# this is needed so that the bad assignments (b[]=bcde, for example) do not
# cause fatal shell errors when in posix mode
set +o posix

set +a
# The calls to egrep -v are to filter out builtin array variables that are
# automatically set and possibly contain values that vary.

# first make sure we handle the basics
echo ${x[@]}
unset x

# this should be an error
test=(first & second)
echo $?
unset test

# make sure declare -a converts an existing variable to an array
unset a
declare -a a
echo ${a[0]}

unset a

unset b
declare -a b[256]

unset c[2]
unset c[*]



declare -r c[100]

echo ${a[0]} ${a[4]}
echo ${a[@]}

echo ${a[*]}

# this should print out values, too
declare -a | egrep -v '(BASH_VERSINFO|PIPESTATUS|GROUPS)'

unset a[7]
echo ${a[*]}

unset a[4]
echo ${a[*]}

echo ${a}
echo "${a}"
echo $a

unset a[0]
echo ${a}

echo ${a[@]}

a[5]="hello world"
echo ${a[5]}
echo ${#a[5]}

echo ${#a[@]}

a[4+5/2]="test expression"
echo ${a[@]}

readonly a[5]
readonly a
# these two lines should output `declare' commands
readonly -a | egrep -v '(BASH_VERSINFO|PIPESTATUS|GROUPS)'
declare -ar | egrep -v '(BASH_VERSINFO|PIPESTATUS|GROUPS)'
# this line should output `readonly' commands, even for arrays
set -o posix
readonly -a | egrep -v '(BASH_VERSINFO|PIPESTATUS|GROUPS)'
set +o posix

declare -a d='([1]="" [2]="bdef" [5]="hello world" "test")'
d[9]="ninth element"

declare -a e[10]=test	# this works in post-bash-2.05 versions
declare -a e[10]='(test)'

declare -a f='("${d[@]}")'
b=([0]=this [1]=is [2]=a [3]=test [4]="$PS1" [5]=$pass)

echo ${b[@]:2:3}

declare -pa | egrep -v '(BASH_VERSINFO|PIPESTATUS|GROUPS)'

a[3]="this is a test"

echo ${b[   ]}

echo ${c[-4]}


d=([]=abcde [1]="test test" [*]=last [-65]=negative )

unset d[12]
unset e[*]

declare -a | egrep -v '(BASH_VERSINFO|PIPESTATUS|GROUPS)'

unset ps1[2]
unset ${ps1[2]}

declare +a ps1
declare +a c

# the prompt should not print when using a here doc
read -p "array test: " -a rv <<!
this is a test of read using arrays

echo ${rv[0]} ${rv[4]}
echo ${rv[@]}

# the variable should be converted to an array when `read -a' is done
read -a vv <<!
this is a test of arrays
echo ${vv[0]} ${vv[3]}
echo ${vv[@]}
unset vv

declare -a | egrep -v '(BASH_VERSINFO|PIPESTATUS|GROUPS)'

export rv

echo $x
echo ${x[0]}
echo ${x[4]}
echo efgh | ( read x[1] ; echo ${x[1]} )
echo wxyz | ( declare -a x ; read x ; echo $x ; echo ${x[0]} )

# Make sure that arrays can be used to save the positional paramters verbatim
set -- a 'b c' d 'e f g' h

ARGV=( [0]=$0 "$@" )

for z in "${ARGV[@]}"
	echo "$z"

echo "$0"
for z in "$@"
	echo "$z"

# do various pattern removal and length tests

xpath=( $( IFS=: ; echo $XPATH ) )

echo ${xpath[@]}
echo ${xpath[@]##*/}
echo ${xpath[0]##*/}
echo ${xpath[@]%%[!/]*}
echo ${xpath[0]%%[!/]*}
recho ${xpath##*/}
recho ${xpath%%[!/]*}
recho ${xpath[5]##*/}
recho ${xpath[5]%%[!/]*}

# let's try to make it a DOS-style path

zecho "${xpath[@]/\//\\}"
zecho "${xpath[@]//\//\\}"
zecho "${xpath[@]//[\/]/\\}"

# length of the first element of the array, since array without subscript
# is equivalent to referencing first element
echo ${#xpath} -- ${#xpath[0]}

# number of elements in the array
echo ${#xpath[@]} -- $nelem

# total length of all elements in the array, including space separators
echo ${#xx}

# total length of all elements in the array
xx=$( IFS='' ; echo "${xpath[*]}" )
echo ${#xx}

unset xpath[nelem-1]

echo ${#xpath[@]} -- $nelem

# arrays and things that look like index assignments
array=(42 [1]=14 [2]=44)

array2=(grep [ 123 ] \*)

echo ${array[@]}
echo "${array2[@]}"

