cd /

echo expect '~1'
echo ~1

pushd /usr
pushd /tmp

echo these lines should be the same
dirs +0
echo ~0 ${DIRSTACK[0]}
echo these lines should be the same
dirs +1
echo ~1 ${DIRSTACK[1]}
echo these lines should be the same
dirs +2
echo ~2 ${DIRSTACK[2]}

NDIRS=$(( ${#DIRSTACK[@]} - 1 ))

echo these lines should be the same
dirs -2
echo ~-2 ${DIRSTACK[NDIRS-2]}

echo these lines should be the same
dirs -1
echo ~-1 ${DIRSTACK[NDIRS-1]}
dirs -v -1

echo these lines should be the same
dirs -0
echo ~-0 ${DIRSTACK[NDIRS]}