path: root/lib/termcap/grot/
diff options
authorStephen Hemminger <>2010-10-11 14:49:26 -0700
committerStephen Hemminger <>2010-10-11 15:19:40 -0700
commit011c1d1c0766c65517ebd495465c99e86edb63ec (patch)
tree30d8f6a13235af90897c3223554871ef52225462 /lib/termcap/grot/
parent40cfaccf7b178b6239b5cd0013ef80b7ff8e503e (diff)
Update to bash-4.1
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/termcap/grot/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 220 deletions
diff --git a/lib/termcap/grot/ b/lib/termcap/grot/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b8bf79..0000000
--- a/lib/termcap/grot/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-This is Info file ./, produced by Makeinfo-1.55 from the
-input file ./termcap.texi.
- This file documents the termcap library of the GNU system.
- Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
-manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
-preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
-this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
-the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
-permission notice identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
-manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
-versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
-translation approved by the Foundation.
-File:, Node: Cap Index, Next: Index, Prev: Var Index, Up: Top
-Capability Index
-* Menu:
-* ae: Standout.
-* al: Insdel Line.
-* AL: Insdel Line.
-* am: Wrapping.
-* as: Standout.
-* bc: Cursor Motion.
-* bl: Bell.
-* bs: Cursor Motion.
-* bt: Cursor Motion.
-* bw: Cursor Motion.
-* CC: Basic.
-* cd: Clearing.
-* ce: Clearing.
-* ch: Cursor Motion.
-* cl: Clearing.
-* cm: Cursor Motion.
-* CM: Cursor Motion.
-* co: Screen Size.
-* cr: Cursor Motion.
-* cS: Scrolling.
-* cs: Scrolling.
-* ct: Initialization.
-* cv: Cursor Motion.
-* da: Scrolling.
-* dB: Pad Specs.
-* db: Scrolling.
-* dC: Pad Specs.
-* DC: Insdel Char.
-* dc: Insdel Char.
-* dF: Pad Specs.
-* dl: Insdel Line.
-* DL: Insdel Line.
-* dm: Insdel Char.
-* dN: Pad Specs.
-* do: Cursor Motion.
-* DO: Cursor Motion.
-* ds: Status Line.
-* dT: Pad Specs.
-* ec: Clearing.
-* ed: Insdel Char.
-* ei: Insdel Char.
-* eo: Basic.
-* es: Status Line.
-* ff: Cursor Motion.
-* fs: Status Line.
-* gn: Basic.
-* hc: Basic.
-* hd: Half-Line.
-* ho: Cursor Motion.
-* hs: Status Line.
-* hu: Half-Line.
-* hz: Basic.
-* i1: Initialization.
-* i3: Initialization.
-* IC: Insdel Char.
-* ic: Insdel Char.
-* if: Initialization.
-* im: Insdel Char.
-* in: Insdel Char.
-* ip: Insdel Char.
-* is: Initialization.
-* it: Initialization.
-* K1...K5: Keypad.
-* k1...k9: Keypad.
-* kA...kT: Keypad.
-* ka...ku: Keypad.
-* km: Meta Key.
-* l0...l9: Keypad.
-* le: Cursor Motion.
-* LE: Cursor Motion.
-* li: Screen Size.
-* ll: Cursor Motion.
-* lm: Scrolling.
-* LP: Wrapping.
-* mb: Standout.
-* md: Standout.
-* me: Standout.
-* mh: Standout.
-* mi: Insdel Char.
-* mk: Standout.
-* mm: Meta Key.
-* mo: Meta Key.
-* mp: Standout.
-* mr: Standout.
-* ms: Standout.
-* ms: Underlining.
-* nc: Cursor Motion.
-* nd: Cursor Motion.
-* NF: Initialization.
-* nl: Cursor Motion.
-* ns: Scrolling.
-* nw: Cursor Motion.
-* os: Basic.
-* pb: Pad Specs.
-* pc: Pad Specs.
-* pf: Printer.
-* pO: Printer.
-* po: Printer.
-* ps: Printer.
-* rc: Cursor Motion.
-* RI: Cursor Motion.
-* rp: Basic.
-* rs: Initialization.
-* sa: Standout.
-* sc: Cursor Motion.
-* se: Standout.
-* SF: Scrolling.
-* sf: Scrolling.
-* sg: Standout.
-* so: Standout.
-* SR: Scrolling.
-* sr: Scrolling.
-* st: Initialization.
-* ta: Cursor Motion.
-* te: Initialization.
-* ti: Initialization.
-* ts: Status Line.
-* uc: Underlining.
-* ue: Underlining.
-* ug: Underlining.
-* ul: Underlining.
-* up: Cursor Motion.
-* UP: Cursor Motion.
-* us: Underlining.
-* vb: Bell.
-* ve: Cursor Visibility.
-* vi: Cursor Visibility.
-* vs: Cursor Visibility.
-* wi: Windows.
-* ws: Status Line.
-* xb: Basic.
-* xn: Wrapping.
-* xs: Standout.
-* xt: Cursor Motion.
-* xt: Standout.
-File:, Node: Index, Prev: Cap Index, Up: Top
-Concept Index
-* Menu:
-* %: Encode Parameters.
-* appearance modes: Standout.
-* bell: Bell.
-* clearing the screen: Clearing.
-* command character: Basic.
-* cursor motion: Cursor Motion.
-* delete character: Insdel Char.
-* delete line: Insdel Line.
-* delete mode: Insdel Char.
-* description format: Format.
-* erasing: Clearing.
-* generic terminal type: Basic.
-* home position: Cursor Motion.
-* inheritance: Inheriting.
-* initialization: Initialization.
-* insert character: Insdel Char.
-* insert line: Insdel Line.
-* insert mode: Insdel Char.
-* line speed: Output Padding.
-* magic cookie: Standout.
-* meta key: Meta Key.
-* names of terminal types: Naming.
-* overstrike: Basic.
-* padding: Pad Specs.
-* padding: Padding.
-* parameters: Parameters.
-* printer: Printer.
-* repeat output: Basic.
-* reset: Initialization.
-* screen size: Screen Size.
-* screen size: Naming.
-* screen size: Screen Size.
-* scrolling: Scrolling.
-* standout: Standout.
-* status line: Status Line.
-* Superbee: Basic.
-* tab stops: Initialization.
-* termcap: Introduction.
-* terminal flags (kernel): Initialize.
-* underlining: Underlining.
-* visibility: Cursor Visibility.
-* visible bell: Bell.
-* window: Windows.
-* wrapping: Wrapping.
-* wrapping: Naming.