[ The original document has a license, which doesn't allow inclusion of the
  FAQ in the main section of the Debian packages and therefore isn't
  distributed in the Debian packages for bash. Pleae get it from the upstream

This is the Bash FAQ, version 3.20, for Bash version 2.05b.

This document contains a set of frequently-asked questions concerning
Bash, the GNU Bourne-Again Shell.  Bash is a freely-available command
interpreter with advanced features for both interactive use and shell

Another good source of basic information about shells is the collection
of FAQ articles periodically posted to comp.unix.shell.

Questions and comments concerning this document should be sent to

This document is available for anonymous FTP with the URL


The Bash home page is http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/~chet/bash/bashtop.html

The original document has the following license:
This document is Copyright 1995-2002 by Chester Ramey.

Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and
without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, and distribute
this document for any purpose, provided that the above copyright
notice appears in all copies of this document and that the
contents of this document remain unaltered.