path: root/examples/scripts.v2/ncp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scripts.v2/ncp')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scripts.v2/ncp b/examples/scripts.v2/ncp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c91ba64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/scripts.v2/ncp
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+# original from:
+# @(#) ncp.ksh,nmv.ksh 1.1 94/07/23
+# 92/01/18 john h. dubois iii (
+# 92/01/31 added check for no args left after shifts
+# 92/02/17 added help
+# 92/02/25 remove path component from filename before tacking it onto dest.
+# 92/03/15 exec mv or cp
+# 93/07/13 Added -i
+# 93/09/29 Made abort if file exists optional.
+# 93/11/19 Exit before invoking mv if no files to move
+# 94/01/03 Added o option
+# 94/04/13 Added x option.
+# Fixed appending of source filename, broken by earlier change.
+# 94/07/23 Append only the filename part of the source path.
+# conversion to bash v2 syntax done by Chet Ramey
+ return 1
+ return 0
+echo "$name: do a $cmd with extra checking and options.
+$name is used as a front end for $cmd to get the [icfo] options, and so
+that a trailing / will force the last component of the path to be
+interpreted as a directory, so that $name foo bar/ will fail if bar is
+not an existing directory, instead of changing the name of foo to bar.
+Effectively, $name foo bar/ is short for $name foo bar/foo
+-h prints this help.
+-c checks first for the existence of each file, and fails if it exists.
+-i is like -c except that if the file exists and stdin and stdout are a
+ tty, a query is printed and a reply is read; a file is overwritten only
+ if the reply begins with 'y'.
+-f unsets -c and -i (in case $cmd is aliased to $name).
+-o (overwrite only) checks that the named file(s) exist and fails for any
+ that do not. It is the complement of the -c option.
+Whichever of [cifo] comes later on the command line determines the behaviour.
+Any of these options must come before any standard $cmd options."
+# interactive: Attempt to overwrite file should result in interactive
+# query rather than automatic failure.
+# noover: Do not overwrite files (if interactive is true, query, else fail)
+# overwrite: Only overwriting is allowed, not creation of new files.
+# debug: Print debugging info.
+typeset interactive=false noover=false overwrite=false debug=false
+case "$name" in
+ncp|nmv) cmd=/bin/${name#?} ;;
+*) echo "$name: Must be invoked as ncp or nmv." 1>&2 ; exit 2;;
+Usage="Usage: $name [-cfhio] $cmd-cmd-line"
+while getopts :cfhiox opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ h) phelp; exit 0;;
+ x) debug=true ;;
+ c) noover=true ;;
+ i) noover=true ; interactive=true ;;
+ f) noover=false ; interactive=false ;;
+ o) overwrite=true ; noover=false ; interactive=false;;
+ +?) echo "$name: options should not be preceded by a '+'." 1>&2; exit 2;;
+ ?) echo "$name: $OPTARG: bad option. Use -h for help." 1>&2 ; exit 2;;
+ esac
+# remove args that were options
+shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+ echo -e "$Usage\nUse -h for help."
+ exit
+ if [ ! -f "$1" ] && $overwrite; then
+ echo "$name: $1: File does not exist." 1>&2
+ return 1
+ elif [ -f "$1" ] && $noover; then
+ if [ $interactive = false ] || [ ! -t 0 ] || [ ! -t 1 ]; then
+ echo "$name: $1: File exists." 1>&2
+ return 1
+ else
+ while :; do
+ echo -n \
+"$name: $1: File exists. Overwrite? (y)es/(n)o/(a)bort/(Y)es for all: " 1>&2
+ read reply
+ case "$reply" in
+ y*)
+ echo "$name: Overwriting $1."
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ Y*)
+ echo "$name: Overwriting $1."
+ interactive=false
+ noover=false
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ [nN]*)
+ echo "$name: Skipping $2."
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ [aA]*)
+ echo "$name: Aborting."
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "$name: Invalid response." 1>&2
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ fi
+ else
+ return 0
+ fi
+# i is the index of the filename being examined
+# lastarg is the index of the last filename before the dest directory name
+typeset -i i=0 lastarg=$(($#-1))
+# Sets argv[0..$#-1]
+$debug && echo argv = "${argv[@]}" 1>&2
+if $debug; then
+ echo \
+"interactive=$interactive noover=$noover overwrite=$overwrite debug=$debug
+lastarg=$lastarg dest=$dest name=$name cmd=$cmd
+files=$*" 1>&2
+if $noover || $overwrite; then
+ $debug && echo "checking for existance of directories..." 1>&2
+ # If the destination is not intended to be a directory...
+ if [ $# -eq 2 ] && [ ! -d "$dest" ]; then
+ Check "$dest" "$1" || exit 0 # No files to copy
+ else
+ while [ $i -lt $lastarg ]; do
+ Check "$dest/${argv[i]##*/}" "${argv[i]}" || unset argv[i]
+ let i+=1
+ done
+ fi
+[ ${#argv[@]} -lt 2 ] && exit 0
+# If only 2 args are given, mv/cp will not insist that the destination
+# be a directory, which we want if the destination ends in "/" or if
+# the original number of args was >2.
+# $# is still the original number of args.
+# Tack the file name onto the destination to force this behaviour.
+ case "$1" in
+ */) return 0;;
+ *) return 1;;
+ esac
+if [ ${#argv[@]} = 2 ] && { lastisslash "$2" || [ $# -gt 2 ]; }; then
+ $debug && echo "Appending filename." 1>&2
+ # Don't know which element of argv[] holds the source filename,
+ # since may have started with more than 1 source file & had some unset.
+ # So, compact args to make it easy to find the set one.
+ argv=("${argv[@]}")
+ argv[1]="${argv[1]}/${argv[0]##*/}"
+$debug && echo "Executing command: $cmd ${argv[@]}" 1>&2
+exec $cmd "${argv[@]}"