if (( $UID == 0 )); then
	echo "test-tests: the test suite should not be run as root" >&2

	[ "$@" ]
	echo $?

	test "$@"
	echo $?

echo 't -a noexist'
t -a noexist
echo 't -a run-all'
t -a run-all

echo 't -b run-all'
t -b run-all
echo 't -b /dev/jb1a'
t -b /dev/jb1a

echo 't -c run-all'
t -c run-all
echo 't -c /dev/tty'
t -c /dev/tty

echo 't -d run-all'
t -d run-all
echo 't -d /etc'
t -d /etc
echo 't -d ""'
t -d ""
echo 'b -d ""'
b -d ""

echo 't -e noexist'
t -e noexist
echo 't -e run-all'
t -e run-all

echo 't -f noexist'
t -f noexist
echo 't -f /dev/tty'
t -f /dev/tty
echo 't -f run-all'
t -f run-all

echo 't -g run-all'
t -g run-all

touch /tmp/test.setgid
chgrp ${GROUPS[0]} /tmp/test.setgid
chmod ug+x /tmp/test.setgid
chmod g+s /tmp/test.setgid
echo 't -g /tmp/test.setgid'
t -g /tmp/test.setgid
rm -f /tmp/test.setgid

echo 't -k run-all'
t -k run-all

echo 't -n ""'
t -n ""
echo 't -n "hello"'
t -n "hello"

echo 't -p run-all'
t -p run-all

echo 't -r noexist'
t -r noexist

if (( $UID != 0 )); then
	touch /tmp/test.noread
	chmod a-r /tmp/test.noread
	echo 't -r /tmp/test.noread'
	t -r /tmp/test.noread
	rm -f /tmp/test.noread
	echo 't -r /tmp/test.noread'
	echo 1

echo 't -r run-all'
t -r run-all

echo 't -s noexist'
t -s noexist
echo 't -s /dev/null'
t -s /dev/null
echo 't -s run-all'
t -s run-all

echo 't -t 20'
t -t 20
echo 't -t 0'
t -t 0 < /dev/tty

echo 't -u noexist'
t -u noexist

echo 't -u run-all'
t -u run-all

touch /tmp/test.setuid
chmod u+x /tmp/test.setuid	# some systems require this to turn on setuid bit
chmod u+s /tmp/test.setuid
echo 't -u /tmp/test.setuid'
t -u /tmp/test.setuid
rm -f /tmp/test.setuid

echo 't -w noexist'
t -w noexist

if (( $UID != 0 )); then
	touch /tmp/test.nowrite
	chmod a-w /tmp/test.nowrite
	echo 't -w /tmp/test.nowrite'
	t -w /tmp/test.nowrite
	rm -f /tmp/test.nowrite
	echo 't -w /tmp/test.nowrite'
	echo 1

echo 't -w /dev/null'
t -w /dev/null

echo 't -x noexist'
t -x noexist

touch /tmp/test.exec
chmod u+x /tmp/test.exec
echo 't -x /tmp/test.exec'
t -x /tmp/test.exec
rm -f /tmp/test.exec

touch /tmp/test.noexec
chmod u-x /tmp/test.noexec
echo 't -x /tmp/test.noexec'
t -x /tmp/test.noexec
rm -f /tmp/test.noexec

echo 't -z ""'
t -z ""
echo 't -z "foo"'
t -z "foo"

echo 't "foo"'
t "foo"
echo 't ""'
t ""

touch /tmp/test.owner
echo 't -O /tmp/test.owner'
t -O /tmp/test.owner
rm -f /tmp/test.owner

touch /tmp/test.socket
echo 't -S /tmp/test.socket'
t -S /tmp/test.socket	# false
rm -f /tmp/test.socket

touch /tmp/test.newer
echo 't -N /tmp/test.newer'
t -N /tmp/test.newer
rm -f /tmp/test.newer

echo 't "hello" = "hello"'
t "hello" = "hello"
echo 't "hello" = "goodbye"'
t "hello" = "goodbye"

echo 't "hello" == "hello"'
t "hello" == "hello"
echo 't "hello" == "goodbye"'
t "hello" == "goodbye"

echo 't "hello" != "hello"'
t "hello" != "hello"
echo 't "hello" != "goodbye"'
t "hello" != "goodbye"

echo 't "hello" < "goodbye"'
t "hello" \< "goodbye"
echo 't "hello" > "goodbye"'
t "hello" \> "goodbye"

echo 't ! "hello" > "goodbye"'
t "! hello" \> "goodbye"

echo 't 200 -eq 200'
t 200 -eq 200
echo 't 34 -eq 222'
t 34 -eq 222
echo 't -32 -eq 32'
t -32 -eq 32

echo 't 200 -ne 200'
t 200 -ne 200
echo 't 34 -ne 222'
t 34 -ne 222

echo 't 200 -gt 200'
t 200 -gt 200
echo 't 340 -gt 222'
t 340 -gt 222

echo 't 200 -ge 200'
t 200 -ge 200
echo 't 34 -ge 222'
t 34 -ge 222

echo 't 200 -lt 200'
t 200 -lt 200
echo 't 34 -lt 222'
t 34 -lt 222

echo 't 200 -le 200'
t 200 -le 200
echo 't 340 -le 222'
t 340 -le 222

echo 't 700 -le 1000 -a -n "1" -a "20" = "20"'
t 700 -le 1000 -a -n "1" -a "20" = "20"
echo 't ! \( 700 -le 1000 -a -n "1" -a "20" = "20" \)'
t ! \( 700 -le 1000 -a -n "1" -a "20" = "20" \)

