path: root/lib/termcap/grot/
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-This is Info file ./, produced by Makeinfo-1.55 from the
-input file ./termcap.texi.
- This file documents the termcap library of the GNU system.
- Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
-manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
-preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
-this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
-the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
-permission notice identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
-manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
-versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
-translation approved by the Foundation.
-File:, Node: Top, Next: Introduction, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir)
-* Menu:
-* Introduction:: What is termcap? Why this manual?
-* Library:: The termcap library functions.
-* Data Base:: What terminal descriptions in `/etc/termcap' look like.
-* Capabilities:: Definitions of the individual terminal capabilities:
- how to write them in descriptions, and how to use
- their values to do display updating.
-* Summary:: Brief table of capability names and their meanings.
-* Var Index:: Index of C functions and variables.
-* Cap Index:: Index of termcap capabilities.
-* Index:: Concept index.
- -- The Detailed Node Listing --
-The Termcap Library
-* Preparation:: Preparing to use the termcap library.
-* Find:: Finding the description of the terminal being used.
-* Interrogate:: Interrogating the description for particular capabilities.
-* Initialize:: Initialization for output using termcap.
-* Padding:: Outputting padding.
-* Parameters:: Encoding parameters such as cursor positions.
-* Why Pad:: Explanation of padding.
-* Not Enough:: When there is not enough padding.
-* Describe Padding:: The data base says how much padding a terminal needs.
-* Output Padding:: Using `tputs' to output the needed padding.
-Filling In Parameters
-* Encode Parameters:: The language for encoding parameters.
-* Using Parameters:: Outputting a string command with parameters.
-Sending Display Commands with Parameters
-* tparam:: The general case, for GNU termcap only.
-* tgoto:: The special case of cursor motion.
-The Format of the Data Base
-* Format:: Overall format of a terminal description.
-* Capability Format:: Format of capabilities within a description.
-* Naming:: Naming conventions for terminal types.
-* Inheriting:: Inheriting part of a description from
-a related terminal type.
-* Changing:: When changes in the data base take effect.
-Definitions of the Terminal Capabilities
-* Basic:: Basic characteristics.
-* Screen Size:: Screen size, and what happens when it changes.
-* Cursor Motion:: Various ways to move the cursor.
-* Wrapping:: What happens if you write a character in the last column.
-* Scrolling:: Pushing text up and down on the screen.
-* Windows:: Limiting the part of the window that output affects.
-* Clearing:: Erasing one or many lines.
-* Insdel Line:: Making new blank lines in mid-screen; deleting lines.
-* Insdel Char:: Inserting and deleting characters within a line.
-* Standout:: Highlighting some of the text.
-* Underlining:: Underlining some of the text.
-* Cursor Visibility:: Making the cursor more or less easy to spot.
-* Bell:: Attracts user's attention; not localized on the screen.
-* Keypad:: Recognizing when function keys or arrows are typed.
-* Meta Key:: META acts like an extra shift key.
-* Initialization:: Commands used to initialize or reset the terminal.
-* Pad Specs:: Info for the kernel on how much padding is needed.
-* Status Line:: A status line displays "background" information.
-* Half-Line:: Moving by half-lines, for superscripts and subscripts.
-* Printer:: Controlling auxiliary printers of display terminals.
-File:, Node: Introduction, Next: Library, Prev: Top, Up: Top
- "Termcap" is a library and data base that enables programs to use
-display terminals in a terminal-independent manner. It originated in
-Berkeley Unix.
- The termcap data base describes the capabilities of hundreds of
-different display terminals in great detail. Some examples of the
-information recorded for a terminal could include how many columns wide
-it is, what string to send to move the cursor to an arbitrary position
-(including how to encode the row and column numbers), how to scroll the
-screen up one or several lines, and how much padding is needed for such
-a scrolling operation.
- The termcap library is provided for easy access this data base in
-programs that want to do terminal-independent character-based display
- This manual describes the GNU version of the termcap library, which
-has some extensions over the Unix version. All the extensions are
-identified as such, so this manual also tells you how to use the Unix
- The GNU version of the termcap library is available free as source
-code, for use in free programs, and runs on Unix and VMS systems (at
-least). You can find it in the GNU Emacs distribution in the files
-`termcap.c' and `tparam.c'.
- This manual was written for the GNU project, whose goal is to
-develop a complete free operating system upward-compatible with Unix
-for user programs. The project is approximately two thirds complete.
-For more information on the GNU project, including the GNU Emacs editor
-and the mostly-portable optimizing C compiler, send one dollar to
- Free Software Foundation
- 675 Mass Ave
- Cambridge, MA 02139
-File:, Node: Library, Next: Data Base, Prev: Introduction, Up: Top
-The Termcap Library
- The termcap library is the application programmer's interface to the
-termcap data base. It contains functions for the following purposes:
- * Finding the description of the user's terminal type (`tgetent').
