Source: vyatta-biosdevname Section: contrib/net Priority: extra Maintainer: VyOS Package Maintainers Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), autotools-dev, libpci-dev Standards-Version: 3.7.2 Package: vyatta-biosdevname Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, libpci3, zlib1g, ${misc:Depends} Pre-Depends: Suggests: Replaces: Description: VyOS version of the biosdevname utility. Provides biosdevname which takes a kernel device name as an argument, and returns the BIOS-given name it "should" be. This is necessary on systems where the BIOS name for a given device (e.g. the label on the chassis is "Gb1") doesn't map directly and obviously to the kernel name (e.g. eth0).