touch /tmp/abc
sleep 2
touch /tmp/def

echo 't /tmp/abc -nt /tmp/def'
t /tmp/abc -nt /tmp/def
echo 't /tmp/abc -ot /tmp/def'
t /tmp/abc -ot /tmp/def
echo 't /tmp/def -nt /tmp/abc'
t /tmp/def -nt /tmp/abc
echo 't /tmp/def -ot /tmp/abc'
t /tmp/def -ot /tmp/abc

echo 't /tmp/abc -ef /tmp/def'
t /tmp/abc -ef /tmp/def
ln /tmp/abc /tmp/ghi
echo 't /tmp/abc -ef /tmp/ghi'
t /tmp/abc -ef /tmp/ghi

rm /tmp/abc /tmp/def /tmp/ghi

echo 't -r /dev/fd/0'
t -r /dev/fd/0
echo 't -w /dev/fd/1'
t -w /dev/fd/1
echo 't -w /dev/fd/2'
t -w /dev/fd/2

echo 't -r /dev/stdin'
t -r /dev/stdin
echo 't -w /dev/stdout'
t -w /dev/stdout
echo 't -w /dev/stderr'
t -w /dev/stderr

echo 't'
echo 'b'

echo 't 12 -eq 34'
t 12 -eq 34
echo 't ! 12 -eq 34'
t ! 12 -eq 34

echo 't -n abcd -o aaa'
t -n abcd -o aaa
echo 't -n abcd -o -z aaa'
t -n abcd -o -z aaa

echo 't -n abcd -a aaa'
t -n abcd -a aaa
echo 't -n abcd -a -z aaa'
t -n abcd -a -z aaa

set +o allexport
echo 't -o allexport'
t -o allexport
echo 't ! -o allexport'
t ! -o allexport

echo 't xx -a yy'
t xx -a yy
echo 't xx -o ""'
t xx -o ""
echo 't xx -a ""'
t xx -a ""

echo 't -X -a -X'
t -X -a -X
echo 't -X -o -X'
t -X -o -X
echo 't -X -o ""'
t -X -o ""
echo 't -X -a ""'
t -X -a ""
echo 't "" -a -X'
t "" -a -X
echo 't "" -o -X'
t "" -o -X
echo 't "" -a ""'
t "" -a ""
echo 't "" -o ""'
t "" -o ""
echo 't true -o -X'
t true -o -X
echo 't true -a -X'
t true -a -X

echo 't ( -E )'
t \( -E \)
echo 't ( "" )'
t \( "" \)


echo 't ! -z "$z"'
t ! -z "$z"

echo 't ! -n "$z"'
t ! -n "$z"

echo 't "$zero"'
t "$zero"
echo 't ! "$zero"'
t ! "$zero"
echo 'b "$zero"'
b "$zero"
echo 'b ! "$zero"'
b ! "$zero"

touch /tmp/test.group
chgrp ${GROUPS[0]} /tmp/test.group
echo 't -G /tmp/test.group'
t -G /tmp/test.group
rm /tmp/test.group

case "${THIS_SH}" in
/*)	SHNAME=${THIS_SH} ;;
*)	SHNAME=${PWD}/${THIS_SH} ;;

if ln -s ${SHNAME} /tmp/test.symlink 2>/dev/null; then
	chgrp ${GROUPS[0]} /tmp/test.symlink 2>/dev/null
	echo 't -h /tmp/test.symlink'
	t -h /tmp/test.symlink
	# some systems don't let you remove this
	rm -f /tmp/test.symlink 2>/dev/null
	echo 't -h /tmp/test.symlink'
	echo 0

# arithmetic constant errors
echo "t 4+3 -eq 7"
t 4+3 -eq 7
echo "b 4-5 -eq 7"
b 4+3 -eq 7

echo "t 9 -eq 4+5"
t 9 -eq 4+5
echo "b 9 -eq 4+5"
b 9 -eq 4+5

echo "t A -eq 7"
t A -eq 7
echo "b A -eq 7"
b A -eq 7

echo "t 9 -eq B"
t 9 -eq B
echo "b 9 -eq B"
b 9 -eq B

# badly formed expressions
echo 't ( 1 = 2'
t \( 1 = 2
echo 'b ( 1 = 2'
b \( 1 = 2

# more errors
t a b
t a b c
t -A v
# too many arguments -- argument expected is also reasonable
t 4 -eq 4 -a 2 -ne 5 -a 4 -ne
# too many arguments
t 4 -eq 4 -a 3 4

echo $?

t \( \)

# non-numeric arguments to `test -t' should return failure -- fix in 2.05
echo 't -t a'
t -t a
echo 't -t addsds'
t -t addsds
echo 't -t 42'
t -t 42
echo 't -t /dev/tty'
t -t /dev/tty
echo 't -t /dev/tty4'
t -t /dev/tty4
echo 't -t /dev/tty4444444...'
t -t /dev/tty4444444...