- * Interrogating the description for information on various topics
- (`tgetnum', `tgetflag', `tgetstr').
- * Computing and performing padding (`tputs').
- * Encoding numeric parameters such as cursor positions into the
- terminal-specific form required for display commands (`tparam',
- `tgoto').
-* Menu:
-* Preparation:: Preparing to use the termcap library.
-* Find:: Finding the description of the terminal being used.
-* Interrogate:: Interrogating the description for particular capabilities.
-* Initialize:: Initialization for output using termcap.
-* Padding:: Outputting padding.
-* Parameters:: Encoding parameters such as cursor positions.
-File:, Node: Preparation, Next: Find, Up: Library
-Preparing to Use the Termcap Library
- To use the termcap library in a program, you need two kinds of
- * The compiler needs declarations of the functions and variables in
- the library.
- On GNU systems, it suffices to include the header file `termcap.h'
- in each source file that uses these functions and variables.
- On Unix systems, there is often no such header file. Then you must
- explictly declare the variables as external. You can do likewise
- for the functions, or let them be implicitly declared and cast
- their values from type `int' to the appropriate type.
- We illustrate the declarations of the individual termcap library
- functions with ANSI C prototypes because they show how to pass the
- arguments. If you are not using the GNU C compiler, you probably
- cannot use function prototypes, so omit the argument types and
- names from your declarations.
- * The linker needs to search the library. Usually either
- `-ltermcap' or `-ltermlib' as an argument when linking will do
- this.
-File:, Node: Find, Next: Interrogate, Prev: Preparation, Up: Library
-Finding a Terminal Description: `tgetent'
- An application program that is going to use termcap must first look
-up the description of the terminal type in use. This is done by calling
-`tgetent', whose declaration in ANSI Standard C looks like:
- int tgetent (char *BUFFER, char *TERMTYPE);
-This function finds the description and remembers it internally so that
-you can interrogate it about specific terminal capabilities (*note
- The argument TERMTYPE is a string which is the name for the type of
-terminal to look up. Usually you would obtain this from the environment
-variable `TERM' using `getenv ("TERM")'.
- If you are using the GNU version of termcap, you can alternatively
-ask `tgetent' to allocate enough space. Pass a null pointer for
-BUFFER, and `tgetent' itself allocates the storage using `malloc'.
-There is no way to get the address that was allocated, and you
-shouldn't try to free the storage.
- With the Unix version of termcap, you must allocate space for the
-description yourself and pass the address of the space as the argument
-BUFFER. There is no way you can tell how much space is needed, so the
-convention is to allocate a buffer 2048 characters long and assume that
-is enough. (Formerly the convention was to allocate 1024 characters and
-assume that was enough. But one day, for one kind of terminal, that was
-not enough.)
- No matter how the space to store the description has been obtained,
-termcap records its address internally for use when you later
-interrogate the description with `tgetnum', `tgetstr' or `tgetflag'. If
-the buffer was allocated by termcap, it will be freed by termcap too if
-you call `tgetent' again. If the buffer was provided by you, you must
-make sure that its contents remain unchanged for as long as you still
-plan to interrogate the description.
- The return value of `tgetent' is -1 if there is some difficulty
-accessing the data base of terminal types, 0 if the data base is
-accessible but the specified type is not defined in it, and some other
-value otherwise.
- Here is how you might use the function `tgetent':
- #ifdef unix
- static char term_buffer[2048];
- #else
- #define term_buffer 0
- #endif
- init_terminal_data ()
- {
- char *termtype = getenv ("TERM");
- int success;
- if (termtype == 0)
- fatal ("Specify a terminal type with `setenv TERM <yourtype>'.\n");
- success = tgetent (term_buffer, termtype);
- if (success < 0)
- fatal ("Could not access the termcap data base.\n");
- if (success == 0)
- fatal ("Terminal type `%s' is not defined.\n", termtype);
- }
-Here we assume the function `fatal' prints an error message and exits.
- If the environment variable `TERMCAP' is defined, its value is used
-to override the terminal type data base. The function `tgetent' checks
-the value of `TERMCAP' automatically. If the value starts with `/'
-then it is taken as a file name to use as the data base file, instead
-of `/etc/termcap' which is the standard data base. If the value does
-not start with `/' then it is itself used as the terminal description,
-provided that the terminal type TERMTYPE is among the types it claims
-to apply to. *Note Data Base::, for information on the format of a
-terminal description.
-File:, Node: Interrogate, Next: Initialize, Prev: Find, Up: Library
-Interrogating the Terminal Description
- Each piece of information recorded in a terminal description is
-called a "capability". Each defined terminal capability has a
-two-letter code name and a specific meaning. For example, the number
-of columns is named `co'. *Note Capabilities::, for definitions of all
-the standard capability names.
- Once you have found the proper terminal description with `tgetent'
-(*note Find::.), your application program must "interrogate" it for
-various terminal capabilities. You must specify the two-letter code of
-the capability whose value you seek.
