From Wed Sep 21 17:23:40 1994
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Subject: Re: Completion feature possible?
In-Reply-To: Your message of 21 Sep 94 13:30:22 EDT
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 94 16:22:00 EDT
From: John Eaton <>

Gregory F. March <> wrote:

: I was having a discussion about MH with one of my friends the other
: day and I got to thinking that the +folder/subfolder scheme for naming
: mail folders is a real pain because completion doesn't work on
: them. Someone then mentioned that zsh (I think) has the ability to
: specify how to complete (I guess where to look for the files) for
: different prefixes. Bash right now knows about '@', '~', and '$' (any
: others?). It would be really helpful if one could define something
: like:
: 	completion '+' "$HOME/Mail"
: in a config file someplace. Would this be easy? Is there a list of
: TODO item that someone might want to add this to?

It would be nice to have a general completion feature like this.

Until that happens, maybe you will find the following patch useful.
It makes MH folder name completion work with bash.  The diffs are
relative to version 1.14.2.

I realize that changes to readline.c and and complete.c are not good
since they add some MH-specific stuff to the readline code and not to
bash, but when I first wrote this, I had no idea what else to do.

Chet, would you consider adding this if it were cleaned up a bit?
Made optional with cpp conditionals?

This feature has been very useful to me for the last several years
(since about 1.05 or 1.06, I think).


