This collection of scripts was originally written for ksh-88 by
John DuBois <>.  The conversion to bash v2
syntax was done by Chet Ramey.

These scripts are as-is; there is no copyright associated with
any of them.  They exist simply as examples of bash scripting.

Here's a description of what's in this directory:

arc2tarz	Convert an "arc" archive to a compressed tar archive.
cal2day.bash	Convert a day number to a name.
corename	Tell what produced a core file.
fman		Fast man(1) replacement.
frcp		Copy files using ftp(1) but with rcp-type command line syntax.
lowercase	Change filenames to lower case.
ncp		A nicer front end for cp(1) (has -i, etc.).
newext		Change the extension of a group of files.
nmv		A nicer front end for mv(1) (has -i, etc.).
pages		Print specified pages from files.
PERMISSION	Permissions to use the scripts in this directory.
pf		A pager front end that handles compressed files.
ren		Rename files by changing parts of filenames that match a pattern.
rename		Change the names of files that match a pattern.
repeat		Execute a command multiple times.
untar		Unarchive a (possibly compressed) tarfile into a directory.
uudec		Carefully uudecode(1) multiple files.
uuenc		uuencode(1) multiple files.
vtree		Print a visual display of a directory tree.
where		Show where commands that match a pattern are.

The following scripts were written or converted by Chet Ramey:

bashrand	Random number generator with upper and lower bounds and optional seed.
cdhist.bash	cd replacement with a directory stack added.
pmtop		Poor man's 'top(1)' for SunOS 4.x and BSD/OS.
shprof		Line profiler for bash scripts.