- Capability values can be numeric, boolean (capability is either
-present or absent) or strings. Any particular capability always has
-the same value type; for example, `co' always has a numeric value,
-while `am' (automatic wrap at margin) is always a flag, and `cm'
-(cursor motion command) always has a string value. The documentation
-of each capability says which type of value it has.
- There are three functions to use to get the value of a capability,
-depending on the type of value the capability has. Here are their
-declarations in ANSI C:
- int tgetnum (char *NAME);
- int tgetflag (char *NAME);
- char *tgetstr (char *NAME, char **AREA);
- Use `tgetnum' to get a capability value that is numeric. The
- argument NAME is the two-letter code name of the capability. If
- the capability is present, `tgetnum' returns the numeric value
- (which is nonnegative). If the capability is not mentioned in the
- terminal description, `tgetnum' returns -1.
- Use `tgetflag' to get a boolean value. If the capability NAME is
- present in the terminal description, `tgetflag' returns 1;
- otherwise, it returns 0.
- Use `tgetstr' to get a string value. It returns a pointer to a
- string which is the capability value, or a null pointer if the
- capability is not present in the terminal description.
- There are two ways `tgetstr' can find space to store the string
- value:
- * You can ask `tgetstr' to allocate the space. Pass a null
- pointer for the argument AREA, and `tgetstr' will use
- `malloc' to allocate storage big enough for the value.
- Termcap will never free this storage or refer to it again; you
- should free it when you are finished with it.
- This method is more robust, since there is no need to guess
- how much space is needed. But it is supported only by the GNU
- termcap library.
- * You can provide the space. Provide for the argument AREA the
- address of a pointer variable of type `char *'. Before
- calling `tgetstr', initialize the variable to point at
- available space. Then `tgetstr' will store the string value
- in that space and will increment the pointer variable to
- point after the space that has been used. You can use the
- same pointer variable for many calls to `tgetstr'.
- There is no way to determine how much space is needed for a
- single string, and no way for you to prevent or handle
- overflow of the area you have provided. However, you can be
- sure that the total size of all the string values you will
- obtain from the terminal description is no greater than the
- size of the description (unless you get the same capability
- twice). You can determine that size with `strlen' on the
- buffer you provided to `tgetent'. See below for an example.
- Providing the space yourself is the only method supported by
- the Unix version of termcap.
- Note that you do not have to specify a terminal type or terminal
-description for the interrogation functions. They automatically use the
-description found by the most recent call to `tgetent'.
- Here is an example of interrogating a terminal description for
-various capabilities, with conditionals to select between the Unix and
-GNU methods of providing buffer space.
- char *tgetstr ();
- char *cl_string, *cm_string;
- int height;
- int width;
- int auto_wrap;
- char PC; /* For tputs. */
- char *BC; /* For tgoto. */
- char *UP;
- interrogate_terminal ()
- {
- #ifdef UNIX
- /* Here we assume that an explicit term_buffer
- was provided to tgetent. */
- char *buffer
- = (char *) malloc (strlen (term_buffer));
- #define BUFFADDR &buffer
- #else
- #define BUFFADDR 0
- #endif
- char *temp;
- /* Extract information we will use. */
- cl_string = tgetstr ("cl", BUFFADDR);
- cm_string = tgetstr ("cm", BUFFADDR);
- auto_wrap = tgetflag ("am");
- height = tgetnum ("li");
- width = tgetnum ("co");
- /* Extract information that termcap functions use. */
- temp = tgetstr ("pc", BUFFADDR);
- PC = temp ? *temp : 0;
- BC = tgetstr ("le", BUFFADDR);
- UP = tgetstr ("up", BUFFADDR);
- }
-*Note Padding::, for information on the variable `PC'. *Note Using
-Parameters::, for information on `UP' and `BC'.
-File:, Node: Initialize, Next: Padding, Prev: Interrogate, Up: Library
-Initialization for Use of Termcap
- Before starting to output commands to a terminal using termcap, an
-application program should do two things:
- * Initialize various global variables which termcap library output
- functions refer to. These include `PC' and `ospeed' for padding
- (*note Output Padding::.) and `UP' and `BC' for cursor motion
- (*note tgoto::.).
- * Tell the kernel to turn off alteration and padding of
- horizontal-tab characters sent to the terminal.
- To turn off output processing in Berkeley Unix you would use `ioctl'
-with code `TIOCLSET' to set the bit named `LLITOUT', and clear the bits
-`ANYDELAY' using `TIOCSETN'. In POSIX or System V, you must clear the
-bit named `OPOST'. Refer to the system documentation for details.
- If you do not set the terminal flags properly, some older terminals
-will not work. This is because their commands may contain the
-characters that normally signify newline, carriage return and
-horizontal tab--characters which the kernel thinks it ought to modify
-before output.
