data with comment=comment} tag [] in
- let inner_node = List.fold_left Vytree.adopt inner_node (List.rev children) |> Vytree.merge_children merge_data in
- let node = Vytree.adopt outer_node inner_node in
- try
- List.iter find_duplicate_children (Vytree.children_of_node inner_node);
- node
- with
- | Duplicate_child (child, dup) ->
- failwith (Printf.sprintf "Node \"%s %s %s\" has two children named \"%s\"" name tag child dup)
- }
-node_content: n = node { n } | n = leaf_node { n } | n = tag_node { n };
-%public config:
- | ns = list(node); EOF
- {
- let root = make "root" in
- let root = List.fold_left Vytree.adopt root (List.rev ns) |> Vytree.merge_children merge_data in
- try
- List.iter find_duplicate_children (Vytree.children_of_node root);
- root
- with
- | Duplicate_child (child, dup) ->
- failwith (Printf.sprintf "Node \"%s\" has two children named \"%s\"" child dup)
- }