path: root/examples/scripts.v2/rename
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scripts.v2/rename')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scripts.v2/rename b/examples/scripts.v2/rename
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96c46d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/scripts.v2/rename
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+# original from:
+# @(#) rename.ksh 1.1 94/05/10
+# 90/06/01 John DuBois (
+# 91/02/25 Improved help info
+# 92/06/07 remove quotes from around shell pattern as required by new ksh
+# 94/05/10 Exit if no globbing chars given.
+# conversion to bash v2 syntax by Chet Ramey
+echo "$usage
+All files that match oldpattern will be renamed with the
+filename components that match the constant parts of oldpattern
+changed to the corresponding constant parts of newpattern.
+The components of the filename that match variable parts of
+oldpattern will be preserved. Variable parts in oldpattern
+must occur in the same order in newpattern. Variables parts
+can be '?' and '*'.
+rename \"/tmp/foo*.ba.?\" \"/tmp/new*x?\"
+All files in /tmp that match foo*.ba.? will have the \"foo\" part
+replaced by \"new\" and the \".ba.\" part replaced by \"x\"."
+usage="usage: $name [-htv] oldpattern newpattern"
+while getopts "htv" opt; do
+ case "$opt" in
+ t) tell=true;;
+ v) verbose=true;;
+ h) phelp; exit 0;;
+ *) echo "$name: $usage" 1>&2; exit 2;;
+ esac
+shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+ phelp
+ exit 2
+set -- $1
+if [ ! -e "$1" ]; then
+ echo "$name: no files match $oldpat."
+ exit 1
+typeset -i i=1 j
+# Example oldpat: foo*.a
+# Example newpat: bar*.b
+# Examples given for first iteration (in the example, the only interation)
+while :; do
+ case "$oldpat" in
+ *[\*\?]*) ;;
+ *) break;;
+ esac
+ # Get leftmost globbing pattern in oldpat
+ pat=${oldpat#*[\*\?]} # pat=.a
+ pat=${oldpat%%"$pat"} # pat=foo*
+ pat=${pat##*[!\?\*]} # pat=*
+ # Find parts before & after pattern
+ oldpre[i]=${oldpat%%"$pat"*} # oldpre[1]=foo
+ oldsuf[i]=${oldpat#*"$pat"} # oldsuf[1]=.a
+ newpre[i]=${newpat%%"$pat"*} # newpre[1]=bar
+ # Get rid of processed part of patterns
+ oldpat=${oldpat#${oldpre[i]}"$pat"} # oldpat=.a
+ newpat=${newpat#${newpre[i]}"$pat"} # newpat=.b
+ let i=i+1
+if [ $i -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo "No globbing chars in pattern." 1>&2
+ exit 1
+oldpre[i]=${oldpat%%"$pat"*} # oldpre[2]=.a
+oldsuf[i]=${oldpat#*"$pat"} # oldsuf[2]=.a
+newpre[i]=${newpat%%"$pat"*} # newpre[2]=.b
+if [ -n "$verbose" ]; then
+ j=1
+ while let "j < i"; do
+ echo \
+"Old prefix: ${oldpre[j]} Old suffix: ${oldsuf[j]} New prefix: ${newpre[j]}"
+ let j=j+1
+ done
+# Example file: foox.a
+for file; do
+ j=1
+ origname=$file # origname=foox.a
+ newfile=
+ while let "j <= i"; do
+ # Peel off a prefix interation 1 2
+ file=${file#${oldpre[j]}} # file=x.a file=
+ # Save the part of this prefix that is to be retained
+ const=${file%${oldsuf[j]}} # const=x const=
+ newfile=$newfile${newpre[j]}$const # newfile=barx newfile=barx.b
+ file=${file#$const} # file=.a file=.a
+ let j=j+1
+ done
+ if [ -n "$tell" ]; then
+ echo "Would move \"$origname\" to \"$newfile\"."
+ else
+ if [ -n "$verbose" ]; then
+ echo "Moving \"$origname\" to \"$newfile\"."
+ fi
+ mv $origname $newfile
+ fi