typedef union {
  WORD_DESC *word;		/* the word that we read. */
  int number;			/* the number that we read. */
  WORD_LIST *word_list;
  COMMAND *command;
  REDIRECT *redirect;
  ELEMENT element;
  PATTERN_LIST *pattern;
#define	IF	257
#define	THEN	258
#define	ELSE	259
#define	ELIF	260
#define	FI	261
#define	CASE	262
#define	ESAC	263
#define	FOR	264
#define	SELECT	265
#define	WHILE	266
#define	UNTIL	267
#define	DO	268
#define	DONE	269
#define	FUNCTION	270
#define	COND_START	271
#define	COND_END	272
#define	COND_ERROR	273
#define	IN	274
#define	BANG	275
#define	TIME	276
#define	TIMEOPT	277
#define	WORD	278
#define	NUMBER	280
#define	ARITH_CMD	281
#define	ARITH_FOR_EXPRS	282
#define	COND_CMD	283
#define	AND_AND	284
#define	OR_OR	285
#define	LESS_LESS	287
#define	LESS_AND	288
#define	LESS_LESS_LESS	289
#define	GREATER_AND	290
#define	SEMI_SEMI	291
#define	LESS_LESS_MINUS	292
#define	AND_GREATER	293
#define	LESS_GREATER	294
#define	GREATER_BAR	295
#define	yacc_EOF	296

extern YYSTYPE yylval;