# arrays and implicit arithmetic evaluation
declare -i -a iarray

iarray=( 2+4 1+6 7+2 )
echo ${iarray[@]}

echo ${iarray[@]}

# make sure assignment using the compound assignment syntax removes all
# of the old elements from the array value
barray=(old1 old2 old3 old4 old5)
barray=(new1 new2 new3)
echo "length = ${#barray[@]}"
echo "value = ${barray[*]}"

# make sure the array code behaves correctly with respect to unset variables
set -u
( echo ${#narray[4]} )

${THIS_SH} ./array1.sub
${THIS_SH} ./array2.sub

# some old bugs and ksh93 compatibility tests
${THIS_SH} ./array3.sub

set +u
cd /tmp

touch 1=bar
echo ${foo[0]}
rm 1=bar

foo=(a b c d e f g)
echo ${foo[@]}

# quoted reserved words are ok
foo=(\for \case \if \then \else)
echo ${foo[@]}

# quoted metacharacters are ok
foo=( [1]='<>' [2]='<' [3]='>' [4]='!' )
echo ${foo[@]}

# numbers are just words when not in a redirection context
foo=( 12 14 16 18 20 )
echo ${foo[@]}

foo=( 4414758999202 )
echo ${foo[@]}

# this was a bug in all versions of bash 2.x up to and including bash-2.04
declare -a ddd=(aaa
echo ${ddd[@]}

# errors until post-bash-2.05a; now reserved words are OK
foo=(a b c for case if then else)

foo=(for case if then else)

# errors
metas=( <> < > ! )
metas=( [1]=<> [2]=< [3]=> [4]=! )

# various expansions that didn't really work right until post-bash-2.04
echo ${foo[0]} ${#foo[0]}
echo ${foo[1]} ${#foo[1]}
echo ${foo[@]} ${#foo[@]}
echo ${foo[*]} ${#foo[*]}

echo ${foo[0]} ${#foo[0]}
echo ${foo[1]} ${#foo[1]}
echo ${foo[@]} ${#foo[@]}
echo ${foo[*]} ${#foo[*]}

# new expansions added after bash-2.05b

recho ${!x[@]}
recho "${!x[@]}"
recho ${!x[*]}
recho "${!x[*]}"

# sparse array tests for code fixed in bash-3.0
unset av


echo include null element -- expect one
echo ${av[@]:1:2}	# what happens when we include a null element?
echo include unset element -- expect three five
echo ${av[@]:3:2}	# what happens when we include an unset element?
echo start at unset element -- expect five seven
echo ${av[@]:4:2}	# what happens when we start at an unset element?

echo too many elements -- expect three five seven
echo ${av[@]:3:5}	# how about too many elements?

echo positive offset - expect five seven
echo ${av[@]:5:2}
echo negative offset to unset element - expect seven
echo ${av[@]: -2:2}

echo positive offset 2 - expect seven
echo ${av[@]: 6:2}
echo negative offset 2 - expect seven
echo ${av[@]: -1:2}

echo out-of-range offset
echo ${av[@]:12}

# parsing problems and other inconsistencies not fixed until post bash-3.0
unset x
declare -a x=(')' $$)
[ ${x[1]} -eq $$ ] || echo bad

unset x
declare -a x=(a b c d e)
echo ${x[4]}

z=([1]=one [4]=four [7]=seven [10]=ten)

echo ${#z[@]}

echo ${!z[@]}

unset x
declare -a x=(a \'b  c\')

echo "${x[1]}"

unset x
declare -a x=(a 'b  c')

echo "${x[1]}"

unset x
declare -a x=($0)
[ "${x[@]}" = $0 ] || echo double expansion of \$0
declare -a x=(\$0)
echo "${x[@]}"

: ${TMPDIR:=/tmp}

mkdir $TMPDIR/bash-test-$$
cd $TMPDIR/bash-test-$$

trap "cd / ; rm -rf $TMPDIR/bash-test-$$" 0 1 2 3 6 15

touch '[3]=abcde'

touch r s t u v

declare -a x=(*)

echo ${x[3]}
echo ${x[@]}

unset x
x=(a b c d e)

echo ${x[*]: -1}

unset x[4]
unset x[2]


echo ${x[*]: -1}