- When you change the kernel's terminal flags, you must arrange to
-restore them to their normal state when your program exits. This
-implies that the program must catch fatal signals such as `SIGQUIT' and
-`SIGINT' and restore the old terminal flags before actually terminating.
- Modern terminals' commands do not use these special characters, so
-if you do not care about problems with old terminals, you can leave the
-kernel's terminal flags unaltered.
-File:, Node: Padding, Next: Parameters, Prev: Initialize, Up: Library
- "Padding" means outputting null characters following a terminal
-display command that takes a long time to execute. The terminal
-description says which commands require padding and how much; the
-function `tputs', described below, outputs a terminal command while
-extracting from it the padding information, and then outputs the
-padding that is necessary.
-* Menu:
-* Why Pad:: Explanation of padding.
-* Not Enough:: When there is not enough padding.
-* Describe Padding:: The data base says how much padding a terminal needs.
-* Output Padding:: Using `tputs' to output the needed padding.
-File:, Node: Why Pad, Next: Not Enough, Up: Padding
-Why Pad, and How
- Most types of terminal have commands that take longer to execute
-than they do to send over a high-speed line. For example, clearing the
-screen may take 20msec once the entire command is received. During
-that time, on a 9600 bps line, the terminal could receive about 20
-additional output characters while still busy clearing the screen.
-Every terminal has a certain amount of buffering capacity to remember
-output characters that cannot be processed yet, but too many slow
-commands in a row can cause the buffer to fill up. Then any additional
-output that cannot be processed immediately will be lost.
- To avoid this problem, we normally follow each display command with
-enough useless charaters (usually null characters) to fill up the time
-that the display command needs to execute. This does the job if the
-terminal throws away null characters without using up space in the
-buffer (which most terminals do). If enough padding is used, no output
-can ever be lost. The right amount of padding avoids loss of output
-without slowing down operation, since the time used to transmit padding
-is time that nothing else could be done.
- The number of padding characters needed for an operation depends on
-the line speed. In fact, it is proportional to the line speed. A 9600
-baud line transmits about one character per msec, so the clear screen
-command in the example above would need about 20 characters of padding.
-At 1200 baud, however, only about 3 characters of padding are needed
-to fill up 20msec.
-File:, Node: Not Enough, Next: Describe Padding, Prev: Why Pad, Up: Padding
-When There Is Not Enough Padding
- There are several common manifestations of insufficient padding.
- * Emacs displays `I-search: ^Q-' at the bottom of the screen.
- This means that the terminal thought its buffer was getting full of
- display commands, so it tried to tell the computer to stop sending
- any.
- * The screen is garbled intermittently, or the details of garbling
- vary when you repeat the action. (A garbled screen could be due
- to a command which is simply incorrect, or to user option in the
- terminal which doesn't match the assumptions of the terminal
- description, but this usually leads to reproducible failure.)
- This means that the buffer did get full, and some commands were
- lost. Many changeable factors can change which ones are lost.
- * Screen is garbled at high output speeds but not at low speeds.
- Padding problems nearly always go away at low speeds, usually even
- at 1200 baud.
- This means that a high enough speed permits commands to arrive
- faster than they can be executed.
- Although any obscure command on an obscure terminal might lack
-padding, in practice problems arise most often from the clearing
-commands `cl' and `cd' (*note Clearing::.), the scrolling commands `sf'
-and `sr' (*note Scrolling::.), and the line insert/delete commands `al'
-and `dl' (*note Insdel Line::.).
- Occasionally the terminal description fails to define `sf' and some
-programs will use `do' instead, so you may get a problem with `do'. If
-so, first define `sf' just like `do', then add some padding to `sf'.
- The best strategy is to add a lot of padding at first, perhaps 200
-msec. This is much more than enough; in fact, it should cause a
-visible slowdown. (If you don't see a slowdown, the change has not
-taken effect; *note Changing::..) If this makes the problem go away,
-you have found the right place to add padding; now reduce the amount
-until the problem comes back, then increase it again. If the problem
-remains, either it is in some other capability or it is not a matter of
-padding at all.
- Keep in mind that on many terminals the correct padding for
-insert/delete line or for scrolling is cursor-position dependent. If
-you get problems from scrolling a large region of the screen but not
-from scrolling a small part (just a few lines moving), it may mean that
-fixed padding should be replaced with position-dependent padding.
-File:, Node: Describe Padding, Next: Output Padding, Prev: Not Enough, Up: Padding
-Specifying Padding in a Terminal Description
- In the terminal description, the amount of padding required by each
-display command is recorded as a sequence of digits at the front of the
-command. These digits specify the padding time in milliseconds (msec).
-They can be followed optionally by a decimal point and one more digit,
-which is a number of tenths of msec.
