path: root/examples/scripts.v2/fman
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scripts.v2/fman')
1 files changed, 281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scripts.v2/fman b/examples/scripts.v2/fman
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e94d21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/scripts.v2/fman
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+# original from:
+# fman: new man program
+# @(#) fman.ksh 1.5 94/04/16
+# 91/07/03 john h. dubois iii (
+# 91/07/11 made it unpack man pages if neccessary
+# 91/07/16 fixed test for whether man file pattern was expanded
+# 92/01/21 made it read /etc/default/man to get section order,
+# and only display the first section found.
+# 92/02/06 changed name to fman
+# 92/02/07 fixed bug in notfound
+# 92/02/13 incorporated changes from DOS version
+# 92/03/11 changed to use MANPATH from environment if set,
+# and search all directories given in MANPATH
+# 92/03/15 exec pager or man w/o forking
+# 92/05/31 try using index if one exists
+# 92/10/01 Added "See also <other sections>"
+# 92/10/18 If PAGER is less, search for name of man page to make it easier
+# to find information in man pages for multiple items
+# 92/11/11 Make it work for compressed files not listed in index;
+# deal with man pages listed in index that don't exist.
+# 93/03/30 Fixed bug in MANPATH processing
+# 93/06/17 Include paths in "See also:" message if they would be needed
+# to get to a man page. Allow MANPATH spec on command line.
+# 93/07/09 Added -h and -e options.
+# 94/04/16 Added x option.
+# conversion to bash v2 syntax done by Chet Ramey
+ test 0 -ne "$1"
+ test 0 -eq "$1"
+# Finds all sections that man page $1 is in and puts them in the the
+# global array Sections[].
+# The filename of each page is put in FileNames[] with the same index.
+# Global vars used:
+# patharr[] MANPATH directories.
+FindSectionsInIndex ()
+ typeset index indexes section mpath page=$1
+ typeset -i i=0 NIndex=0
+ for mpath in "${patharr[@]}"; do
+ if [ -r $mpath/index ]; then
+ indexes="$indexes $mpath/index"
+ let NIndex+=1
+ fi
+ done
+ [ -z "$indexes" ] && return
+ # Make grep give filename
+ [ NIndex -lt 2 ] && indexes="$indexes /dev/null"
+ # set positional parameters to
+ # indexfile:searchname pagename section ...
+ # e.g.
+ # /usr/man/index:FP_OFF Routines DOS
+ set -- `grep "^$page[ ]" $indexes`
+ while [ $# -gt 2 ]; do
+ FileNames[i]=${1%%index*}cat$3/$2.$3
+ Sections[i]=$3
+ shift 3
+ let i+=1
+ done
+# Finds all sections that man page $1 is in by searching each man directory
+# in the order given in patharr[],
+# and puts them in the the global array Sections[].
+# The filename of each page is put in FileNames[] with the same index.
+# Global vars used:
+# patharr[] MANPATH directories.
+FindSectionsInDirs ()
+ local page=$1 mpath AllPaths Path
+ typeset -i i
+ for mpath in "${patharr[@]}"; do
+ AllPaths="$AllPaths $mpath/cat[0-9]*/$page.* $mpath/man[0-9]*/$page.*"
+ done
+ i=0
+ for Path in $AllPaths; do
+ istrue $debug && echo Path = $Path
+ case "$Path" in
+ *\*) ;;
+ *)
+ # Remove compressed-file suffix to make FileNames be the same
+ # as it is when built by FindSectionsInIndex()
+ FileNames[i]=${Path%.[zZ]}
+ Path=${Path%/*}
+ Sections[i]=${Path##*/*.}
+ let i+=1 ;;
+ esac
+ done
+# FindSection: display man page.
+# Uses ordarr[] (built from $ORDER) to display the version of the man
+# page that occurs first in $ORDER.
+# Sections[] gives the sections that a man page was found in.
+# If the global variable "exist" is set to 1, nothing is displayed;
+# the function instead returns zero if a page is found, nonzero if not.
+# The filename of each page is in FileNames[] with the same index.
+# Global vars used:
+# Sections[], FileNames[], ordarr[]
+FindSection ()
+ typeset -i NumPages i foundsec
+ local section OtherSec filename NPAGER=$PAGER POpt page=$1 Pat
+ local PageFile
+ NumPages=${#Sections[*]} # Number of versions of man page found.
