/* common.c - utility functions for all builtins */ /* Copyright (C) 1987-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Bash, the Bourne Again SHell. Bash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Bash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Bash. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <config.h> #if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H) # ifdef _MINIX # include <sys/types.h> # endif # include <unistd.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <chartypes.h> #include "../bashtypes.h" #include "posixstat.h" #include <signal.h> #include <errno.h> #if defined (PREFER_STDARG) # include <stdarg.h> #else # include <varargs.h> #endif #include "../bashansi.h" #include "../bashintl.h" #define NEED_FPURGE_DECL #include "../shell.h" #include "maxpath.h" #include "../flags.h" #include "../jobs.h" #include "../builtins.h" #include "../input.h" #include "../execute_cmd.h" #include "../trap.h" #include "bashgetopt.h" #include "common.h" #include "builtext.h" #include <tilde/tilde.h> #if defined (HISTORY) # include "../bashhist.h" #endif #if !defined (errno) extern int errno; #endif /* !errno */ extern int indirection_level, subshell_environment; extern int line_number; extern int last_command_exit_value; extern int running_trap; extern int posixly_correct; extern char *this_command_name, *shell_name; extern const char * const bash_getcwd_errstr; /* Used by some builtins and the mainline code. */ sh_builtin_func_t *last_shell_builtin = (sh_builtin_func_t *)NULL; sh_builtin_func_t *this_shell_builtin = (sh_builtin_func_t *)NULL; /* **************************************************************** */ /* */ /* Error reporting, usage, and option processing */ /* */ /* **************************************************************** */ /* This is a lot like report_error (), but it is for shell builtins instead of shell control structures, and it won't ever exit the shell. */ static void builtin_error_prolog () { char *name; name = get_name_for_error (); fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", name); if (interactive_shell == 0) fprintf (stderr, _("line %d: "), executing_line_number ()); if (this_command_name && *this_command_name) fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", this_command_name); } void #if defined (PREFER_STDARG) builtin_error (const char *format, ...) #else builtin_error (format, va_alist) const char *format; va_dcl #endif { va_list args; builtin_error_prolog (); SH_VA_START (args, format); vfprintf (stderr, format, args); va_end (args); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); } void #if defined (PREFER_STDARG) builtin_warning (const char *format, ...) #else builtin_warning (format, va_alist) const char *format; va_dcl #endif { va_list args; builtin_error_prolog (); fprintf (stderr, _("warning: ")); SH_VA_START (args, format); vfprintf (stderr, format, args); va_end (args); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); } /* Print a usage summary for the currently-executing builtin command. */ void builtin_usage () { if (this_command_name && *this_command_name) fprintf (stderr, _("%s: usage: "), this_command_name); fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", current_builtin->short_doc); fflush (stderr); } /* Return if LIST is NULL else barf and jump to top_level. Used by some builtins that do not accept arguments. */ void no_args (list) WORD_LIST *list; { if (list) { builtin_error (_("too many arguments")); top_level_cleanup (); jump_to_top_level (DISCARD); } } /* Check that no options were given to the currently-executing builtin, and return 0 if there were options. */ int no_options (list) WORD_LIST *list; { reset_internal_getopt (); if (internal_getopt (list, "") != -1) { builtin_usage (); return (1); } return (0); } void sh_needarg (s) char *s; { builtin_error (_("%s: option requires an argument"), s); } void sh_neednumarg (s) char *s; { builtin_error (_("%s: numeric argument required"), s); } void sh_notfound (s) char *s; { builtin_error (_("%s: not found"), s); } /* Function called when one of the builtin commands detects an invalid option. */ void sh_invalidopt (s) char *s; { builtin_error (_("%s: invalid option"), s); } void sh_invalidoptname (s) char *s; { builtin_error (_("%s: invalid option name"), s); } void sh_invalidid (s) char *s; { builtin_error (_("`%s': not a valid identifier"), s); } void