John W. Eaton      | 4.3BSD is not perfect.  -- Leffler, et al. (1989). |

-------------------------------cut here-------------------------------
diff -rc bash-1.14.2/bashline.c bash-1.14.2.local/bashline.c
*** bash-1.14.2/bashline.c	Wed Aug  3 09:32:45 1994
--- bash-1.14.2.local/bashline.c	Wed Sep 21 15:39:04 1994
*** 58,63 ****
--- 58,64 ----
  static char *hostname_completion_function ();
  static char *command_word_completion_function ();
  static char *command_subst_completion_function ();
+ static char *mh_folder_completion_function ();
  static void snarf_hosts_from_file (), add_host_name ();
  static void sort_hostname_list ();
*** 90,95 ****
--- 91,98 ----
    bash_complete_username_internal (),
    bash_complete_hostname (), bash_possible_hostname_completions (),
    bash_complete_hostname_internal (),
+   bash_complete_mh_folder (), bash_possible_mh_folder_completions (),
+   bash_complete_mh_folder_internal (),
    bash_complete_variable (), bash_possible_variable_completions (),
    bash_complete_variable_internal (),
    bash_complete_command (), bash_possible_command_completions (),
*** 134,140 ****
    rl_terminal_name = get_string_value ("TERM");
    rl_instream = stdin;
    rl_outstream = stderr;
!   rl_special_prefixes = "$@";
    /* Allow conditional parsing of the ~/.inputrc file. */
    rl_readline_name = "Bash";
--- 137,143 ----
    rl_terminal_name = get_string_value ("TERM");
    rl_instream = stdin;
    rl_outstream = stderr;
!   rl_special_prefixes = "$@+";
    /* Allow conditional parsing of the ~/.inputrc file. */
    rl_readline_name = "Bash";
*** 193,198 ****
--- 196,207 ----
    rl_bind_key_in_map ('@', bash_possible_hostname_completions,
+   rl_add_defun ("complete-mh-folder", bash_complete_mh_folder, META('+'));
+   rl_add_defun ("possible-mh-folder-completions",
+ 		bash_possible_mh_folder_completions, -1);
+   rl_bind_key_in_map ('+', bash_possible_mh_folder_completions,
+ 		      emacs_ctlx_keymap);
    rl_add_defun ("complete-variable", bash_complete_variable, -1);
    rl_bind_key_in_map ('$', bash_complete_variable, emacs_meta_keymap);
    rl_add_defun ("possible-variable-completions",
*** 656,661 ****
--- 665,677 ----
    if (!matches && *text == '@')
      matches = completion_matches (text, hostname_completion_function);
+   /* Another one.  Why not?  If the word starts in '+', then look for
+      matching mh folders for completion first. */
+   if (!matches && *text == '+')
+     {
+       matches = completion_matches (text, mh_folder_completion_function);
+     }
    /* And last, (but not least) if this word is in a command position, then
       complete over possible command names, including aliases, functions,
       and command names. */
*** 1077,1082 ****
--- 1093,1185 ----
      return ((char *)NULL);
+ /* How about a completion function for mh folders? */
+ static char *
+ mh_folder_completion_function (text, state)
+      int state;
+      char *text;
+ {
+   extern int rl_filename_completion_desired;
+   extern char *get_mh_path ();
+   static char *mh_path = (char *)NULL;
+   static int len;
+   static int istate;
+   static char *val;
+   char *hint;
+   static char *mh_folder_hint = (char *)NULL;
+   /* If we don't have any state, make some. */
+   if (!state)
+     {
+       val = (char *)NULL;
+       if (mh_path)
+ 	free (mh_path);
+       mh_path = get_mh_path ();
+       if (!mh_path && !(hint[1] == '/' || hint[1] == '.'))
+ 	return ((char *)NULL);
+       len = strlen (mh_path);
+     }
+   if (mh_folder_hint)
+     free (mh_folder_hint);
+   hint = text;
+   if (*hint == '+')
+     hint++;
+   mh_folder_hint = (char *)xmalloc (2 + len + strlen (hint));
+   if (*hint == '/' || *hint == '.') {
+     len = -1;
+     sprintf (mh_folder_hint, "%s", hint);
+   } else
+     sprintf (mh_folder_hint, "%s/%s", mh_path, hint);
+   istate = (val != (char *)NULL);
+  again:
+   val = filename_completion_function (mh_folder_hint, istate);
+   istate = 1;
+   if (!val)
+     {
+       return ((char *)NULL);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       char *ptr = val + len + 1, *temp;
+       struct stat sb;
+       int status = stat (val, &sb);
+       if (status != 0)
+ 	return ((char *)NULL);
+       if ((sb.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == S_IFDIR)
+ 	{
+ 	  temp = (char *)xmalloc (2 + strlen (ptr));
+ 	  *temp = '+';
+ 	  strcpy (temp + 1, ptr);
+ 	  free (val);
+ 	  val = "";
+ 	  rl_filename_completion_desired = 1;
+ 	  return (temp);
+ 	}
+       else
+ 	{
+ 	  free (val);
+ 	}
+       goto again;
+     }
+ }
  /* History and alias expand the line. */
  static char *
  history_expand_line_internal (line)
*** 1628,1633 ****
--- 1731,1773 ----
      (what_to_do, (Function *)username_completion_function);
+ }
+ static void
+ bash_complete_mh_folder (ignore, ignore2)
