# test out %+, jobs -p, and $! agreement in a subshell first
${THIS_SH} ./jobs1.sub

# test out fg/bg failure in a subshell
${THIS_SH} ./jobs2.sub

# test out behavior of waiting for background pids -- bug in versions
# before 2.03
${THIS_SH} ./jobs3.sub

# test out behavior of using job control notation when job control is not
# active
${THIS_SH} ./jobs4.sub

echo $?

# a no-such-job error, since we can use job control notation without job control
wait %1

# make sure we can't fg a job started when job control was not active
sleep 30 &
fg %1
# make sure the killed processes don't cause a message
exec 5>&2
exec 2>/dev/null
kill -n 9 $pid
wait    # make sure we reap the processes while stderr is still redirected
exec 2>&5

echo wait-for-pid
sleep 10 &
wait $!

echo wait-errors
wait 1-1
wait -- -4

echo wait-for-background-pids
sleep 5 &
sleep 8 &

echo async list wait-for-background-pids
sleep 5 & sleep 8 &

echo async list wait for child
sleep 5 & echo forked

echo wait-when-no-children

set -m

echo wait-for-job
sleep 5 &
wait %2		# this should be a no-such-job error
echo $?
wait %1

echo async list wait-for-job
sleep 5 & echo forked
wait %1

echo fg-bg 1
sleep 5 &

echo fg-bg 2
sleep 5 &
fg %%

echo fg-bg 3
sleep 5 &
fg %s

echo fg-bg 4
sleep 5 &
fg %?ee

# these next two are error cases
echo fg-bg 5
sleep 15 &
fg %2		# this should be a no-such-job error
bg %1		# this should be a `bg background job?' error

# these may someday mean to start the jobs, but not print the line
# describing the status, but for now they are errors
echo fg-bg 6
sleep 5 &
fg -s %1
bg -s %1

# someday this may mean to disown all stopped jobs, but for now it is
# an error
disown -s

# this is an error -- the job with the pid that is the value of $! is
# retained only until a `wait' is performed
disown %1

# this, however, is an error
disown %2

echo wait-for-non-child
wait 1
echo $?

exit 1 | exit 2 | exit 3
echo $? -- ${PIPESTATUS[@]} -- ${PIPESTATUS[0]} - ${PIPESTATUS[1]} - ${PIPESTATUS[2]}

sleep 300 &
sleep 350 &
sleep 400 &


echo running jobs:
jobs -r

# should be an error
kill -n 1 %4
# should be an error
jobs %4
echo current job:
jobs %+
echo previous job:
jobs %-

kill -STOP %2
sleep 5	# give time for the shell to get the stop notification
echo after kill -STOP
echo running jobs:
jobs -r
echo stopped jobs:
jobs -s

disown %1

echo after disown
echo running jobs:
jobs -r
echo stopped jobs:
jobs -s

kill -s CONT %2
echo after kill -s CONT
echo running jobs:
jobs -r
echo stopped jobs:
jobs -s

kill -STOP %3
sleep 5	# give time for the shell to get the stop notification
echo after kill -STOP, backgrounding %3:
bg %3

disown -h %2

# make sure the killed processes don't cause a message
exec 5>&2
exec 2>/dev/null

echo killing...
kill -n 9 $sleep300pid
kill -n 9 %2 %3
wait	# make sure we reap the processes while stderr is still redirected
echo done

exec 2>&5

sleep 10 &
kill -STOP %1
sleep 5	# give time for the shell to get the stop notification
echo after KILL -STOP, foregrounding %1
fg %1

echo done