sh_invalidnum (s) char *s; { char *msg; if (*s == '0' && isdigit (s[1])) msg = _("invalid octal number"); else if (*s == '0' && s[1] == 'x') msg = _("invalid hex number"); else msg = _("invalid number"); builtin_error ("%s: %s", s, msg); } void sh_invalidsig (s) char *s; { builtin_error (_("%s: invalid signal specification"), s); } void sh_badpid (s) char *s; { builtin_error (_("`%s': not a pid or valid job spec"), s); } void sh_readonly (s) const char *s; { builtin_error (_("%s: readonly variable"), s); } void sh_erange (s, desc) char *s, *desc; { if (s) builtin_error (_("%s: %s out of range"), s, desc ? desc : _("argument")); else builtin_error (_("%s out of range"), desc ? desc : _("argument")); } #if defined (JOB_CONTROL) void sh_badjob (s) char *s; { builtin_error (_("%s: no such job"), s); } void sh_nojobs (s) char *s; { if (s) builtin_error (_("%s: no job control"), s); else builtin_error (_("no job control")); } #endif #if defined (RESTRICTED_SHELL) void sh_restricted (s) char *s; { if (s) builtin_error (_("%s: restricted"), s); else builtin_error (_("restricted")); } #endif void sh_notbuiltin (s) char *s; { builtin_error (_("%s: not a shell builtin"), s); } void sh_wrerror () { #if defined (DONT_REPORT_BROKEN_PIPE_WRITE_ERRORS) && defined (EPIPE) if (errno != EPIPE) #endif /* DONT_REPORT_BROKEN_PIPE_WRITE_ERRORS && EPIPE */ builtin_error (_("write error: %s"), strerror (errno)); } void sh_ttyerror (set) int set; { if (set) builtin_error (_("error setting terminal attributes: %s"), strerror (errno)); else builtin_error (_("error getting terminal attributes: %s"), strerror (errno)); } int sh_chkwrite (s) int s; { fflush (stdout); if (ferror (stdout)) { sh_wrerror (); fpurge (stdout); clearerr (stdout); return (EXECUTION_FAILURE); } return (s); } /* **************************************************************** */ /* */ /* Shell positional parameter manipulation */ /* */ /* **************************************************************** */ /* Convert a WORD_LIST into a C-style argv. Return the number of elements in the list in *IP, if IP is non-null. A convenience function for loadable builtins; also used by `test'. */ char ** make_builtin_argv (list, ip) WORD_LIST *list; int *ip; { char **argv; argv = strvec_from_word_list (list, 0, 1, ip); argv[0] = this_command_name; return argv; } /* Remember LIST in $0 ... $9, and REST_OF_ARGS. If DESTRUCTIVE is non-zero, then discard whatever the existing arguments are, else only discard the ones that are to be replaced. */ void remember_args (list, destructive) WORD_LIST *list; int destructive; { register int i; for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) { if ((destructive || list) && dollar_vars[i]) { free (dollar_vars[i]); dollar_vars[i] = (char *)NULL; } if (list) { dollar_vars[i] = savestring (list->word->word); list = list->next; } } /* If arguments remain, assign them to REST_OF_ARGS. Note that copy_word_list (NULL) returns NULL, and that dispose_words (NULL) does nothing. */ if (destructive || list) { dispose_words (rest_of_args); rest_of_args = copy_word_list (list); } if (destructive) set_dollar_vars_changed (); } static int changed_dollar_vars; /* Have the dollar variables been reset to new values since we last checked? */ int dollar_vars_changed () { return (changed_dollar_vars); } void set_dollar_vars_unchanged () { changed_dollar_vars = 0; } void set_dollar_vars_changed () { if (variable_context) changed_dollar_vars |= ARGS_FUNC; else if (this_shell_builtin == set_builtin) changed_dollar_vars |= ARGS_SETBLTIN; else changed_dollar_vars |= ARGS_INVOC; } /* **************************************************************** */ /* */ /* Validating numeric input and arguments */ /* */ /* **************************************************************** */ /* Read a numeric arg for this_command_name, the name of the shell builtin that wants it. LIST is the word list that the arg is to come from. Accept only the numeric argument; report an error if other arguments follow. If FATAL is 1, call throw_to_top_level, which exits the shell; if it's 2, call jump_to_top_level (DISCARD), which aborts the current command; if FATAL is 0, return an indication of an invalid number by setting *NUMOK == 0 and return -1. */ int get_numeric_arg (list, fatal, count) WORD_LIST *list; int fatal; intmax_t *count; { char *arg; if (count) *count = 1; if (list && list->word && ISOPTION (list->word->word, '-')) list = list->next; if (list) { arg = list->word->word; if (arg == 0 || (legal_number (arg, count) == 0)) { sh_neednumarg (list->word->word ? list->word->word : "`'"); if (fatal == 0) return 0; else if (fatal == 1) /* fatal == 1; abort */ throw_to_top_level (); else /* fatal == 2; discard current command */ { top_level_cleanup (); jump_to_top_level (DISCARD); } } no_args (list->next); } return (1); } /* Get an eight-bit status value from LIST */ int get_exitstat (list) WORD_LIST *list; { int status; intmax_t sval; char *arg; if (list && list->word && ISOPTION (list->word->word, '-')) list = list->next; if (list == 0) return (last_command_exit_value); arg = list->word->word; if (arg == 0 || legal_number (arg, &sval) == 0) { sh_neednumarg (list->word->word ? list->word->word : "`'"); return 255; } no_args (list->next); status = sval & 255; return status; } /* Return the octal number parsed from STRING, or -1 to indicate that the string contained a bad number. */ int read_octal (string) char *string; { int result, digits; result = digits = 0; while (*string && ISOCTAL (*string)) { digits++; result = (result * 8) + (*string++ - '0'); if (result > 0777) return -1; } if (digits == 0 || *string) result = -1; return (result); } /* **************************************************************** */ /* */ /* Manipulating the current working directory */ /* */ /* **************************************************************** */ /* Return a consed string which is the current working directory. FOR_WHOM is the name of the caller for error printing. */ char *the_current_working_directory = (char *)NULL; char * get_working_directory (for_whom) char *for_whom; { if (no_symbolic_links) { FREE (the_current_working_directory); the_current_working_directory = (char *)NULL; } if (the_current_working_directory == 0) { #if defined (GETCWD_BROKEN) the_current_working_directory = getcwd (0, PATH_MAX); #else the_current_working_directory = getcwd (0, 0); #endif if (the_current_working_directory == 0) { fprintf (stderr, _("%s: error retrieving current directory: %s: %s\n"), (for_whom && *for_whom) ? for_whom : get_name_for_error (), _(bash_getcwd_errstr), strerror (errno)); return (char *)NULL; } } return (savestring (the_current_working_directory)); } /* Make NAME our internal idea of the current working directory. */ void set_working_directory (name) char *name; { FREE (the_current_working_directory); the_current_working_directory = savestring (name); } /* **************************************************************** */ /* */ /* Job control support functions */ /* */ /* **************************************************************** */ #if defined (JOB_CONTROL) int get_job_by_name (name, flags) const char *name; int flags; { register int i, wl, cl, match, job; register PROCESS *p; register JOB *j; job = NO_JOB; wl = strlen (name); for (i = js.j_jobslots - 1; i >= 0; i--) { j = get_job_by_jid (i); if (j == 0 || ((flags & JM_STOPPED) && J_JOBSTATE(j) != JSTOPPED)) continue; p = j->pipe; do { if (flags & JM_EXACT) { cl = strlen (p->command); match = STREQN (p->command, name, cl); } else if (flags & JM_SUBSTRING) match = strcasestr (p->command, name) != (char *)0; else match = STREQN (p->command, name, wl); if (match == 0) { p = p->next; continue; } else if (flags & JM_FIRSTMATCH) return i; /* return first match */ else if (job != NO_JOB) { if (this_shell_builtin) builtin_error (_("%s: ambiguous job spec"), name); else report_error (_("%s: ambiguous job spec"), name); return (DUP_JOB); } else job = i; } while (p != j->pipe); } return (job); } /* Return the job spec found in LIST. */ int get_job_spec (list) WORD_LIST *list; { register char *word; int job, jflags; if (list == 0) return (js.j_current); word = list->word->word; if (*word == '\0') return (NO_JOB); if (*word == '%') word++; if (DIGIT (*word) && all_digits (word)) { job = atoi (word); return (job > js.j_jobslots ? NO_JOB : job - 1); } jflags = 0; switch (*word) { case 0: case '%': case '+': return (js.j_current); case '-': return (js.j_previous); case '?': /* Substring search requested. */ jflags |= JM_SUBSTRING; word++; /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: return get_job_by_name (word, jflags); } } #endif /* JOB_CONTROL */ /* * NOTE: `kill' calls this function with forcecols == 0 */ int display_signal_list (list, forcecols) WORD_LIST *list; int