+ isfalse $NumPages && return 1
+ case "$PAGER" in
+ *less) Popt="-p$page" ;;
+ esac
+ # For each section in ORDER, determine if any man page was found in
+ # that section
+ for section in "${ordarr[@]}"; do
+ i=0
+ foundsec=0
+ while [ $i -lt $NumPages ]; do
+ if [ "${Sections[i]}" = $section ]; then
+ # Found a man page from this section of ORDER
+ filename=${FileNames[i]}
+ if [ -z "$PageFile" ]; then
+ PageFile=$filename
+ else
+ if istrue $foundsec; then
+ OtherSec="$OtherSec$page(${filename%/*/*} $section) "
+ else
+ OtherSec="$OtherSec$page($section) "
+ fi
+ fi
+ foundsec=1
+ istrue $exist && return
+ fi
+ let i+=1
+ done
+ done
+ # No pages with the specified section found.
+ [ -z "$PageFile" ] && return 1
+ # Return if all we want to know is whether the man page exists.
+ [ "$exist" = 1 ] && return 0
+ if [ -z "$OtherSec" ]; then
+ NPAGER="exec $PAGER"
+ fi
+ if [ -r $PageFile ]; then
+ $NPAGER $POpt $PageFile
+ elif [ -r $PageFile.z ]; then
+ pcat $PageFile.z | $NPAGER $POpt
+ elif [ -r $PageFile.Z ]; then
+ zcat $PageFile.Z | $NPAGER $POpt
+ elif [ -f $PageFile.gz ]; then
+ gzip -dc $PageFile.gz | $NPAGER $POpt
+ else
+ echo "$PageFile: cannot open." 1>&2
+ OtherSec=
+ unset Sections[i]
+ let i+=1
+ continue
+ fi
+ echo "See also $OtherSec"
+ exit 0
+echo "$name: print man pages.
+$name locates and prints the specified manual pages from the online UNIX
+-e: Determine whether the specified man page exists. Nothing is printed;
+ $0 exits with a zero status if the page exists and a nonzero status if
+ it does not.
+-h: Print this help."
+# main program
+typeset -i exist=0 debug=0
+Usage="Usage: $name [-eh] [[manpath] section] command-name"
+while getopts :hex opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ h) phelp; exit 0;;
+ e) exist=1 ;;
+ x) debug=1 ;;
+ +?) echo "$name: options should not be preceded by a '+'." 1>&2; exit 2;;
+ ?)
+ echo "$name: $OPTARG: bad option. Use -h for help." 1>&2 ; exit 2 ;;
+ esac
+# remove args that were options
+shift $((OPTIND-1))
+if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+ echo -e "$Usage\nUse -h for help." 1>&2
+ exit
+[ -f /etc/default/man ] && . /etc/default/man
+[ -n "$P" ] && PAGER=$P
+[ -n "$O" ] && ORDER=$O
+[ -n "$T" ] && TERM=$T
+[ -n "$M" ] && MANPATH=$M
+case $# in
+0) echo "No man page specified." ; exit 1;;
+1) page=$1;;
+2) ORDER=$(echo $1 | tr a-z A-Z) ; page=$2;;
+3) MANPATH=$1
+ [ -n "$2" ] && ORDER=$(echo $2 | tr a-z A-Z)
+ page=$3;;
+*) echo "Too many arguments."; exit 1;;
+[ ! -t 0 ] && PAGER=cat
+for d in $MANPATH; do
+ for sec in $ORDER; do
+ ordarr[i]=$d/cat${sec}
+ let i+=1
+ ordarr[i]=$d/man${sec}
+ let i+=1
+ done
+istrue $debug && echo patharr = "${patharr[@]}"
+# if less or more is being used, remove multiple blank lines
+export LESS="-s $LESS"
+export MORE="-s $MORE"
+# Try using index
+FindSectionsInIndex "$page"
+# Exit 0 if a page was found and we're just testing for existence.
+FindSection "$page" && exit 0
+# Try searching directories
+unset Sections[*]
+FindSectionsInDirs "$page"
+FindSection "$page" && exit 0
+istrue $exist && exit 1
+# Try using man
+# If using more or less, make man run faster by letting more or less compress
+# multiple blank lines instead of rmb
+#case "$PAGER" in
+#*more|*less) manopt=-b;;
+#cmd=(man $manopt -p$PAGER "${aargs[@]}")
+export PAGER
+cmd=(man $manopt "${aargs[@]}")
+istrue $debug && echo "$name: running ${cmd[*]}" 1>&2
+exec "${cmd[@]}"