- Sometimes the padding needed by a command depends on the cursor
-position. For example, the time taken by an "insert line" command is
-usually proportional to the number of lines that need to be moved down
-or cleared. An asterisk (`*') following the padding time says that the
-time should be multiplied by the number of screen lines affected by the
- :al=1.3*\E[L:
-is used to describe the "insert line" command for a certain terminal.
-The padding required is 1.3 msec per line affected. The command itself
-is `ESC [ L'.
- The padding time specified in this way tells `tputs' how many pad
-characters to output. *Note Output Padding::.
- Two special capability values affect padding for all commands.
-These are the `pc' and `pb'. The variable `pc' specifies the character
-to pad with, and `pb' the speed below which no padding is needed. The
-defaults for these variables, a null character and 0, are correct for
-most terminals. *Note Pad Specs::.
-File:, Node: Output Padding, Prev: Describe Padding, Up: Padding
-Performing Padding with `tputs'
- Use the termcap function `tputs' to output a string containing an
-optional padding spec of the form described above (*note Describe
-Padding::.). The function `tputs' strips off and decodes the padding
-spec, outputs the rest of the string, and then outputs the appropriate
-padding. Here is its declaration in ANSI C:
- char PC;
- short ospeed;
- int tputs (char *STRING, int NLINES, int (*OUTFUN) ());
- Here STRING is the string (including padding spec) to be output;
-NLINES is the number of lines affected by the operation, which is used
-to multiply the amount of padding if the padding spec ends with a `*'.
-Finally, OUTFUN is a function (such as `fputchar') that is called to
-output each character. When actually called, OUTFUN should expect one
-argument, a character.
- The operation of `tputs' is controlled by two global variables,
-`ospeed' and `PC'. The value of `ospeed' is supposed to be the
-terminal output speed, encoded as in the `ioctl' system call which gets
-the speed information. This is needed to compute the number of padding
-characters. The value of `PC' is the character used for padding.
- You are responsible for storing suitable values into these variables
-before using `tputs'. The value stored into the `PC' variable should be
-taken from the `pc' capability in the terminal description (*note Pad
-Specs::.). Store zero in `PC' if there is no `pc' capability.
- The argument NLINES requires some thought. Normally, it should be
-the number of lines whose contents will be cleared or moved by the
-command. For cursor motion commands, or commands that do editing
-within one line, use the value 1. For most commands that affect
-multiple lines, such as `al' (insert a line) and `cd' (clear from the
-cursor to the end of the screen), NLINES should be the screen height
-minus the current vertical position (origin 0). For multiple insert
-and scroll commands such as `AL' (insert multiple lines), that same
-value for NLINES is correct; the number of lines being inserted is not
- If a "scroll window" feature is used to reduce the number of lines
-affected by a command, the value of NLINES should take this into
-account. This is because the delay time required depends on how much
-work the terminal has to do, and the scroll window feature reduces the
-work. *Note Scrolling::.
- Commands such as `ic' and `dc' (insert or delete characters) are
-problematical because the padding needed by these commands is
-proportional to the number of characters affected, which is the number
-of columns from the cursor to the end of the line. It would be nice to
-have a way to specify such a dependence, and there is no need for
-dependence on vertical position in these commands, so it is an obvious
-idea to say that for these commands NLINES should really be the number
-of columns affected. However, the definition of termcap clearly says
-that NLINES is always the number of lines affected, even in this case,
-where it is always 1. It is not easy to change this rule now, because
-too many programs and terminal descriptions have been written to follow
- Because NLINES is always 1 for the `ic' and `dc' strings, there is
-no reason for them to use `*', but some of them do. These should be
-corrected by deleting the `*'. If, some day, such entries have
-disappeared, it may be possible to change to a more useful convention
-for the NLINES argument for these operations without breaking any
-File:, Node: Parameters, Prev: Padding, Up: Library
-Filling In Parameters
- Some terminal control strings require numeric "parameters". For
-example, when you move the cursor, you need to say what horizontal and
-vertical positions to move it to. The value of the terminal's `cm'
-capability, which says how to move the cursor, cannot simply be a
-string of characters; it must say how to express the cursor position
-numbers and where to put them within the command.
- The specifications of termcap include conventions as to which
-string-valued capabilities require parameters, how many parameters, and
-what the parameters mean; for example, it defines the `cm' string to
-take two parameters, the vertical and horizontal positions, with 0,0
-being the upper left corner. These conventions are described where the
-individual commands are documented.
- Termcap also defines a language used within the capability
-definition for specifying how and where to encode the parameters for
-output. This language uses character sequences starting with `%'.
-(This is the same idea as `printf', but the details are different.)
-The language for parameter encoding is described in this section.
- A program that is doing display output calls the functions `tparam'
-or `tgoto' to encode parameters according to the specifications. These
-functions produce a string containing the actual commands to be output
-(as well a padding spec which must be processed with `tputs'; *note
-* Menu:
-* Encode Parameters:: The language for encoding parameters.
-* Using Parameters:: Outputting a string command with parameters.