forcecols; { register int i, column; char *name; int result, signum, dflags; intmax_t lsignum; result = EXECUTION_SUCCESS; if (!list) { for (i = 1, column = 0; i < NSIG; i++) { name = signal_name (i); if (STREQN (name, "SIGJUNK", 7) || STREQN (name, "Unknown", 7)) continue; if (posixly_correct && !forcecols) { /* This is for the kill builtin. POSIX.2 says the signal names are displayed without the `SIG' prefix. */ if (STREQN (name, "SIG", 3)) name += 3; printf ("%s%s", name, (i == NSIG - 1) ? "" : " "); } else { printf ("%2d) %s", i, name); if (++column < 5) printf ("\t"); else { printf ("\n"); column = 0; } } } if ((posixly_correct && !forcecols) || column != 0) printf ("\n"); return result; } /* List individual signal names or numbers. */ while (list) { if (legal_number (list->word->word, &lsignum)) { /* This is specified by Posix.2 so that exit statuses can be mapped into signal numbers. */ if (lsignum > 128) lsignum -= 128; if (lsignum < 0 || lsignum >= NSIG) { sh_invalidsig (list->word->word); result = EXECUTION_FAILURE; list = list->next; continue; } signum = lsignum; name = signal_name (signum); if (STREQN (name, "SIGJUNK", 7) || STREQN (name, "Unknown", 7)) { list = list->next; continue; } #if defined (JOB_CONTROL) /* POSIX.2 says that `kill -l signum' prints the signal name without the `SIG' prefix. */ printf ("%s\n", (this_shell_builtin == kill_builtin) ? name + 3 : name); #else printf ("%s\n", name); #endif } else { dflags = DSIG_NOCASE; if (posixly_correct == 0 || this_shell_builtin != kill_builtin) dflags |= DSIG_SIGPREFIX; signum = decode_signal (list->word->word, dflags); if (signum == NO_SIG) { sh_invalidsig (list->word->word); result = EXECUTION_FAILURE; list = list->next; continue; } printf ("%d\n", signum); } list = list->next; } return (result); } /* **************************************************************** */ /* */ /* Finding builtin commands and their functions */ /* */ /* **************************************************************** */ /* Perform a binary search and return the address of the builtin function whose name is NAME. If the function couldn't be found, or the builtin is disabled or has no function associated with it, return NULL. Return the address of the builtin. DISABLED_OKAY means find it even if the builtin is disabled. */ struct builtin * builtin_address_internal (name, disabled_okay) char *name; int disabled_okay; { int hi, lo, mid, j; hi = num_shell_builtins - 1; lo = 0; while (lo <= hi) { mid = (lo + hi) / 2; j = shell_builtins[mid].name[0] - name[0]; if (j == 0) j = strcmp (shell_builtins[mid].name, name); if (j == 0) { /* It must have a function pointer. It must be enabled, or we must have explicitly allowed disabled functions to be found, and it must not have been deleted. */ if (shell_builtins[mid].function && ((shell_builtins[mid].flags & BUILTIN_DELETED) == 0) && ((shell_builtins[mid].flags & BUILTIN_ENABLED) || disabled_okay)) return (&shell_builtins[mid]); else return ((struct builtin *)NULL); } if (j > 0) hi = mid - 1; else lo = mid + 1; } return ((struct builtin *)NULL); } /* Return the pointer to the function implementing builtin command NAME. */ sh_builtin_func_t * find_shell_builtin (name) char *name; { current_builtin = builtin_address_internal (name, 0); return (current_builtin ? current_builtin->function : (sh_builtin_func_t *)NULL); } /* Return the address of builtin with NAME, whether it is enabled or not. */ sh_builtin_func_t * builtin_address (name) char *name; { current_builtin = builtin_address_internal (name, 1); return (current_builtin ? current_builtin->function : (sh_builtin_func_t *)NULL); } /* Return the function implementing the builtin NAME, but only if it is a POSIX.2 special builtin. */ sh_builtin_func_t * find_special_builtin (name) char *name; { current_builtin = builtin_address_internal (name, 0); return ((current_builtin && (current_builtin->flags & SPECIAL_BUILTIN)) ? current_builtin->function : (sh_builtin_func_t *)NULL); } static int shell_builtin_compare (sbp1, sbp2) struct builtin *sbp1, *sbp2; { int result; if ((result = sbp1->name[0] - sbp2->name[0]) == 0) result = strcmp (sbp1->name, sbp2->name); return (result); } /* Sort the table of shell builtins so that the binary search will work in find_shell_builtin. */ void initialize_shell_builtins () { qsort (shell_builtins, num_shell_builtins, sizeof (struct builtin), (QSFUNC *)shell_builtin_compare); }