path: root/examples/obashdb
diff options
authorAn-Cheng Huang <>2007-11-12 13:06:02 -0800
committerAn-Cheng Huang <>2007-11-12 13:06:02 -0800
commitb7fc9e0f6d6105ba2203f219743d4b269415e84b (patch)
treeef6586dfc62798c2b17487b443864699aca55f31 /examples/obashdb
initial import from bash_3.1dfsg.orig.tar.gz
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/obashdb')
5 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/obashdb/PERMISSION b/examples/obashdb/PERMISSION
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e9460c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/obashdb/PERMISSION
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+From Tue Aug 1 12:13:20 1995
+Flags: 10
+Received: from ( []) by odin.INS.CWRU.Edu with ESMTP (8.6.12+cwru/CWRU-2.1-ins)
+ id MAA01565; Tue, 1 Aug 1995 12:13:18 -0400 (from for <chet@odin.INS.CWRU.Edu>)
+Received: (from fax@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.11) with UUCP id MAA23251; Tue, 1 Aug 1995 12:07:51 -0400
+Received: by (4.1/Spike-2.1)
+ id AA00672; Tue, 1 Aug 95 08:57:32 EDT
+Date: Tue, 1 Aug 95 08:57:32 EDT
+From: (Michael Loukides)
+Message-Id: <>
+Subject: Re: Ksh debugger from Rosenblatt's book [for bash]
+To: Chet Ramey <chet@odin.INS.CWRU.Edu>
+In-Reply-To: Chet Ramey <chet@odin.INS.CWRU.Edu>, Mon, 31 Jul 1995 16:22:48 -0400
+ I've modified a (modified) version of Bill Rosenblatt's ksh debugger
+ to work with bash-2.0. Does ORA have any problem with me distributing
+ it with bash-2.0?
+That's great!
+Go ahead and circulate it; in fact, we should probably grab it and
+stick it in our ftp archive, and put a reference to it in the book.
+(Too late to actually discuss the thing, at least for this edition).
diff --git a/examples/obashdb/README b/examples/obashdb/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3373f5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/obashdb/README
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+This is a modified version of the Korn Shell debugger from Bill
+Rosenblatt's `Learning the Korn Shell', published by O'Reilly
+and Associates (ISBN 1-56592-054-6).
+The original `kshdb' is available for anonymous FTP with the URL
+A revised edition is available at:
diff --git a/examples/obashdb/bashdb b/examples/obashdb/bashdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97d287d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/obashdb/bashdb
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# kshdb - Korn Shell Debugger main file
+# adapted from 'Learning the Korn Shell' by Bill Rosenblatt (O'Reilly)
+# by Cigy Cyriac (
+# Main driver: constructs full script (with preamble) and runs it
+echo 'Bourne-Again Shell Debugger version 0.1'
+[ $# -eq 0 ] && {
+ echo "${_pname}: usage: ${_pname} <script_file>"
+ exit 1
+[ -r $_guineapig ] || {
+ echo "${_pname}: cannot read $_guineapig." >&2
+ exit 1
+_dbgfile=$_tmpdir/bashdb$$ #temp file for script being debugged
+cat $_libdir/bashdb.pre $_guineapig > $_dbgfile
+if [ -f "$BASH" ]; then
+ exec $BASH $_dbgfile $_guineapig $_tmpdir $_libdir "$@"
+ exec bash $_dbgfile $_guineapig $_tmpdir $_libdir "$@"
+# end of bashdb
diff --git a/examples/obashdb/bashdb.fns b/examples/obashdb/bashdb.fns
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac0612c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/obashdb/bashdb.fns
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+# bashdb.fns - Bourne-Again Shell Debugger functions
+# Here after each statement in script being debugged.
+# Handle single-step and breakpoints.
+_steptrap() {
+ let _curline=$1-1 # no. of line that just ran
+ let "$_curline < 1" && let _curline=1
+ let "$_curline > $_firstline+$_BUFSIZ" && _readin $_curline
+ let " $_trace" &&
+ _msg "$PS4, line $_curline: ${_lines[$(($_curline-$_firstline+1))]}"
+ # if in step mode, decrement counter
+ let " $_steps >= 0" && let _steps="$_steps - 1"
+ # first check if line num or string brkpt. reached
+ if _at_linenumbp || _at_stringbp; then
+ _msg "Reached breakpoint at line $_curline"
+ _cmdloop # enter debugger
+ # if not, check whether break condition exists and is true
+ elif [ -n "$_brcond" ] && eval $_brcond; then
+ _msg "Break condition $_brcond true at line $_curline"
+ _cmdloop # enter debugger
+ # next, check if step mode and no. of steps is up
+ elif let "$_steps == 0"; then
+ _msg "Stopped at line $_curline"
+ _cmdloop # enter debugger
+ fi
+# Debugger command loop.
+# Here at start of debugger session, when brkpt. reached, or after single-step.
+_cmdloop() {
+ local cmd args
+# added support for default command (last one entered)
+ while read -e -p "bashdb> [$lastcmd $lastargs] " cmd args; do
+ if [ -z "$cmd" ]; then
+ cmd=$lastcmd
+ args=$lastargs
+ fi
+ lastcmd="$cmd"
+ lastargs=$args
+# made commands to be debugger commands by default, no need for '*' prefix
+ case $cmd in
+ bp ) _setbp $args ;; #set brkpt at line num or string
+ bc ) _setbc $args ;; # set break condition
+ cb ) _clearbp ;; # clear all brkpts.