-File:, Node: Encode Parameters, Next: Using Parameters, Up: Parameters
-Describing the Encoding
- A terminal command string that requires parameters contains special
-character sequences starting with `%' to say how to encode the
-parameters. These sequences control the actions of `tparam' and
- The parameters values passed to `tparam' or `tgoto' are considered
-to form a vector. A pointer into this vector determines the next
-parameter to be processed. Some of the `%'-sequences encode one
-parameter and advance the pointer to the next parameter. Other
-`%'-sequences alter the pointer or alter the parameter values without
-generating output.
- For example, the `cm' string for a standard ANSI terminal is written
-as `\E[%i%d;%dH'. (`\E' stands for ESC.) `cm' by convention always
-requires two parameters, the vertical and horizontal goal positions, so
-this string specifies the encoding of two parameters. Here `%i'
-increments the two values supplied, and each `%d' encodes one of the
-values in decimal. If the cursor position values 20,58 are encoded
-with this string, the result is `\E[21;59H'.
- First, here are the `%'-sequences that generate output. Except for
-`%%', each of them encodes one parameter and advances the pointer to
-the following parameter.
- Output a single `%'. This is the only way to represent a literal
- `%' in a terminal command with parameters. `%%' does not use up a
- parameter.
- As in `printf', output the next parameter in decimal.
- Like `%02d' in `printf': output the next parameter in decimal, and
- always use at least two digits.
- Like `%03d' in `printf': output the next parameter in decimal, and
- always use at least three digits. Note that `%4' and so on are
- *not* defined.
- Output the next parameter as a single character whose ASCII code is
- the parameter value. Like `%c' in `printf'.
- Add the next parameter to the character CHAR, and output the
- resulting character. For example, `%+ ' represents 0 as a space,
- 1 as `!', etc.
- The following `%'-sequences specify alteration of the parameters
-(their values, or their order) rather than encoding a parameter for
-output. They generate no output; they are used only for their side
-effects on the parameters. Also, they do not advance the "next
-parameter" pointer except as explicitly stated. Only `%i', `%r' and
-`%>' are defined in standard Unix termcap. The others are GNU
- Increment the next two parameters. This is used for terminals that
- expect cursor positions in origin 1. For example, `%i%d,%d' would
- output two parameters with `1' for 0, `2' for 1, etc.
- Interchange the next two parameters. This is used for terminals
- whose cursor positioning command expects the horizontal position
- first.
- Skip the next parameter. Do not output anything.
- Back up one parameter. The last parameter used will become once
- again the next parameter to be output, and the next output command
- will use it. Using `%b' more than once, you can back up any
- number of parameters, and you can refer to each parameter any
- number of times.
- Conditionally increment the next parameter. Here C1 and C2 are
- characters which stand for their ASCII codes as numbers. If the
- next parameter is greater than the ASCII code of C1, the ASCII
- code of C2 is added to it.
- Perform arithmetic on the next parameter, do not use it up, and do
- not output anything. Here OP specifies the arithmetic operation,
- while TYPE and POS together specify the other operand.
- Spaces are used above to separate the operands for clarity; the
- spaces don't appear in the data base, where this sequence is
- exactly five characters long.
- The character OP says what kind of arithmetic operation to
- perform. It can be any of these characters:
- `='
- assign a value to the next parameter, ignoring its old value.
- The new value comes from the other operand.
- `+'
- add the other operand to the next parameter.
- `-'
- subtract the other operand from the next parameter.
- `*'
- multiply the next parameter by the other operand.
- `/'
- divide the next parameter by the other operand.
- The "other operand" may be another parameter's value or a constant;
- the character TYPE says which. It can be:
- `p'
- Use another parameter. The character POS says which
- parameter to use. Subtract 64 from its ASCII code to get the
- position of the desired parameter relative to this one. Thus,
- the character `A' as POS means the parameter after the next
- one; the character `?' means the parameter before the next
- one.
- `c'
- Use a constant value. The character POS specifies the value
- of the constant. The 0200 bit is cleared out, so that 0200
- can be used to represent zero.
- The following `%'-sequences are special purpose hacks to compensate
-for the weird designs of obscure terminals. They modify the next
-parameter or the next two parameters but do not generate output and do
-not use up any parameters. `%m' is a GNU extension; the others are
-defined in standard Unix termcap.
- Exclusive-or the next parameter with 0140, and likewise the
- parameter after next.
- Complement all the bits of the next parameter and the parameter
- after next.
- Encode the next parameter in BCD. It alters the value of the
- parameter by adding six times the quotient of the parameter by ten.
- Here is a C statement that shows how the new value is computed:
- PARM = (PARM / 10) * 16 + PARM % 10;
- Transform the next parameter as needed by Delta Data terminals.
- This involves subtracting twice the remainder of the parameter by
- 16.
