libvyosconfig ============= This library mixes the multiway tree manipulation libraries from [vyconf]( with a parser and a formatter for VyOS 1.x config format, and is meant to be used in config migration scripts and analysis/conversion tools. The main purpose is to provide bindings for Python, so using this library directly from C is strongly discouraged: not just the interface is not guaranteed to be stable, it's written to be a bridge between two high level languages so it would be very inconvenient to use from C. ## Building You need to install OPAM and then use it to install OCaml (latest 4.08 works fine). ``` # Clone and install the vyos1x-config library git clone opam pin add vyos1x-config . # Install build deps opam install ctypes ctypes-foreign ctypes-build # Build the Debian package dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc -tc ```