+ g ) return ;; # start/resume execution
+ s ) let _steps=${args:-1}
+ return ;; # single-step N times(default 1)
+ x ) _xtrace ;; # toggle execution trace
+ pr ) _print $args ;; # print lines in file
+ \? | h | help ) _menu ;; # print command menu
+ hi ) history ;; # show command history
+ q ) _cleanup; exit ;; # quit
+ \! ) eval $args ;; # run shell command
+ * ) _msg "Invalid command: $cmd" ; _menu ;;
+ esac
+ done
+# see if next line no. is a brkpt.
+_at_linenumbp() {
+ if [ -z "${_linebp}" ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ echo "${_curline}" | grep -E "(${_linebp%\|})" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ return $?
+# search string brkpts to see if next line in script matches.
+_at_stringbp() {
+ local l;
+ if [ -z "$_stringbp" ]; then
+ return 1;
+ fi
+ l=${_lines[$_curline-$_firstline+1]}
+ echo "${l}" | grep -E "\\*(${_stringbp%\|})\\*" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ return $?
+# print message to stderr
+_msg() {
+ echo -e "$@" >&2
+# set brkpt(s) at given line numbers and/or strings
+# by appending lines to brkpt file
+_setbp() {
+ declare -i n
+ case "$1" in
+ "") _listbp ;;
+ [0-9]*) #number, set brkpt at that line
+ n=$1
+ _linebp="${_linebp}$n|"
+ _msg "Breakpoint at line " $1
+ ;;
+ *) #string, set brkpt at next line w/string
+ _stringbp="${_stringbp}$@|"
+ _msg "Breakpoint at next line containing $@."
+ ;;
+ esac
+# list brkpts and break condition.
+_listbp() {
+ _msg "Breakpoints at lines:"
+ _msg "${_linebp//\|/ }"
+ _msg "Breakpoints at strings:"
+ _msg "${_stringbp//\|/ }"
+ _msg "Break on condition:"
+ _msg "$_brcond"
+# set or clear break condition
+_setbc() {
+ if [ -n "$@" ] ; then
+ _brcond=$args
+ _msg "Break when true: $_brcond"
+ else
+ _brcond=
+ _msg "Break condition cleared"
+ fi
+# clear all brkpts
+_clearbp() {
+ _linebp=
+ _stringbp=
+ _msg "All breakpoints cleared"
+# toggle execution trace feature
+_xtrace() {
+ let _trace="! $_trace"
+ _msg "Execution trace \c"
+ let " $_trace" && _msg "on." || _msg "off."
+# print command menu
+_menu() {
+# made commands to be debugger commands by default, no need for '*' prefix
+ _msg 'bashdb commands:
+ bp N set breakpoint at line N
+ bp string set breakpoint at next line containing "string"
+ bp list breakpoints and break condition
+ bc string set break condition to "string"
+ bc clear break condition
+ cb clear all breakpoints
+ g start/resume execution
+ s [N] execute N statements (default 1)
+ x toggle execution trace on/off (default on)
+ pr [start|.] [cnt] print "cnt" lines from line no. "start"
+ ?, h, help print this menu
+ hi show command history
+ q quit
+ ! cmd [args] execute command "cmd" with "args"
+ default: last command (in "[ ]" at the prompt)
+ Readline command line editing (emacs/vi mode) is available'
+# erase temp files before exiting
+_cleanup() {
+ rm $_dbgfile 2>/dev/null
+# read $_BUFSIZ lines from $_guineapig into _lines array, starting from line $1
+# save number of first line read in _firstline
+_readin() {
+ declare -i _i=1
+ let _firstline=$1
+ SEDCMD="$_firstline,$(($_firstline+$_BUFSIZ))p"
+ sed -n "$SEDCMD" $_guineapig > /tmp/_script.$$
+ while read -r _lines[$_i]; do
+ _i=_i+1
+ done < /tmp/_script.$$
+ rm -f /tmp/_script.$$ 2>/dev/null
+_print() {
+ typeset _start _cnt
+ if [ -z "$1" ] || [ "$1" = . ]; then
+ _start=$_curline
+ else
+ _start=$1
+ fi
+ _cnt=${2:-9}
+ SEDCMD="$_start,$(($_start+$_cnt))p"
+ pr -tn $_guineapig | sed -n "$SEDCMD"
diff --git a/examples/obashdb/bashdb.pre b/examples/obashdb/bashdb.pre
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9cdb72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/obashdb/bashdb.pre
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# bashdb.pre - Bourne-Again Shell Debugger preamble file
+# prepended to script being ddebugged
+# $1 = name of original guineapig script
+# $2 = dir where temp files are stored
+# $3 = dir where bashdb.pre and bashdb.fns are stored
+# separate history file for bashdb
+set -o history
+set +H
+# prompt for trace line
+shift 3 #move user's args into place
+. $_libdir/bashdb.fns #read in the debugger functions
+let _trace=1 #init execution trace flag to on
+#read guineapig file into _lines array
+_readin 1
+trap _cleanup EXIT #erase files before exiting
+let _steps=1 #no. of statements to run after setting trap
+#set LINENO, gets incremented to 1
+trap '_steptrap $LINENO' DEBUG