- PARM -= 2 * (PARM % 16);
-File:, Node: Using Parameters, Prev: Encode Parameters, Up: Parameters
-Sending Display Commands with Parameters
- The termcap library functions `tparam' and `tgoto' serve as the
-analog of `printf' for terminal string parameters. The newer function
-`tparam' is a GNU extension, more general but missing from Unix
-termcap. The original parameter-encoding function is `tgoto', which is
-preferable for cursor motion.
-* Menu:
-* tparam:: The general case, for GNU termcap only.
-* tgoto:: The special case of cursor motion.
-File:, Node: tparam, Next: tgoto, Up: Using Parameters
- The function `tparam' can encode display commands with any number of
-parameters and allows you to specify the buffer space. It is the
-preferred function for encoding parameters for all but the `cm'
-capability. Its ANSI C declaration is as follows:
- char *tparam (char *CTLSTRING, char *BUFFER, int SIZE, int PARM1,...)
- The arguments are a control string CTLSTRING (the value of a terminal
-capability, presumably), an output buffer BUFFER and SIZE, and any
-number of integer parameters to be encoded. The effect of `tparam' is
-to copy the control string into the buffer, encoding parameters
-according to the `%' sequences in the control string.
- You describe the output buffer by its address, BUFFER, and its size
-in bytes, SIZE. If the buffer is not big enough for the data to be
-stored in it, `tparam' calls `malloc' to get a larger buffer. In
-either case, `tparam' returns the address of the buffer it ultimately
-uses. If the value equals BUFFER, your original buffer was used.
-Otherwise, a new buffer was allocated, and you must free it after you
-are done with printing the results. If you pass zero for SIZE and
-BUFFER, `tparam' always allocates the space with `malloc'.
- All capabilities that require parameters also have the ability to
-specify padding, so you should use `tputs' to output the string
-produced by `tparam'. *Note Padding::. Here is an example.
- {
- char *buf;
- char buffer[40];
- buf = tparam (command, buffer, 40, parm);
- tputs (buf, 1, fputchar);
- if (buf != buffer)
- free (buf);
- }
- If a parameter whose value is zero is encoded with `%.'-style
-encoding, the result is a null character, which will confuse `tputs'.
-This would be a serious problem, but luckily `%.' encoding is used only
-by a few old models of terminal, and only for the `cm' capability. To
-solve the problem, use `tgoto' rather than `tparam' to encode the `cm'
-File:, Node: tgoto, Prev: tparam, Up: Using Parameters
- The special case of cursor motion is handled by `tgoto'. There are
-two reasons why you might choose to use `tgoto':
- * For Unix compatibility, because Unix termcap does not have
- `tparam'.
- * For the `cm' capability, since `tgoto' has a special feature to
- avoid problems with null characters, tabs and newlines on certain
- old terminal types that use `%.' encoding for that capability.
- Here is how `tgoto' might be declared in ANSI C:
- char *tgoto (char *CSTRING, int HPOS, int VPOS)
- There are three arguments, the terminal description's `cm' string and
-the two cursor position numbers; `tgoto' computes the parametrized
-string in an internal static buffer and returns the address of that
-buffer. The next time you use `tgoto' the same buffer will be reused.
- Parameters encoded with `%.' encoding can generate null characters,
-tabs or newlines. These might cause trouble: the null character because
-`tputs' would think that was the end of the string, the tab because the
-kernel or other software might expand it into spaces, and the newline
-becaue the kernel might add a carriage-return, or padding characters
-normally used for a newline. To prevent such problems, `tgoto' is
-careful to avoid these characters. Here is how this works: if the
-target cursor position value is such as to cause a problem (that is to
-say, zero, nine or ten), `tgoto' increments it by one, then compensates
-by appending a string to move the cursor back or up one position.
- The compensation strings to use for moving back or up are found in
-global variables named `BC' and `UP'. These are actual external C
-variables with upper case names; they are declared `char *'. It is up
-to you to store suitable values in them, normally obtained from the
-`le' and `up' terminal capabilities in the terminal description with
-`tgetstr'. Alternatively, if these two variables are both zero, the
-feature of avoiding nulls, tabs and newlines is turned off.
- It is safe to use `tgoto' for commands other than `cm' only if you
-have stored zero in `BC' and `UP'.
- Note that `tgoto' reverses the order of its operands: the horizontal
-position comes before the vertical position in the arguments to
-`tgoto', even though the vertical position comes before the horizontal
-in the parameters of the `cm' string. If you use `tgoto' with a
-command such as `AL' that takes one parameter, you must pass the
-parameter to `tgoto' as the "vertical position".
-File:, Node: Data Base, Next: Capabilities, Prev: Library, Up: Top
-The Format of the Data Base
- The termcap data base of terminal descriptions is stored in the file
-`/etc/termcap'. It contains terminal descriptions, blank lines, and
- A terminal description starts with one or more names for the
-terminal type. The information in the description is a series of
-"capability names" and values. The capability names have standard
-meanings (*note Capabilities::.) and their values describe the terminal.
