This file is read.def, from which is created read.c. It implements the builtin "read" in Bash. Copyright (C) 1987-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Bash, the Bourne Again SHell. Bash is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. Bash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Bash; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA. $PRODUCES read.c $BUILTIN read $FUNCTION read_builtin $SHORT_DOC read [-ers] [-u fd] [-t timeout] [-p prompt] [-a array] [-n nchars] [-d delim] [name ...] One line is read from the standard input, or from file descriptor FD if the -u option is supplied, and the first word is assigned to the first NAME, the second word to the second NAME, and so on, with leftover words assigned to the last NAME. Only the characters found in $IFS are recognized as word delimiters. If no NAMEs are supplied, the line read is stored in the REPLY variable. If the -r option is given, this signifies `raw' input, and backslash escaping is disabled. The -d option causes read to continue until the first character of DELIM is read, rather than newline. If the -p option is supplied, the string PROMPT is output without a trailing newline before attempting to read. If -a is supplied, the words read are assigned to sequential indices of ARRAY, starting at zero. If -e is supplied and the shell is interactive, readline is used to obtain the line. If -n is supplied with a non-zero NCHARS argument, read returns after NCHARS characters have been read. The -s option causes input coming from a terminal to not be echoed. The -t option causes read to time out and return failure if a complete line of input is not read within TIMEOUT seconds. If the TMOUT variable is set, its value is the default timeout. The return code is zero, unless end-of-file is encountered, read times out, or an invalid file descriptor is supplied as the argument to -u. $END #include <config.h> #include "bashtypes.h" #include "posixstat.h" #include <stdio.h> #if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H) # include <unistd.h> #endif #include <signal.h> #include <errno.h> #ifdef __CYGWIN__ # include <fcntl.h> # include <io.h> #endif #include "../bashintl.h" #include "../shell.h" #include "common.h" #include "bashgetopt.h" #include <shtty.h> #if defined (READLINE) #include "../bashline.h" #include <readline/readline.h> #endif #if defined (BUFFERED_INPUT) # include "input.h" #endif #if !defined(errno) extern int errno; #endif extern int interrupt_immediately; #if defined (READLINE) static char *edit_line __P((char *)); static void set_eol_delim __P((int)); static void reset_eol_delim __P((char *)); #endif static SHELL_VAR *bind_read_variable __P((char *, char *)); static sighandler sigalrm __P((int)); static void reset_alarm __P((void)); static procenv_t alrmbuf; static SigHandler *old_alrm; static unsigned char delim; static sighandler sigalrm (s) int s; { longjmp (alrmbuf, 1); } static void reset_alarm () { set_signal_handler (SIGALRM, old_alrm); alarm (0); } /* Read the value of the shell variables whose names follow. The reading is done from the current input stream, whatever that may be. Successive words of the input line are assigned to the variables mentioned in LIST. The last variable in LIST gets the remainder of the words on the line. If no variables are mentioned in LIST, then the default variable is $REPLY. */ int read_builtin (list) WORD_LIST *list; { register char *varname; int size, i, nr, pass_next, saw_escape, eof, opt, retval, code; int input_is_tty, input_is_pipe, unbuffered_read; int raw, edit, nchars, silent, have_timeout, fd; unsigned int tmout; intmax_t intval; char c; char *input_string, *orig_input_string, *ifs_chars, *prompt, *arrayname; char *e, *t, *t1; struct stat tsb; SHELL_VAR *var; #if defined (ARRAY_VARS) WORD_LIST *alist; #endif #if defined (READLINE) char *rlbuf; int rlind; #endif USE_VAR(size); USE_VAR(i); USE_VAR(pass_next); USE_VAR(saw_escape); USE_VAR(input_is_pipe); /* USE_VAR(raw); */ USE_VAR(edit); USE_VAR(tmout); USE_VAR(nchars); USE_VAR(silent); USE_VAR(ifs_chars); USE_VAR(prompt); USE_VAR(arrayname); #if defined (READLINE) USE_VAR(rlbuf); USE_VAR(rlind); #endif USE_VAR(list); i = 0; /* Index into the string that we are reading. */ raw = edit = 0; /* Not reading raw input by default. */ silent = 0; arrayname = prompt = (char *)NULL; fd = 0; /* file descriptor to read from */ #if defined (READLINE) rlbuf = (char *)0; rlind = 0; #endif tmout = 0; /* no timeout */ nr = nchars = input_is_tty = input_is_pipe = unbuffered_read = have_timeout = 0; delim = '\n'; /* read until newline */ reset_internal_getopt (); while ((opt = internal_getopt (list, "ersa:d:n:p:t:u:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'r': raw = 1; break; case 'p': prompt = list_optarg; break; case 's': silent = 1; break; case 'e': #if defined (READLINE) edit = 1; #endif break; #if defined (ARRAY_VARS) case 'a': arrayname = list_optarg; break; #endif case 't': code = legal_number (list_optarg, &intval); if (code == 0 || intval < 0 || intval != (unsigned int)intval) { builtin_error (_("%s: invalid timeout specification"), list_optarg); return (EXECUTION_FAILURE); } else { have_timeout = 1; tmout = intval; } break; case 'n': code = legal_number (list_optarg, &intval); if (code == 0 || intval < 0 || intval != (int)intval) { sh_invalidnum (list_optarg); return (EXECUTION_FAILURE); } else nchars = intval; break; case 'u': code = legal_number (list_optarg, &intval); if (code == 0 || intval < 0 || intval != (int)intval) { builtin_error (_("%s: invalid file descriptor specification"), list_optarg); return (EXECUTION_FAILURE); } else fd = intval; if (sh_validfd (fd) == 0) { builtin_error (_("%d: invalid file descriptor: %s"), fd, strerror (errno)); return (EXECUTION_FAILURE); } break; case 'd': delim = *list_optarg; break; default: builtin_usage (); return (EX_USAGE); } } list = loptend; /* `read -t 0 var' returns failure immediately. XXX - should it test whether input is available with select/FIONREAD, and fail if those are unavailable? */ if (have_timeout && tmout == 0) return (EXECUTION_FAILURE); /* IF IFS is unset, we use the default of " \t\n". */ ifs_chars = getifs (); if (ifs_chars == 0) /* XXX - shouldn't happen */ ifs_chars = ""; input_string = (char *)xmalloc (size = 112); /* XXX was 128 */ /* $TMOUT, if set, is the default timeout for read. */ if (have_timeout == 0 && (e = get_string_value ("TMOUT"))) { code = legal_number (e, &intval); if (code == 0 || intval < 0 || intval != (unsigned int)intval) tmout = 0; else tmout = intval; } begin_unwind_frame ("read_builtin"); #if defined (BUFFERED_INPUT) if (interactive == 0 && default_buffered_input >= 0 && fd_is_bash_input (fd)) sync_buffered_stream (default_buffered_input); #endif input_is_tty = isatty (fd); if (input_is_tty == 0) #ifndef __CYGWIN__ input_is_pipe = (lseek (fd, 0L, SEEK_CUR) < 0) && (errno == ESPIPE); #else input_is_pipe = 1; #endif /* If the -p, -e or -s flags were given, but input is not coming from the terminal, turn them off. */ if ((prompt || edit || silent) && input_is_tty == 0) { prompt = (char *)NULL; edit = silent = 0; } #if defined (READLINE) if (edit) add_unwind_protect (xfree, rlbuf); #endif if (prompt && edit == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s", prompt); fflush (stderr); } pass_next = 0; /* Non-zero signifies last char was backslash. */ saw_escape = 0; /* Non-zero signifies that we saw an escape char */ if (tmout > 0) { /* Turn off the timeout if stdin is a regular file (e.g. from input redirection). */ if ((fstat (fd, &tsb) < 0) || S_ISREG (tsb.st_mode)) tmout = 0; } if (tmout > 0) { code = setjmp (alrmbuf); if (code) { run_unwind_frame ("read_builtin"); return (EXECUTION_FAILURE); } old_alrm = set_signal_handler (SIGALRM, sigalrm); add_unwind_protect (reset_alarm, (char *)NULL); alarm (tmout); } /* If we've been asked to read only NCHARS chars, or we're using some character other than newline to terminate the line, do the right thing to readline or the tty. */ if (nchars > 0 || delim != '\n') { #if defined (READLINE) if (edit) { if (nchars > 0) { unwind_protect_int (rl_num_chars_to_read); rl_num_chars_to_read = nchars; } if (delim != '\n') { set_eol_delim (delim); add_unwind_protect (reset_eol_delim, (char *)NULL); } } else #endif if (input_is_tty) { ttsave (); if (silent) ttcbreak (); else ttonechar (); add_unwind_protect ((Function *)ttrestore, (char *)NULL); } } else if (silent) /* turn off echo but leave term in canonical mode */ { ttsave (); ttnoecho (); add_unwind_protect ((Function *)ttrestore, (char *)NULL); } /* This *must* be the top unwind-protect on the stack, so the manipulation of the unwind-protect stack after the realloc() works right. */ add_unwind_protect (xfree, input_string); interrupt_immediately++; unbuffered_read = (nchars > 0) || (delim != '\n') || input_is_pipe; #if defined (__CYGWIN__) && defined (O_TEXT) setmode (0, O_TEXT); #endif for (eof = retval = 0;;) { #if defined (READLINE) if (edit) { if (rlbuf && rlbuf[rlind] == '\0') { xfree (rlbuf); rlbuf = (char *)0; } if (rlbuf == 0) { rlbuf = edit_line (prompt ? prompt : ""); rlind = 0; } if (rlbuf == 0) { eof = 1; break; } c = rlbuf[rlind++]; } else { #endif if (unbuffered_read) retval = zread (fd, &c, 1); else retval = zreadc (fd, &c); if (retval <= 0) { eof = 1; break; } #if defined (READLINE) } #endif if (i + 2 >= size) { input_string = (char *)xrealloc (input_string, size += 128); remove_unwind_protect (); add_unwind_protect (xfree, input_string); } /* If the next character is to be accepted verbatim, a backslash newline pair still disappears from the input. */ if (pass_next) { pass_next = 0; if (c == '\n') i--; /* back up over the CTLESC */ else goto add_char; continue; } if (c == '\\' && raw == 0) { pass_next++; saw_escape++; input_string[i++] = CTLESC; continue; } if ((unsigned char)c == delim) break; if (c == CTLESC || c == CTLNUL) { saw_escape++; input_string[i++] = CTLESC; } add_char: input_string[i++] = c; nr++; if (nchars > 0 && nr >= nchars) break; } input_string[i] = '\0'; #if 1 if (retval < 0) { builtin_error (_("read error: %d: %s"), fd, strerror (errno)); run_unwind_frame ("read_builtin"); return (EXECUTION_FAILURE); } #endif if (tmout > 0) reset_alarm (); if (nchars > 0 || delim != '\n') { #if defined (READLINE) if (edit) { if (nchars > 0) rl_num_chars_to_read = 0; if (delim != '\n') reset_eol_delim ((char *)NULL); } else #endif if (input_is_tty) ttrestore (); } else if (silent) ttrestore (); if (unbuffered_read == 0) zsyncfd (fd); interrupt_immediately--; discard_unwind_frame ("read_builtin"); retval = eof ? EXECUTION_FAILURE : EXECUTION_SUCCESS; #if defined (ARRAY_VARS) /* If -a was given, take the string read, break it into a list of words, an assign them to `arrayname' in turn. */ if (arrayname) { if (legal_identifier (arrayname) == 0) { sh_invalidid (arrayname); xfree (input_string); return (EXECUTION_FAILURE); } var = find_or_make_array_variable (arrayname, 1); if (var == 0) return EXECUTION_FAILURE; /* readonly or noassign */ array_flush (array_cell (var)); alist = list_string (input_string, ifs_chars, 0); if (alist) { word_list_remove_quoted_nulls (alist); assign_array_var_from_word_list (var, alist, 0); dispose_words (alist); } xfree (input_string); return (retval); } #endif /* ARRAY_VARS */ /* If there are no variables, save the text of the line read to the variable $REPLY. ksh93 strips leading and trailing IFS whitespace, so that `read x ; echo "$x"' and `read ; echo "$REPLY"' behave the same way, but I believe that the difference in behaviors is useful enough to not do it. Without the bash behavior, there is no way to read a line completely without interpretation or modification unless you mess with $IFS (e.g., setting it to the empty string). If you disagree, change the occurrences of `#if 0' to `#if 1' below. */ if (list == 0) { #if 0 orig_input_string = input_string; for (t = input_string; ifs_chars && *ifs_chars && spctabnl(*t) && isifs(*t); t++) ; input_string = t; input_string = strip_trailing_ifs_whitespace (input_string, ifs_chars, saw_escape); #endif if (saw_escape) { t = dequote_string (input_string); var = bind_variable ("REPLY", t, 0); free (t); } else var = bind_variable ("REPLY", input_string, 0); VUNSETATTR (var, att_invisible); free (input_string); return (retval); } /* This code implements the Posix.2 spec for splitting the words read and assigning them to variables. */ orig_input_string = input_string; /* Remove IFS white space at the beginning of the input string. If $IFS is null, no field splitting is performed. */ for (t = input_string; ifs_chars && *ifs_chars && spctabnl(*t) && isifs(*t); t++) ; input_string = t; for (; list->next; list = list->next) { varname = list->word->word; #if defined (ARRAY_VARS) if (legal_identifier (varname) == 0 && valid_array_reference (varname) == 0) #else if (legal_identifier (varname) == 0) #endif { sh_invalidid (varname); xfree (orig_input_string); return (EXECUTION_FAILURE); } /* If there are more variables than words read from the input, the remaining variables are set to the empty string. */ if (*input_string) { /* This call updates INPUT_STRING. */ t = get_word_from_string (&input_string, ifs_chars, &e); if (t) *e = '\0'; /* Don't bother to remove the CTLESC unless we added one somewhere while reading the string. */ if (t && saw_escape) { t1 = dequote_string (t); var = bind_read_variable (varname, t1); xfree (t1); } else var = bind_read_variable (varname, t); } else { t = (char *)0; var = bind_read_variable (varname, ""); } FREE (t); if (var == 0) { xfree (orig_input_string); return (EXECUTION_FAILURE); } stupidly_hack_special_variables (varname); VUNSETATTR (var, att_invisible); } /* Now assign the rest of the line to the last variable argument. */ #if defined (ARRAY_VARS) if (legal_identifier (list->word->word) == 0 && valid_array_reference (list->word->word) == 0) #else if (legal_identifier (list->word->word) == 0) #endif { sh_invalidid (list->word->word); xfree (orig_input_string); return (EXECUTION_FAILURE); } #if 0 /* This has to be done this way rather than using string_list and list_string because Posix.2 says that the last variable gets the remaining words and their intervening separators. */ input_string = strip_trailing_ifs_whitespace (input_string, ifs_chars, saw_escape); #else /* Check whether or not the number of fields is exactly the same as the number of variables. */ if (*input_string) { t1 = input_string; t = get_word_from_string (&input_string, ifs_chars, &e); if (*input_string == 0) input_string = t; else input_string = strip_trailing_ifs_whitespace (t1, ifs_chars, saw_escape); } #endif if (saw_escape) { t = dequote_string (input_string); var = bind_read_variable (list->word->word, t); xfree (t); } else var = bind_read_variable (list->word->word, input_string); stupidly_hack_special_variables (list->word->word); if (var) VUNSETATTR (var, att_invisible); xfree (orig_input_string); return (retval); } static SHELL_VAR * bind_read_variable (name, value) char *name, *value; { #if defined (ARRAY_VARS) if (valid_array_reference (name) == 0) return (bind_variable (name, value, 0)); else return (assign_array_element (name, value, 0)); #else /* !ARRAY_VARS */ return bind_variable (name, value, 0); #endif /* !ARRAY_VARS */ } #if defined (READLINE) static rl_completion_func_t *old_attempted_completion_function; static char * edit_line (p) char *p; { char *ret; int len; if (bash_readline_initialized == 0) initialize_readline (); old_attempted_completion_function = rl_attempted_completion_function; rl_attempted_completion_function = (rl_completion_func_t *)NULL; ret = readline (p); rl_attempted_completion_function = old_attempted_completion_function; if (ret == 0) return ret; len = strlen (ret); ret = (char *)xrealloc (ret, len + 2); ret[len++] = delim; ret[len] = '\0'; return ret; } static int old_delim_ctype; static rl_command_func_t *old_delim_func; static int old_newline_ctype; static rl_command_func_t *old_newline_func; static unsigned char delim_char; static void set_eol_delim (c) int c; { Keymap cmap; if (bash_readline_initialized == 0) initialize_readline (); cmap = rl_get_keymap (); /* Change newline to self-insert */ old_newline_ctype = cmap[RETURN].type; old_newline_func = cmap[RETURN].function; cmap[RETURN].type = ISFUNC; cmap[RETURN].function = rl_insert; /* Bind the delimiter character to accept-line. */ old_delim_ctype = cmap[c].type; old_delim_func = cmap[c].function; cmap[c].type = ISFUNC; cmap[c].function = rl_newline; delim_char = c; } static void reset_eol_delim (cp) char *cp; { Keymap cmap; cmap = rl_get_keymap (); cmap[RETURN].type = old_newline_ctype; cmap[RETURN].function = old_newline_func; cmap[delim_char].type = old_delim_ctype; cmap[delim_char].function = old_delim_func; } #endif