+      int ignore, ignore2;
+ {
+   bash_complete_mh_folder_internal (TAB);
+ }
+ static void
+ bash_possible_mh_folder_completions (ignore, ignore2)
+      int ignore, ignore2;
+ {
+   bash_complete_mh_folder_internal ('?');
+ }
+ static void
+ bash_complete_mh_folder_internal (what_to_do)
+      int what_to_do;
+ {
+   Function  *orig_func;
+   CPPFunction *orig_attempt_func;
+   char *orig_rl_completer_word_break_characters;
+   extern char *rl_completer_word_break_characters;
+   orig_func = rl_completion_entry_function;
+   orig_attempt_func = rl_attempted_completion_function;
+   orig_rl_completer_word_break_characters = rl_completer_word_break_characters;
+   rl_completion_entry_function = (Function *)mh_folder_completion_function;
+   rl_attempted_completion_function = (CPPFunction *)NULL;
+   rl_completer_word_break_characters = " \t\n\"\'";
+   rl_complete_internal (what_to_do);
+   rl_completion_entry_function = orig_func;
+   rl_attempted_completion_function = orig_attempt_func;
+   rl_completer_word_break_characters = orig_rl_completer_word_break_characters;
  static void
Only in bash-1.14.2.local: bashline.c.orig
diff -rc bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/complete.c bash-1.14.2.local/lib/readline/complete.c
*** bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/complete.c	Tue Jul 26 12:59:57 1994
--- bash-1.14.2.local/lib/readline/complete.c	Wed Sep 21 15:41:19 1994
*** 733,751 ****
  	      if (rl_filename_completion_desired)
  		  struct stat finfo;
! 		  char *filename = tilde_expand (matches[0]);
! 		  if ((stat (filename, &finfo) == 0) && S_ISDIR (finfo.st_mode))
! 		      if (rl_line_buffer[rl_point] != '/')
! 			rl_insert_text ("/");
! 		  else
! 		      if (rl_point == rl_end)
! 			rl_insert_text (temp_string);
- 		  free (filename);
--- 733,768 ----
  	      if (rl_filename_completion_desired)
  		  struct stat finfo;
! 		  char *tilde_expand ();
! 		  char *plus_expand ();
! 		  char *filename = (char *) NULL;
! 		  switch (*matches[0])
! 		    case '+':
! 		      filename = plus_expand (matches[0]);
! 		      break;
! 		    case '~':
! 		    default:
! 		      filename = tilde_expand (matches[0]);
! 		      break;
! 		  if (filename)
! 		      if ((stat (filename, &finfo) == 0)
! 			  && S_ISDIR (finfo.st_mode))
! 			{
! 			  if (rl_line_buffer[rl_point] != '/')
! 			    rl_insert_text ("/");
! 			}
! 		      else
! 			{
! 			  if (rl_point == rl_end)
! 			    rl_insert_text (temp_string);
! 			}
! 		      free (filename);
Only in bash-1.14.2.local/lib/readline: diffs
diff -rc bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/readline.c bash-1.14.2.local/lib/readline/readline.c
*** bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/readline.c	Fri Aug 12 12:47:46 1994
--- bash-1.14.2.local/lib/readline/readline.c	Wed Sep 21 15:36:07 1994
*** 23,28 ****
--- 23,29 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <fcntl.h>
  #if !defined (NO_SYS_FILE)
*** 3518,3523 ****
--- 3519,3616 ----
  #endif /* TEST */
+ #define cr_whitespace(c) ((c) == '\r' || (c) == '\n' || whitespace(c))
+ char *
+ get_mh_path ()
+ {
+   static FILE *fp = (FILE *)NULL;
+   char buf[512];      /* XXX */
+   char profile[512];  /* XXX */
+   char *bp;
+   char *temp_home;
+   char *temp_path;
+   temp_home = (char *)getenv ("HOME");
+   if (!temp_home)
+     return ((char *)NULL);
+   strcpy (profile, temp_home);
+   strcat (profile, "/.mh_profile");
+   if (fp)
+     fclose (fp);
+   fp = fopen (profile, "r");
+   if (fp == (FILE *)NULL)
+     return ((char *)NULL);
+   while (fgets (buf, 512, fp) != (char *)NULL)  /* XXX */
+     {
+       if ((bp = strstr (buf, "Path:")) != (char *)NULL)
+ 	{
+ 	  bp += 5;
+ 	  while (whitespace (*bp))
+ 	    bp++;
+ 	  if (*bp == '\0')
+ 	    return ((char *)NULL);
+ 	  temp_path = (char *)xmalloc (3 + strlen (bp) + strlen (temp_home));
+ 	  strcpy (temp_path, temp_home);
+ 	  strcat (temp_path, "/");
+ 	  strcat (temp_path, bp);
+ 	  bp = temp_path;
+ 	  while (!(cr_whitespace (*bp)))
+ 	    bp++;
+ 	  *bp = '\0';
+ 	  return temp_path;
+ 	}
+     }
+   return ((char *)NULL);
+ }
+ /* Expand FILENAME if it begins with a plus.  This always returns
+    a new string. */
+ char *
+ plus_expand (filename)
+      char *filename;
+ {
+   static char *dirname = (char *)NULL;
+   if (filename && *filename == '+')
+     {
+       char *mh_path = get_mh_path ();
+       if (filename[1] == '/' || filename[1] == '.')
+ 	{
+ 	  dirname = (char *)xmalloc (1 + strlen (filename));
+ 	  strcpy(dirname, filename+1);
+ 	  return dirname;
+ 	}
+       if (mh_path)
+ 	{
+ 	  dirname = (char *)xmalloc (1 + strlen (filename) + strlen (mh_path));
+ 	  strcpy (dirname, mh_path);
+ 	  strcat (dirname, "/");
+ 	  strcat (dirname, filename+1);
+ 	  return dirname;
+ 	}
+     }
+   return (char *)NULL;
+ }