# TEST - basic declaration and assignment
typeset -A fluff
declare -A


declare -A
declare -p fluff

unset fluff[foo]
declare -p fluff

declare fluff[qux]=assigned

declare -p fluff

unset fluff

# TEST - compount assignment and variable attributes
declare -A wheat chaff
wheat=( [zero]=0 [one]=a [two]=b [three]=c )

declare -i chaff
chaff=( [zero]=1+4 [one]=3+7 four )

declare -A waste=( [pid]=42134 [version]=4.0-devel [source]=$0 [lineno]=$LINENO )
declare -r waste

declare -A

declare +i chaff
chaff[hello world]=flip
declare -p chaff

# TEST - errors
unset waste
chaff=( [one]=a [*]=12 )

# TEST - key expansion -- no word splitting
chaff[hello world]=flip
declare -p chaff
echo ${chaff[hello world]}

chaff[box]="multiple words"

recho ${chaff[@]}
recho "${chaff[@]}"

recho ${chaff[*]}
recho "${chaff[*]}"

unset chaff
declare -A chaff[200]
declare +A chaff

chaff=( [one]=a [*]=12 )

# TEST - keys and values containing spaces
unset wheat
declare -A wheat
wheat=([six]=6 [foo bar]="qux qix" )

declare -p wheat

unset wheat
declare -A wheat=([six]=6 [foo bar]="qux qix" )

recho ${wheat[foo bar]}
recho "${wheat[foo bar]}"

declare -p wheat

# TEST - basic expansions: number of elements and value length
unset wheat
typeset -A wheat
wheat=([six]=6 [foo bar]="qux qix" )

recho ${#wheat[@]}

recho ${#wheat[foo bar]}

# TEST - appending assignment operator
unset wheat
typeset -A wheat
wheat=([six]=6 [foo bar]="qux qix" )

wheat[foo bar]+=' blat'

recho ${wheat[foo bar]}
recho "${wheat[foo bar]}"
unset wheat

typeset -Ai wheat
wheat=([six]=6 [foo bar]=flix )

wheat[foo bar]+=7

recho ${wheat[foo bar]}
recho "${wheat[foo bar]}"
unset flix wheat

# TEST - index expansion: no word splitting or globbing
typeset -A wheat
cd /tmp
touch '[sfiri]'
wheat=([s*]=6 [foo bar]=flix )

recho ${wheat[@]}
rm '[sfiri]'

# TEST -- associative array keys expansion
unset wheat
typeset -A wheat

wheat=([six]=6 [foo bar]=flix )

recho ${!wheat[@]}
recho "${!wheat[@]}"

# TEST -- associative array pattern removal
unset xpath
typeset -A xpath

xpath=( [0]=/bin [one]=/bin [two]=/usr/bin [three]=/usr/ucb [four]=/usr/local/bin)
xpath+=( [five]=/sbin [six]=/usr/sbin [seven]=. )

echo ${#xpath[@]}

echo ${xpath[@]}
echo ${xpath[@]##*/}
echo ${xpath[0]##*/}
echo ${xpath[@]%%[!/]*}
echo ${xpath[0]%%[!/]*}
recho ${xpath##*/}
recho ${xpath%%[!/]*}
recho ${xpath[five]##*/}
recho ${xpath[five]%%[!/]*}

echo ${#xpath[*]}

echo ${xpath[*]}
echo ${xpath[*]##*/}
echo ${xpath[*]%%[!/]*}

# TEST -- associative array pattern substitution
unset xpath
typeset -A xpath

xpath=( [0]=/bin [one]=/bin [two]=/usr/bin [three]=/usr/ucb [four]=/usr/local/bin)
xpath+=( [five]=/sbin [six]=/usr/sbin [seven]=. )

echo ${#xpath[@]}
# default element is "0" (as a string)
echo ${#xpath} -- ${xpath["0"]}

echo ${xpath[@]//\//^}
echo "${xpath[@]//\//^}" | cat -v

zecho "${xpath[@]/\//\\}"
zecho "${xpath[@]//\//\\}"
zecho "${xpath[@]//[\/]/\\}"

# test assignment to key "0"
unset T
declare -A T
echo "${T[@]}"
unset T

${THIS_SH} ./assoc1.sub

${THIS_SH} ./assoc2.sub

${THIS_SH} ./assoc3.sub

${THIS_SH} ./assoc4.sub

${THIS_SH} ./assoc5.sub

${THIS_SH} ./assoc6.sub