-* Menu:
-* Format:: Overall format of a terminal description.
-* Capability Format:: Format of capabilities within a description.
-* Naming:: Naming conventions for terminal types.
-* Inheriting:: Inheriting part of a description from
-a related terminal type.
-* Changing:: When changes in the data base take effect.
-File:, Node: Format, Next: Capability Format, Up: Data Base
-Terminal Description Format
- Aside from comments (lines starting with `#', which are ignored),
-each nonblank line in the termcap data base is a terminal description.
-A terminal description is nominally a single line, but it can be split
-into multiple lines by inserting the two characters `\ newline'. This
-sequence is ignored wherever it appears in a description.
- The preferred way to split the description is between capabilities:
-insert the four characters `: \ newline tab' immediately before any
-colon. This allows each sub-line to start with some indentation. This
-works because, after the `\ newline' are ignored, the result is `: tab
-:'; the first colon ends the preceding capability and the second colon
-starts the next capability. If you split with `\ newline' alone, you
-may not add any indentation after them.
- Here is a real example of a terminal description:
- dw|vt52|DEC vt52:\
- :cr=^M:do=^J:nl=^J:bl=^G:\
- :le=^H:bs:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:\
- :cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:li#24:\
- :nd=\EC:ta=^I:pt:sr=\EI:up=\EA:\
- :ku=\EA:kd=\EB:kr=\EC:kl=\ED:kb=^H:
- Each terminal description begins with several names for the terminal
-type. The names are separated by `|' characters, and a colon ends the
-last name. The first name should be two characters long; it exists
-only for the sake of very old Unix systems and is never used in modern
-systems. The last name should be a fully verbose name such as "DEC
-vt52" or "Ann Arbor Ambassador with 48 lines". The other names should
-include whatever the user ought to be able to specify to get this
-terminal type, such as `vt52' or `aaa-48'. *Note Naming::, for
-information on how to choose terminal type names.
- After the terminal type names come the terminal capabilities,
-separated by colons and with a colon after the last one. Each
-capability has a two-letter name, such as `cm' for "cursor motion
-string" or `li' for "number of display lines".
-File:, Node: Capability Format, Next: Naming, Prev: Format, Up: Data Base
-Writing the Capabilities
- There are three kinds of capabilities: flags, numbers, and strings.
-Each kind has its own way of being written in the description. Each
-defined capability has by convention a particular kind of value; for
-example, `li' always has a numeric value and `cm' always a string value.
- A flag capability is thought of as having a boolean value: the value
-is true if the capability is present, false if not. When the
-capability is present, just write its name between two colons.
- A numeric capability has a value which is a nonnegative number.
-Write the capability name, a `#', and the number, between two colons.
-For example, `...:li#48:...' is how you specify the `li' capability for
-48 lines.
- A string-valued capability has a value which is a sequence of
-characters. Usually these are the characters used to perform some
-display operation. Write the capability name, a `=', and the
-characters of the value, between two colons. For example,
-`...:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:...' is how the cursor motion command for a
-standard ANSI terminal would be specified.
- Special characters in the string value can be expressed using
-`\'-escape sequences as in C; in addition, `\E' stands for ESC. `^' is
-also a kind of escape character; `^' followed by CHAR stands for the
-control-equivalent of CHAR. Thus, `^a' stands for the character
-control-a, just like `\001'. `\' and `^' themselves can be represented
-as `\\' and `\^'.
- To include a colon in the string, you must write `\072'. You might
-ask, "Why can't `\:' be used to represent a colon?" The reason is that
-the interrogation functions do not count slashes while looking for a
-capability. Even if `:ce=ab\:cd:' were interpreted as giving the `ce'
-capability the value `ab:cd', it would also appear to define `cd' as a
- The string value will often contain digits at the front to specify
-padding (*note Padding::.) and/or `%'-sequences within to specify how
-to encode parameters (*note Parameters::.). Although these things are
-not to be output literally to the terminal, they are considered part of
-the value of the capability. They are special only when the string
-value is processed by `tputs', `tparam' or `tgoto'. By contrast, `\'
-and `^' are considered part of the syntax for specifying the characters
-in the string.
- Let's look at the VT52 example again:
- dw|vt52|DEC vt52:\
- :cr=^M:do=^J:nl=^J:bl=^G:\
- :le=^H:bs:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:\
- :cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:li#24:\
- :nd=\EC:ta=^I:pt:sr=\EI:up=\EA:\
- :ku=\EA:kd=\EB:kr=\EC:kl=\ED:kb=^H:
- Here we see the numeric-valued capabilities `co' and `li', the flags
-`bs' and `pt', and many string-valued capabilities. Most of the
-strings start with ESC represented as `\E'. The rest contain control
-characters represented using `^'. The meanings of the individual
-capabilities are defined elsewhere (*note Capabilities::.).